Go Full-Time With A Small Blog: 5 Monetization Hacks

Believe it or not, a small blog can make you a full time income. So you’ve got your ads and your affiliate income, and you’re waiting for traffic to get high enough that your blog can make some real money, right? Turns out, there are ways to grow that bottom line FASTER. And in this video, Jim and Ricky will explain how you can make that happen.

When you’re ready to start your niche website to earn passive income, check out Project 24, our complete course showing you how to work toward replacing your current income with passive income from websites in 24 months. Check it out here: https://incomeschool.com/register/project-24-registration/?ref=45

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Also, check out Jim’s book, Work Energy. It’s about taking on your goals, and how he grew his first blog into a multi-million dollar company. https://www.amazon.com/Work-Energy-Finish-Everything-Fearlessly/dp/0578599988/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia?crid=27QB6NE77OVQM&cv_ct_cx=work+energy&keywords=work+energy&pd_rd_i=0578599988&pd_rd_r=656b5544-0078-4364-92d7-7ce0ae46b45c&pd_rd_w=nCgBd&pd_rd_wg=JVp6q&pf_rd_p=1cb3f32a-ccfd-479b-8a13-b22f56c942c6&pf_rd_r=DJYTP3436TT6DJ7KPV1S&psc=1&qid=1578660547&sprefix=work+en%2Caps%2C203

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. What is the difference between lead gen and demand gen? Or is it like the difference between color and colour? Is demand gen a new thing or just what they call it in Europe?

  2. I like your videos and most of your information is ok, but a lot of this just doesn't apply to small time guys. It's the same with Neil Patel, the info is just irrelevant to little guys who are struggling. He'll tell you an "easy way to get traffic" then you find out all you have to do is get links from Forbes Magazine or an interview with a news channel. Frustrating. But hey, you have ads on your videos. Keep churning them out.

  3. I have a blog that's been up for 2.5 years now and is finally getting around 30k views a month. The blog is focused on black culture and history. The problem is that affiliate links have not performed well and ads only bring in few dollars a day. Should I just keep posting content in hopes of driving traffic to 100k mark? Not sure how else to monetize.

  4. I coach salespeople in their communication approaches, reading body language, writing better emails, and accentuating their strengths and work on their weaknesses. What holds me back from building a blog is the fact that there is so much competition in the space… Thoughts? Is it as oversaturated as I think based on research?

  5. Do you think that when starting your blog you should use your name or part of it and/or personalize it somehow rather than making it a generic “Best Skincare” or something like that? I know when I’m searching for a review I tend to believe people who are reviewing products on their own website rather than a generic website where it seems like they’re just trying to sell me something. Do you have thoughts on that? Thank you.

  6. Does anyone know if having an opt in form on my blog post will negatively affect SEO? Another option would be link to a separate page with the opt in form and "no index" that page. Can't seem to find a definitive answer on that.

  7. Kind of off topic but I have the Acabado theme and love it and wondering if anyone could tell me why my featured image for my post shows perfect yet in the blogroll the image is cut off and not showing the full thumbnail. I used ShortPixel as recommended too. Any help would be great. Thanks again for the great training Jim and Rickey.

  8. Off-topic question. I have noticed Reddit and other forums are ranking higher for a lot of searches since January 2020 update. I would be interested in your take on this and how it may affect bloggers.

  9. I like the “outreach” tip…. it made me think of brilliant Ed Sheeran collaborating with a hundred other musicians and thus exposing all those other audiences from music genres outside his audience to him as a musician.

  10. Wait wait wait, I thought you taught us to send people through that funnel from super helpful posts to the product page with affiliate links, but now are you saying that it is probably more effective to try to get people to click links straight to your affiliates at the end of your post instead of just writing super useful content with very few affiliate links but linking them to your product page. Is this a new direction or am I mixing direction up here?

  11. I wonder if writing about my personal growth / creative process / healing process counts as a niche blog? Is it possible to earn from topics like that? I'm from the Philippines and I am a lettering artist btw

  12. Which ad network do i use for a dating type website???

    Google Adsense does not accept anything with dating content. I got rejected because I had some arousing type pics of beautiful girls

  13. First you should definitely tell what to do to be approved by "Adsense" they will find 100 reasons to reject your webesite. First issue I had with them was I used to get error "Nonsensical Content" .. after sometime I made changes and they found the next reason to not approve the site – "A page created using a template" .. I think you are saying it's too easy and everybody should be approved according to you, but it's not true. Now I don't want to use Adsense but cannot apply for another Ad networks because of them..

  14. I know you say longer posts do better, but what about a medical blog for patient education where I don’t want to get to technical and I want the information easy to understand?

  15. Sir can you make a video on how to get ideas for blog posts? And what to do if there already big sites covering every keyword that's coming in your head

  16. Hy Guys. I have a question that i cant seem to find the answer to and have looked at for months now and no answer.. If i make a page concerning a question that someone types into google search,should the page title be the question they type or the answer to the question they type?

  17. Is anyone else facing this problem in acabado where the excerpt below the title (on homepage) shows headings instead of the first few lines of the post??

  18. I absolutely love your videos… I've been following you for a while. Your content is FAB! For this video (and I know it's picky) the ship lack is lopsided and it gave me a headache to watch. Not trying to be sassy… I'm being honest -it's the first of your videos that is visually challenging. This aside, again epic content 🙂

  19. This is not related but on January 21 I will have my book of Jim all the way from USA to Costa Rica. Also thank you for this video Rick and Jim. You are awesome 😇

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