7 Surprising Things that are NOT SEO Ranking Factors

There are a lot of myths about what Google actually uses as a factor to rank your site. We thought it was time to do some busting and give you our take on several SURPRISING things that aren’t factors!

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. so why do you say about pillar posts should be longer and staple posts are a certain lenght then you say you can write a 500 word artical if covered thurley?

  2. I am very confused please need your guidance my first request I started a google blog put 100 Articles getting only 50 visitors per month 1 year old website I followed you and did not worked on link building so dont have much links please what you will suggest

  3. 14 articles in…. I am a slow writer I must say… I also use some Gutenberg addon to design my posts like buttons, columns etc… I also design my own featured image using canva… So usually 1 or 2 articles a week…and most of the articles are 2k+ words… Now I know why most people give up within 6 months…. Though I am in the YMYL niche…still haven't received any Google love. 6 to 8 Organic search a week, may be. Most of the days, ZERO organic search.

  4. Hello Jim and Ricky,

    I just came across a YouTube video from you guys discussing the niche sites with high competition and likely to fail. These niches are included: Fitness, Personal Finance, and Food Recipes.

    I am just curious if digital marketing is included in personal finance?

    If I'm not mistaken, I heard that you guys had mentioned once in the video saying that digital marketing is somehow related to personal finance.

    If it's not, do you think that digital marketing is a good niche for blogging? Because I am obsessed with digital marketing, it's my specialty, and it's the only thing I knew.

  5. 12:55 lier, I watched many of ur videos in which you audit someone's website and found out they are not writting long enough articles and you said that youre top 50 articles are more then 4000 words long.

  6. I agree with you 99%, but from my past article that got 13k page view from facebook referral, it didn't even show up on the google search at all (it's on page 1 on duck duck go search though). on the other hand, i wrote thousands of word article, and it's at number 1 on google search. By the way, I love learning from your videos, great values.

  7. Let’s be realistic for a minute. Do Google want to push information to the masses that allow them to (potentially) manipulate organic search rankings? No.

    It’s important to take what Google says with a pinch of salt. Conduct your own experiments and always be critical when anything to do with ranking factors is mentioned by Google.

  8. I believe Jim, Ricky, and the gang are better Google experts than Google is! Here's why, while Google has to deal with hundreds of billions of pages when ranking, Income School is putting a small amount of content (compared to Google) under a microscope for scientific examination, and on such a small scale it magnifies what works. I think the only thing that that there is no shortcut for is "TIME". That's where Google is so mysterious? I put up a Youtube video and it ranks number one in the first couple of days it was up on GOOGLE and only had 7 views and is still number one with only 160 views in 10 months. My point is to try to do that intentionally and you'll end up in an insane asylum! The one common denominator that I've heard in this industry is how a forgotten site suddenly starts ranking. My conclusion is while developing a site with a lot of changes taking place on a constant basis might be signaling Google the site isn't ready or completed yet? Maybe they are considering that a site that sits unattended for a while is ready for consumption? It almost seems as if they are rewarding those who are spending without producing? Is it possible that lack of development activity signals Google a Blog site owner is willing to pay money to keep the content up online so they reward them with more impressions and traffic? I think Google likes Bloggers who put their money where their mouth is or should I say where your words are? So many questions and that's the exact outcome Google wants! https://rtgtech.com and https://floridasolarreport.com

  9. 2011 is the year I started using internet through a 2g Java feature phone. I remember that I only clicked websites that has URL short and exact title name instead of the long and numerical ones 🙂

  10. Woot Woot I've been saving for months… I'm doing a garage sale next weekend so I can save the remainder cash so I can join up on Project 24.
    Being a mum my time is sooo stretched. Plus blogging is sometimes lonely. I so look fwd to your videos and your new team. GREAT vid 👍 guys. See you all on the other side soon 🙂

  11. I chose a niche far before seeing this channel. I didn't have any knowledge on SELECTING the right niche. Right now I've almost 20 posts there and i don't get any keyword ideas again. Can you please tell me what to do? If I let the 19 articles sit and move to a new website will it make money in the long run?

  12. I been following your channel since the early days and have quietly been building my own niche sites for the past 4 years, I now work full time on my sites and wanted to thank you as youtube videos have really helped me out and kept me going, especially in the early days. I also just started my own Youtube channel after being inspired by yours and have just released a video of my journey which took me zero earning to having a six-figure publishing company. Great work and will continue to watch your channel. if anyone is struggling, just keep going as it will all come together. Keep up the good work Jim and Ricky!

  13. I believe that google saying the truth. The reason it's the truth is that they don't call it "ranking factor" internally but something different like "ice cream factor" so when you ask them if it's a ranking factor they'll say NO and be honest. We as a users use "ranking factor" naming for anything that affect the ranking.

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