Unlock Success Podcast | Your Network is NOT Your Net Worth (UNLESS YOU DO THIS)

One of my favorite quotes is, “Your Network is Your Net Worth.”

But so many people that are just getting started feel that that means they need to surround themselves with like-minded people…

Listen, that’s only PART of the story.

You not only need people who are like you, and positively pushing you towards your goals, but you need people (or even just a person) that’s been where you are, that’s where you want to be, and can help guide you in the right direction.

That’s why I always tell my students the importance of finding the right mentor in their business.

Here are 5 Reasons Every Entrepreneur NEEDS a Mentor


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  1. beware of this man he stole $ 16000 from me along with forex-bullishe his fake name was Clark Brown on LinkedIn i have pictures there and many evidence of this man must be stopped before any more victims i can leave all the evidence see how he takes people's money under the fake name Clark Brown

  2. I truly enjoy all you have out here for the marketing world. I watch all your videos and now podcasts. Thank you, Anthony. I definitely need you in my life. Working on the money resource

  3. Anthony, I Definitely need a mentor.I get confused easily when trying to put all the pieces together.A mentor would help me Understand, .Through your excellent teaching, I have learned What to do, but I need someone to show me HOW to build the foundation, so I can get my business started.

  4. YES Anthony , I cant agree with you more , there's no substitute for experience , that is , you gain knowledge from experience , head knowledge is not enough . I'm a student of yours and I'm gobbling up " your experience " presented on your training video's . I hit 70 this year and I feel like I really have so much more to learn , I fact I'm learning a new skill nearly every day . My " worth " as a person ( my ability to encompass good things in every facet of my life and pass it onto others )is developing yet I kinda fell I haven't really started yet even at 70 years old , to actually be the person God designed me to be , in my retail business , my 2 year old marriage and my online business . I'm focusing on the good things that are coming and developing

  5. I absolutely agree with Anthony. I am Anthony's student for a year and the value given by him far exceeds the amount I have paid. Apart from marketing, he teaches about business thinking and strategies and always emphasise with the fact that the reason why we started is to have more time with our family. Having a mentor provides you SHORT CUT and reduce all obstacles that you can avoid to keep you motivated during the start which is the MOST CHALLENGING. A mentor keeps you in check and makes you obligated to your goals! Thank you Anthony! Cheers, AIDEN JO

  6. Anthony you are my mentor in this business. Every Thursday night you open new doors and opportunities. For younger folk you are like a father trying to guide them (us) to have integrality and best practices. Everybody does need a mentor for the five reasons you state and accountability. I have mentored many people over the years and I have had many mentors as well. They all contributed to what I have achieved and who I am. I have noticed that you have really improved in your online mentoring since your father died. My dad died when I was seven and for years I looked for a father figure. I did not know it then but what I needed and wanted was a mentor. You are much younger than I am but you have expertise that not many people have. You also have developed a heart that makes your words ring true. Thanks for all you do and stand for.

  7. Thank you Anthony for your words of encouragement and I'm having trouble navigating to the courses. I want to train and having trouble. I don't know if it's because I don't have a computer and on my phone or what??? But definitely want a mentor.

  8. Another epic session from #AnthonyMorrison. Open yourself up and don't be afraid to find a mentor, someone who has been where you are right now and who is already where you want, to be to guide you. Remember they can get you to your goal 🎯 faster as they have the experience to move you forward and they are your secret weapon 🏹⚔. Rise up and be successful with the right mentor by your side. I partner with Anthony and he is my mentor guiding me everyday to be the best I am on both the business side and the mindset side of my life. A big thank-you 😁 Join us at #PartnerWithAnthony. #NeverGiveUp https://mcrmgo.com/go/pwaambassador/33155

  9. Absolutely! I do need more help and need help, Im having so many problems on trying to organize what to do 1st, 2nd , 3rd! Where to get ADS 1st, 2nd,3rd, than do I start with this business funnel or that business funnel….my head just wants to spin! That Now Im just on system overload because I listen to all your great business Ideas and Im like this is great and than I I lose focus on what I was originally suppose to do….grrrr! HELPPPPP!!! Michellesteva@yahoo.com or Michellesteva2@gmail.com, 702-929-4040……Michelle Steva-Harley. #nevergiveup #winyoutubebusiness #PWASTUDENT #successconnection

  10. I have been following Anthony for years and quickly joined the PWA program.
    Anthony is a great mentor because he covers every aspect of the person, business, mindset, lifetstyle balance, plus much more!!!

  11. YeAh tell me about it I came across decent people I mean I thought they could potential be really good mentors for me but then after listening to anthony I began to feel like the last guy I was listening to either didn’t know as much and or just wasn’t that great mentoring and won’t break it down like anthony does …. who knows i mean people act like gurus and like their making all these sales and could point you the right way then come to find out their more like brain washing you into buying in to their products n programs that won’t break it down good or well enough kinda makes you think maybe these people do make money but don’t know all that much themselves or they didn’t really set things up or figure them out in their own you could tell anthony has figured things out from his own experience and doesn’t need anyone to tell him or help him explain how to do things and set them up … some of these gurus have all kinds of assistants n people to do what they should be doing and that’s mentoring and helping but seems like their not really about teaching and mentoring just growing a business and kinda leaving you to rely on other things and people and reading and trying to figure out

  12. Thanks Anthony!! To be honestly with you in my point. I am really excited to become one of your poor student for about a couple of years already. But I am never moving forward. Only one thing is that I don't have the money to buy the courses from you, and your brother, and the Click Funnel from Russell. Really, Really need your help.
    Do to the Coronavirus I lost my Interpreting job I cannot lifting my head up. I am pretty much empty now, but please show me what can I do now.
    Thanks for your time

  13. Thank you, Anthony! yes, let's talk about goals. We set goals, and then what? If they don't happen, what do we do? Well, if you set your goals for a specific date, move the date. It's OK. So, you didn't meet your goals by a certain date. It doesn't mean anything. So what. It's OK. Your goals can be a moving target. It is good to surround yourself with like minded people. Yes, if they have been through what you have/ are going through, then they can relate, they can help you, or suggest what they are doing. It is always good to eat better, workout, And have an accountability partner. I am/ was so structured, that I would leave my work at the same time 3-4 days/ week and workout. Yes, when I was working out, I was gaining muscle, so yes, I was gaining weight! We all need a mentor, a coach, to learn from and follow. Yes, we don't know, what we don't know. It is difficult to change, transform, or improve anything to grow if we are not aware. Yep, how do we do it. If we have been doing something for a long time, we don't know what else to do, what to try, or research. Remember, Google/ YouTube are our friend. Yes, we can learn from our coaches, our mentors to help us in overcoming problems, finding solutions, overcoming obstacles. A mentor or coach has been through it. So, they can share their mistakes, obstacles, to help us overcome them from their experience, not on our own. Yes, create habits, use your time/ resources wisely and $ will be attracted to you. Learn from others who have what you want; relationships, health, wealth, happiness, success! Sounds like Anthony is setting himself above the crowd, above others! Very awesome! Yep, many people struggle with their diet/ what they eat, when they eat. Everyone needs a mentor, a coach. The best athletes and entertainers have mentors, coaches. Yes, awareness that you need help, help is available, always there. Before you make a decision that can dramatically effect yourself and other;… Please ask for and seek help. People are always available to help others.

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