These Blogging Mistakes Cost Me OVER $300,000.00

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Okay guys (and gals), I hate to admit it but we’ve made some huge blogging mistakes over the years. And since I’d hate for you to get caught in any of these blogging traps, Nathan and I decided to share this video with you to warn you. My hope is that with a little foreknowledge, you can avoid making the same mistakes we did!

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#blogging #contentmarketing #contentcreator #bloggingmistakes

0:00 – Stopping Content Creation Too Soon
0:26 – Overproduction of Content
1:13 – Not Planning for Topical Authority
2:54 – Selling ALL of Our Blogs
4:15 – Not Focusing on EEAT and Monetization Early
7:00 – Getting Down When You Fall Behind
8:24 – Not Diving into AI Earlier

Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


What do you think?


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  1. Thanks Team Income School ❤ 2023 was the year of full ups and downs. Fortunatly i keep going on and changed my SEO strategies. Jan 2024 was highest where I made $700 from my blog.

    In learning sense, 100% credit goes to this channel. Once P24 launch there special pricing for Indians, i am going to buy it immediately.

  2. I think you misunderstood my previous comment. Now, a site that talks about technology and, for example, artificial intelligence, software, and technology news, will develop faster, or a site that is only about artificial intelligence?

  3. I love your insights! And that you share them with us.
    Do you also reccomend topical authority (only 1 main cluster) for a webagency? I find it difficult to have only one main cluster since we teach online in different areas within online marketing here in Denmark.

  4. the biggest mistake i've made is to blog at all. and i don't think that i half assed my job, i got the course followed its instructions to the t, gave it 9 months of my undivided attention with no results at all, just me thinking that it was part of the journey and i will get some results. but nothing happened, 200 posts created, ( 83 pillar, 67 normal, 50 response) . i'm not blaming this channel, i'm blaming myself to be so naive.

  5. This reminds me of my last Karate fight. I wasn't familiar with the new definition of the rules, so most of my strikes didn't count. I got two warnings for excessive contact, and finally lost with a 3:2 score by a punch to the face from my opponent.
    My blogging has been similar this past year. But, I still made more $$$ than last year.

  6. Geez. I feel tired listening to everything you guys need to do to catch up and get to where you wanna be. I think you had far too much on your plate. I hope you now have clarity on what you need to do to turn things around. Good luck in 2024. I’m sure you’ll get back on top.

  7. My biggest mistake so far has been writing content without a roadmap – both for the topic in general and for my individual posts. While I think I’ve still come up with good articles it takes me FOREVER to get anything published…which ends up tanking my motivation to write at all. Now, I’m slowly but surely starting to create outlines before jumping into a topic. (Thanks to P24 for the nudge there!)

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