The Surprising Results from Our 2020 Study on Blog Post Length

We gathered a LOT of data on how different length blog posts perform on actual live websites from our community. The data included word count, pageviews, time to create the content, and more. In this video we share the fascinating results we saw, and why this will affect your own website going forward.

0:00 The Study
0:35 First Results
2:15 The Last Hour Principle
3:33 Why Not Just Write Pillar Posts?
5:23 Time Factors
7:00 Why You Need The Content Mix

A few (not all) of the Project 24 member sites who shared data for this study:

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. It's not about what type of post. It's about time (and/or money) invested compared to the traffic. Can I write 3 or 5 response posts in the same time it takes to write a pillar post? Now you can compare…. And, as I got to the middle of that sentence, you say it in the video. 👍🏻

  2. THat is nice. I have a problem of writning posts that are too long. Now I am wondering if that is a problem. I will see if this chanel has a video explaining what different kinds of blog posts are. Pillar posts sound nice, but I don't know what they are.

  3. The danger of Pillar posts is that just for the sake of adding more words the article can quickly turn into lots of fluff.

    The danger of Response posts is that there's less room on the page to put monetization options.

  4. I’ve just started writing blog posts on my education and L&D site, starting with a staple post. Is there any data on the learning and education niche that explains blog post style and length?

  5. So I'm making a website that markets to a dense community of small local businesses in an isolated, small, very specific region. During the summertime, tourism is so bad that you can't watch YouTube or really – even effectively browse the internet – in the downtown area on cellular, and wifi can be spotty and slow. Aside from the challenge of slow internet speeds, it can also be tough to reach the right audience, because I'm working within about a 45 mile radius. I've never actually had to market to a region this small before, let alone one that suffers virtual internet death during its peak marketing season. I plan to make my website lightweight and speedy, I have some great, highly localized content planned, and I'll be trying to attract less attention from visitors who aren't in my target audience, as SEO is not competitive in the area anyways, so it won't be hard to rank well. Does anyone here have any more suggestions for me as to how I could succeed with this…unique set of circumstances? I'm brainstorming right now, but this kind of local SEO is pretty new to me. Any tips/advice would be appreciated!

  6. Hi , I am regular viewer of your channels videos , I started my blog exactly 2 month 28 days back, How much time I still need to get 1000 page views / month, now I am getting 200 page views / month. Can you please suggest the answer

  7. Is there a technique to write a response post faster? I've been writing response post and it took me about 4 hours to finish one and it's not even 1.3k word. After writing and researching for 4 hours I can write about 1k words.

  8. Hey all! I’m wondering…how should I attack the content mix? Should I do 1 response first, then 1 staple, and then 1 pillar??? 10, 10, and 10? 5, 5, 5??? Or if I’m being an over achiever, should I do 50, 50, 50??? 25, 25, 25???

  9. This video is straight fire! Thanks! I was worried you were going to say pillar posts because I find it really hard to write 3500+ word posts. My attention drains and I find myself putting in filler. 1500 word posts are my bread and butter. And the odd 2500 word.

  10. Awesome video guys! I have had my food blog for 6.5 months now. I was just accepted into Mediavine a week ago, and am already making 30 to 40 dollars a day with my website! My posts average between 500 and 1000 words. I have a few that go over that, but not many. I have even won the 1st spot on google for a few of them! 50% of my traffic comes from Social (YouTube and Pinterest) 30% is organic traffic, 15% is direct and the rest are various sources. YouTube is huge for boosting traffic! I have been blessed for sure. Thanks again guys for all your helpful videos!

  11. I don't understand it, my pillar posts get hardly any traffic.. I have noticed the only difference between them and my other posts which are shorter and pull 95% of the traffic is that my pillars posts are linked to from 2-3 different categories.. Could that be it?

  12. Hey guys this is all great info, but what would like to know is more detail about how you go about creating your content, perhaps you might consider doing a video about that process in some detail. Please?

  13. Please do a video on font size. Different "experts" recommend different font sizes. I am using Newsmag theme for my first big blog that I am hoping to monetize. So, yeah. Let us now about font size and style and all that. Great, what is a pillar post? You speak about it in your video and don't show us what a pillar post looks like.

  14. Ok so it´s me again 😉 I appreciated this vid a lot. But you guys are like really the only ones out there besides Miles Beckler who speak the truth to us. And I TRULY believe you should do a vid on something that would help us even more. Tell us why to invest in wordpress over WIX, squarespace, and the other sites in terms of SEO. I´d 100% consider switching over to WordPress and maybe even YOUR theme if I truly understand the benefits, (seo, speed, ease of use for people who don´t code, ecommerce, security, etc.) See I put up a new site on squarespace. It looks great. I´ve got a youtube channel, blog and I´ll do a pinterest soon. If It´s going to help me to rank I´ll switch now but for someone like me (non-technical) I want to know that if i switch over I´ll be able to navigate easily and efficiently because Squarespace isn´t as intuitive as they made me believe. So por favor, make me believe that wordpress is worth it. Mind you, I´ve had wordpress before when I had a person running another site for me and I was #1 in Europe for tennis. Now I´m sluggin´along with squarespace over a bad decision but afraid to pull the plug. Tell us the truth about these website platforms…straight up! And as always. You guys are terrific and it we appreciate you!

  15. Amazon has done it again! Commission rates cut in half… from 21st April.

    Does anyone have recommendations for an affiliate program that doesn't screw you over?

  16. Wanted to ask what a "response post" is but it sounds like something I could just search on Google. Came back here because I couldn't find any relevant results on the first page. Soooo what's a response post? 😅

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