How to Make Your Website SEO-Friendly When You Can’t Code | Neil Patel

A lot of people think that you have to know coding when it comes to doing SEO. They fear that they won’t be able to optimize their site because they know nothing about HTML or coding and they’re going to get paralyzed. But there’s a lot of tools that you can help you with the really important parts of SEO without you having to lift a finger when it comes to coding. Today I’m going to break down how make your website SEO-friendly when you can’t even code.

Google Structured Data Helper:
Schema Markup Generator:
Rank Math:

So the first way that you can make your website more SEO-friendly is schema generators.

By having it, it can drastically increase your CTR compared to your competitors when they don’t have it. Especially let’s say you’re selling a product and you have the review rating there and people know yours is a five star out of five based on 500 reviews, whereas your competitors, they don’t have any of that data in their schema markup.

Well, luckily there are schema generating tools out there that can help you out. Here are some good ones.

Google Structured Data Helper. This tool allows you to visually tag elements on your webpage and generate proper markup.

Another one is Schema Markup Generator. This tool helps you create code that you can simply copy and paste into your site’s HTML.

The next thing you need to do is start leveraging XML sitemap generators.

And you’re probably wondering, why is a site map important for SEO? Well, if Google has a hard time crawling your site, then those pages may not be indexed. If Google has a easy time crawling your site, you’re likely to have more pages that are indexed, and more of those pages are probably going to rank higher.

Now, with a sitemap, what this is doing is telling Google, hey, here’s a whole list of all the pages that are on my site, and please index them. They may not index them all, but you got a better chance of them crawling your site and indexing it.

If you can’t forget out how to create a XML sitemap, no worries, there’s Screaming Frog. This is software that can help you with a variety of SEO activities, including creating XML sitemaps.

If you’re on WordPress, you can just use the Yoast SEO plugin. But if you’re not on WordPress, check out Screaming Frog, because it’s going to help you. And once you generate that sitemap, make sure you submit it to Google Search Console because this will tell Google, hey, go crawl all of these pages.

The next thing you need to do is create a robots.txt file.

So why does a robots.txt file matter? Well, they tell robots which pages they should be crawling and which pages they shouldn’t. Do you want Google to be crawling your sensitive pages that you don’t want users to touch? Of course not. Let’s say you have pages out there that you’re continually improving, but you don’t want Google to see, and you’re using for, let’s say, social media campaigns or a paid advertising campaign. These are all pages that you want to block through robots.txt.

Now, Internet Marketing Ninjas has very simple robots.txt generator tool that you should check out. You can just plug in any of the pages you want, index in Google all the pages that you want excluded, and they’ll create something for you. You just upload, and boom, you’re off to the races.

Next, you need a CDN to speed up your time. Faster sites create better user experiences, and those pages rank better on Google. Google has even said that they look at a load time of a site to determine its ranking as well.

So CDN is a content delivery network, and what that does is put your site throughout servers all across the world.

And there’s this company called Cloudflare that helps put your site on all the servers throughout the world. Now, what’s cool about Cloudflare is they have a free plan. So you can get started for free, and this can help improve your load times, which in theory will help improve your rankings over time as well without you being a developer.

Next, I want to go over SEO and content optimization tools. A lot of times I receive the question, “How can I optimize my site for SEO?” Well, if you’re not sure on how to optimize your site for specific keywords, having a tool to help you optimize your site can be a virtual lifesaver.

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  1. Hi Neil, and many thanks for sharing this. Is a structured data helper applicable to just one page on my site? I've just finished following your steps, and added the code to my home page. I now see the Rich text preview results. Is it best to leave not to add Schema to more than one page on my site?
    Thanks for your response,

  2. Neil I started using cloudfare's free version after watching your this video and a lot of times I see that my blog's speed is poor with cloudfare. What do you suggest?

  3. Nice tips Neil! I have 2 questions.
    1. I have been using yoast seo plugin but I am considering change it to rankmath. My local website has been live since 2015. I am in the 1st page in Google for relevant keywords. Do you think that if I go for rankmath from now on this will be have a negative effect in my current ranking in Google?
    2. Do you think that popular page builders in wordpress can have a negative impact on a website ranking? I know that these builders produce some of bloat unnecessary code but it has to do with the easy way and not waste of money when we use them to achieve a better design.
    Thanks for your time!
    Best regards,

  4. Neil, I am trying to help a friend to rank his Dental Clinic on Google Maps, he has the best and the most reviews in the local businesses but it is still not ranking and those having lesser reviews are ranking much higher. Could it be because of the Website SEO?

  5. Yo Neil, I don't have a WordPress website, buT my real estate website provider has a basic SEO template structure to follow. Yet I'm missing some of the basic help from a service like Toast! Any recommendations?

  6. daaaaaamn that schema markup generator link is perfect, thanks for letting us know this tool exists Neil. I have been meaning to learn about how to add this script to my pages but have been too busy, this simple tool saved me so much time. Stoked with this, thanks again Neil, hope you and your family are safe.

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