A Fascinating Study on How Sites Are REALLY Getting Traffic (with Jim Harmer)

Part 2 of last week’s video, this one pulls out some VERY interesting things from what real bloggers are using to get traffic to their sites, including Google, Pinterest, YouTube and others.

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. You were awesomely insane in this video, happy!!! Thank you Jim Harmer for being entertaining, and Ricky Kesler (who was hiding in the background shouting out the numbers), you guys are truly are an insider for the genres you teach about, you're the master for bringing in more traffic with vlogging and blogging!!! In this video I learned a lot about camera lenses and pink dry erase pens and more! But most importantly I learned that info products and memberships do best on YouTube, ads do best on blogs, lead generation and affiliate does equally well on vlogs and blogs, but eCommerce where you have to send the visitor to a website in the end anyways doesn't do as well on vlogs as it does on blogs. That creates so many questions in my mind concerning what do you consider an affiliate product. You mentioned a camping vlog/blog trying to sell tents. I'll dive deeper into this if I can, I learn so much from you guys. Keep it coming!!! If I enroll in your school I'm sure I will get all the answers I'm seeking and a billion times more!!! You'll see me in class soon! Thanks a million (literally)!!! -CEO Ben Arnold (ChatFellow)

  2. Also.. biggest problem to all of us is the outreach to subscribers. What’s the best way to reach them? My losses in outreach to existing subscribers are 80%. It’s massive.

  3. Your sales conversion calculation is wrong. You might get 2% Subscribers in your email list. From those 2% conversation rate of your email list you might be able to reach max. 50% considering a high open rate and an even lower click rate. From the let’s say 30% click rate you’ll get a 2% sales rate. If you are good. Now, run the numbers again how much you‘ve sold. Cheers 🍻

  4. My website is ranking no 1 for a very competitive keyword on bing but not ranking for that keyword on google at all since it is very highly competitive. What do you think should I do? My site is 3 month 7 days old.

  5. Great video! For some info products, a full-on YT channel might not be feasible. In that case, wouldn't it be better just to find YT influencers to push your product? Or, are you estimating these numbers based on the idea that they own the brand?

  6. Awesome information! However, the flaw I noticed is that 4k from the 100k subscribers is off. That is assuming that every subscriber watches your new video, which never happens. I wish it did! lol, the percentage is way less, depending on your channel. Of course, there are plenty of new people who aren't subscribers that will watch the videos too and never subscribe 🙂 But yes your main point of people watching youtube videos being more opt to buy is spot on. I think a more appropriate statistic would be something like out of the total views, how many people buy, as opposed to subscribers. Just my two cents, haha.

  7. I don't have time to blog. I'm currently posting in facebook, instagram, and linkedin. That is sooooo time consuming! I would LOVE to promote my mlm health business worldwide. Is there a way to promote in other countries in my YouTube Channel even though I just started???? Please help!

  8. Really great information, confirming my decision to double down on revamping my yt channel and publish 3 blog posts + 2 yt vids per week. I like your pie charts and how you looked at Ricky when you had to do the math 🙂

  9. Pinterest is killing it for me. And after the May update cut my Google traffic in half, I've started to focus on creating content that I think will do well on pinterest.

    If you're in a niche that is popular on pinterest, don't ignore it, they send me thousands of visitors every day and the ad RPM from those visitors is good.

  10. Guys, just couple years ago you were streaming on youtube helping people with their websites and you even flew to UK to help Carl with his website. Another time were taking 100 phone calls , trying to help people. Where is all that value and help that you had before? People still wants you to help them with their websites…

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