6 Skills You Need to Fast Track Your Content Success

As bloggers, and really content creators in general, one of the best uses of our time (when we’re not creating new content) is getting better at creating content.

Getting our content seen by the people we write for is the key to success. And the good news is that the skills you need to get seen are mostly the same skills you need to create really useful content for your audience. So in this video, learn about 6 of these skills that will help you take your blogging and content creating skills to the next level.

Optimizing Answer Targets to Win Snippets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ6hTmB3VO0

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When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here: https://incomeschool.com/project24/?ref=45

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado. https://incomeschool.com/acabado

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. Rickey you gave a remarked in my article that I need to put an actual image of the blade.

    I wanted to ask that I am a student and I can't afford these power tools right now plus I don't have any local market where I can find and picture these tools so what should I do in this case? Do I need to pay someone to make the pictures for me someone like professional woodworkers?

  2. Yes this is why it’s important to niche down and select a specific industry so that you get very familiar with it. As a digital marketer I’ve worked with companies from pest control to beauty services and it’s a very different mindset to get into when someone is looking to get beautiful skin vs someone who has a raccoon in their attic 🤦🏻‍♀️Hahaha! I did great copy for both but I felt all over the place learning all these industries. Don’t recommend it 😬

  3. GREAT video. There's sooooo much info everyone should watch it at least twice and take notes. I joined P24 6 months ago. Took me a year to bite the bullet and cough up the $. Not disappointed. Amazing community, excellent tutorials. If anyone is considering the investment just do it. Just having skin in the game will motivate you. Worst case: You don't complete the course and eat ice cream and watch Netflix instead. Or do the opposite of what they say is effective. It's still okay. You can wake up from your sugar coma in 6 months and still have all the amazing support and knowledge and maybe try again. There's a secret podcast you can only hear by being a member. Jim & Ricky are sincere and never, ever stand in front of Lamborghinis. P.S. – I am not a friend or family member, never met them, don't live in Idaho (hardcore New Yorker) I will follow up with another comment when I quit my job:) Joan

  4. I'm coming in at the 12 minute Mark where you're talkin about dictating your article ideas get the phone. I actually do this method. I dictate direct me to my notes application and also add some to Google Docs (I like this method because I can work on my Google Docs notes from my laptop or my phone ).I just need to find some alignment with all these ideas and massaging them into something that is actively search for.👌

  5. I have SOOOO many blog topics ready, but I feel like I definitely need to level up. I struggle with breaking out of the desire to blog what I want instead of what people are searching for. It's really hard for me.

  6. what if we have signed up for the challenge, but our blog is not online yet (technical issues). Can we email our 1st blog post? Or get it to you some other way?

  7. "I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite." -G.K.Chesterton "All progress takes place outside the comfort zone." -Michael John Bobak

  8. This is an amazing video… But what some of us are really struggling with is how to research and create unique content on my site… . Please you should one day create that to save some of who are really struggling with content creation. THANK!

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