Unlock Success Podcast | 3 Steps to a Better Life [WARNING: NOT EASY]


Want a better life? It’s not just about money but the WAY you acquire it. It’s not about relationships but the TYPE of relationships you have.

So many people think they have the “secret” but they’re only listening to people that either:
A) haven’t achieved the success they’re looking for
B) have achieved success but their lives are MISERABLE
C) are only trying to teach you once way of looking at things so they can SELL you something

Well, I won’t pretend I’ve achieved all of the success I’m looking for… but I can tell you from someone who’s been at both the top AND bottom of his finances, relationships, and business, what you need to focus on and what is just fluff.

Listen up because this may be the most important video I ever recorded. Leave a comment if you agree or disagree with what I shared.

Also, I’d love to hear what you’d like me to talk about next.


Where to find me:

🗣️ Follow Me on IG – https://www.instagram.com/anthonymorr
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What do you think?


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  1. Awesome! Morrison, positive – energy The positivity behind sustaind success, you make everything easier and we are able to follow you .l just want to thankyou for been the person that you are.

  2. Thanks Anthony! This is so true! I will increase my Meditation time to increase My Focus! I'm going to start doing the night before, because when I write it the morning I do half or less, so to do 80% Win is what I am going after!

  3. I check my emails once a day before bed then plan out next day to do list..for the next day….problem…I miss things during the daytime. But I just cant find the time to check it constantly…

  4. in my retail business I have to check my email often , I could miss a sale otherwise , of course CONSTANT phones calls come in also however many of your principles I follow already …. but Ive made notes today also … thanks Anthony

  5. Most of us have people in our lives that don’t believe that we will accomplish our goals, myself included. I no longer listen to what they say, I am the only one who controls my future.

  6. 🌈THANKS!!



  7. Anthony you over delivered on this one – pheweee…. where do I start??!!?!?!
    • Stop listening to other people who are trying to bring you down

    • Most important you can do is eliminate the negative people from your life 👍🙌
    • Focus on specialised knowledge and self-education. As Napoleon Hill said in 1937 "Generalised knowledge will never give you the depth, the income or the results that specialised knowledge will give you".
    • Get specific about what you want, taking notes, writing goals 🎯 and journaling. When you physically write down your goals and a plan on how to achieve it that is a commitment and helps you to achieve.

    • Live your life by your notepad – have an agenda and a purpose.
    • The hardest thing for an entrepreneur to manage is their time – adjust the way you manage your time ⏳
    • High level entrepreneurs stick to the list
    #NeverGiveUp #PartnerWithAnthony #UnlockSuccessPodcast #AnthonyMorrison

  8. Eliminate negativity. Acquire/use specialized knowledge. Manage your time, perhaps via a handwritten daily list of goals. Surround yourself with this and give yourself the best possibility for a better life. Thank you.

  9. Thanks Anthony! every things that you talk in this podcast it's all true. I trust you and every thing I learn from you its to cheer me up! So I am really appreciate it. from now on you will see more often online with you, because I need help from you. Thanks

  10. Anthony with these three steps to a better life has allowed me to realize my own personal mistakes. Investing time over and over on things that I must do and not on things that I want to do that can benefit me down the road. I will be using each strategy for my own purpose.

  11. Brilliant! I was lucky to have parents who were encouragers. But then again, they were immigrants in the 1950's in Australia. Really tough. Immigrants have huge desire to do well. I am encouraging my African friends to join Success Connection as they have burning desire to be successful and we are hoping that the politics will change there and will make it easier for those brilliant people to achieve some level of success. Some from Africa and Italy have signed up with you and I want then to keep their burning desire when they leave Africa.

  12. I am definitely! Going to have to re-watch this a FEW more times! I love ❤️ the Napoleon Hill reference of specialized knowledge = wealth VS. Generalized Knowledge. It also was VERY valuable to hear your approach to time management – I have been following a similar strategy – and the approach to scripting YOUR day helps with productivity & staying on target 🎯 to hit goals! Thank you – Great Podcast!!

  13. Three steps to a better life! number one is having good health, stay away from people who do not value your capabilities, I met many of them in the past; still, they try to come around today, but now I know how to handle them. Invest in your specialized skills, totally agree with it! Find a Mastermind who's doing it, to teach you! Thanks, Anthony!

  14. yes that is true
    I lived many years and with ALL you said i can relate to this, I felt given another chance, I would change it and now KNOW I would have been super success .And the people telling me thing's and path would be clearer. yup

  15. Step 2 is huge! I have spent a lot of time in higher education systems to each a desired outcomes in employment. Only specialized knowledge produces better results. Thank you Anthony! 💥

  16. I hear what you said about your brother , and I myself am learning how I can control my impulsive ,multitasking. is hard since most my jobs were doing and working on more and thing is when i was younger. thnx was good one

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