Most SEOs Completely Missed This Opportunity in 2020

Some people aren’t going to like this video… but we break down some recent studies about clickrates and give our take on how many SEO experts and site builders are missing one of the most important trends in internet search, and what you can do about it.

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. Now that I've fixed why Google was blocking my old blog, I'm going after the snippet. I'd be happy for her the boost that either study has because in my niche the same stale articles are ranking. Wish me luck.

  2. Guys, I found your channel a couple of days ago and I've been soaking up the content like a sponge, you make everything sound and look so interesting but more that anything- your videos the most useful I have ever seen on this topic! Three days after I started following your channel, I understood how much time I wasted watching numerous SEO and blogging gurus that actually teach NO-thing!
    Thank you for being so real and thank you for willing to share and teach, this channel is a real jewel! I love you!

  3. My gut tells me that Google is being very discreet, but slowly but surely will be moving to an AI generated content system of some sort in the next 5 – 10 years. Not for all content, but for a decent chunk of it. Perhaps they are conditioning everyone with the snippets so people get use to the idea of not having to leave Google's site? Overall, it has become clear to me how important it is to try to pick a topic in which you either are an expert in, or have the goal to become one in… as time goes on the barrier to entry will be lower and lower which means experts that are good with whatever it is they enjoy doing, will be able to have a perfect website with very little tech know-how…. and an expert in a field will be able to smoke the competition that has been relying on various SEO tactics. Snippets may come and go, but in the end, the top expert in the field will win. And that is your deep thought of the day… by Jack Handy 😉

  4. Is it possible if you knew a company that had no affiliate set up and wanted only you to promote them to set it up that way? What confuses me is how you would differentiate who made sales… you or the company and if that could damage your income..

  5. Hey can you do a video on if posting "Related Questions" at the end of a post is still necessary?

    And, in the words of DJ Khaled, as it relates to this awesome video: "And Another One!"

  6. All I wanted now was to join Project 24, but I'm unemployed it has been more than 6 months, and paying the rent with borrowed money. If there is any deal you can offer me, please let me know. I'm a huge fan of you guys and a growth hacking enthusiast that is fighting to become a kick-ass SEO Specialist. My email: (I'm part of your newsletter thing heheh)

  7. I think Google purposely makes the location of the snippet article vague. The link to the article is always Below the snippet in a place that doesn’t make sense. For the longest time I just automatically clicked on the next one down because it’s clear which content is on that link.

  8. Great insights thank you. FEEDBACK: Your audio was bouncing back from loud to low and there was some distracting music in the background. Great info. Keep it coming…keep it simple. 😉

  9. My blog is a little bit different approach then the type of blogs you guys are speaking to which are driven by ads. My goal is to build more of an authoritative site that makes money via courses, ebooks etc. my niche is on the marriage of personal development, intentionality and productivity it’s called im curious if the advice you give in these videos also applies to my blog as well? Would love some feedback and thoughts.

  10. One of the first videos of yours that I watched was when you guys went out on your dirt bikes and ricky had to write an article. He mentioned writing the first few sentences in bold describing the product or post. So I tried it and put it in my template. I constantly get the snippet. In the last weak I had 78k impressions and a CTR of 4% (i think that's decent) would it be higher without the snippets? who knows. Do I care? not really because showing up as the snippet builds credibility later on and when they constantly see you popping up as a snippet, they start to trust you. 
    I look forward to Mondays to watch your guys stuff. I started watching your stuff in sept last year where my site was at 1800 page views per month. This month i'm around 28,000. This stuff works guys LISTEN TO JIM AND RICKY. If I can ever turn my 28k pageviews/month to more than $100 i'll be enrolling in p24 to 10x my site!!! I appreciate you all ❤️

  11. New subscriber here. I am not enrolled in your school. But I have taken a lot of your advice and filled in the blanks on my own. Published my own website and I'm on page 2 of Google search. Thanks guys!

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