PULL vs PUSH // Energy of Entrepreneurs | Aspire 196

As a entrepreneur you have two types of energy; push and pull. One is powerful and will give you even more energy than when you started. The other is weaker, but needed to get you through the hard days of building your business. You need both to prevail as a entrepreneur.

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PULL vs PUSH // Energy of Entrepreneurs | Aspire 196

Want to feel more energy throughout your work day? Learn how to work at your optimum productivity level.

In this vlog, I’m going to share with you the two types of energy so you can know how to maximize your energy as an entrepreneur.

Who among us hasn’t experienced spells of tiredness or lack of energy, often at the worst possible times, when we just want to get things done?

While dealing with fatigue caused by a chronic condition may be more difficult, forming some good lifestyle habits can help you to maximize your energy levels on a day-to-day basis.

Starting your own business is a great goal to pursue. However, if you’re currently working a full-time job, you might find that keeping your energy levels high enough to work on your business is a chore. When your energy levels dip, your work starts to suffer, both for your current job and for your business.

Become aware of your natural energy cycle and use this information to your advantage. Schedule your most challenging tasks for the times during the day when your energy levels are high. For most, this is first thing in the morning. Use the periods when your energy level is lower to accomplish busy work such as filing, scheduling or returning phone calls.

With thoughtful planning, you can design your day in a way that will maximize your time and energy to deliver meaningful results

Goals that are set and put away in some drawer to collect dust and forgotten are often never achieved. You need to stay connected with your goals, and review them often, especially if you want to get more things done

So, if you want to run a successful online business, make sure to….

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By the end of this entrepreneur energy video we hope you are able to know how to properly set and achieve your goals.

Stay positive and keep trying different things until you find what works to achieve the goals you’ve set. Make sure you are constantly checking your progress and improving it so you can crush it this year.

Managing your energy is important for optimum productivity. I hope you learned how to maximize your entrepreneur energy level.

As always if you have thoughts or questions about entrepreneur energy to move your online business forward, feel free to share in the comment section below.

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If that definition resonates with you, then you’re in the right place. On this channel I’m documenting the entire process of what it takes to build a digital business from scratch sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly of entrepreneurship.

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  1. Hey Jason, in other videos you mention that you do creative work in the first 4-5 hours and then you do Admin. work for the rest of the day. How you manage that with the Pull and Push method when Creating content is your Pull and Admin is your Push, but you must do Push First?

  2. So I am going to chime in for 8:54 – We only had two great Google reps in our career. Trust me, there is a lot of good ones out there but most are sales people with little to no experience in your business or advertising. They are there to test their automation goals and increase your budget. It's the fox guarding the hen-house situation.

    Get that push done and start getting pulled into what you love!

  3. push – feeling like "the grind".. this is also where character is built and your desire is tested…"how badly do I want this?" Do push energy stuff during your "peak" productivity period.

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