This Niche Site is a Sales MACHINE: here's how we did it

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  1. A quick look at site. A few observations. I could not easily find the cost. In fact I still haven't found it. Normally I would have left by now because I would presume cost was so high they were embarrassed. The recommended piano with a link to Amazon is currently unavailable. Whats your second best choice?

  2. I've created dozens of sales-based websites since 2003, and in my opinion, this looks like it would do rather poorly, actually. Probably less than 50 cents per site visitor would be my guess, and that's even taking into consideration an average student retention of 6 months. You've got some good ideas, and overall I like what I'm seeing on your channel here. I just wouldn't call this site a "sales machine".

  3. Awesome video. One constructive tip from a video editor. The sales video from Chantelle had music that was way too loud. Typically you want it to sit at -15dB so you can clearly hear her voice. Right now they're fighting with each other.

  4. Hi, Last month I've got around 6k(mostly India) page views, earned around 30$(adsense=2$+Udemy affiliate links=26$), it's a very specific niche in Data Science. Any ideas to increase the monetization.

  5. Hey guys I have a question, if anybody at all with experience in this can answer me. So my site is about 2 months old now, and since I've created it one of the first things I've done is to apply for Google AdSense. I've been rejected twice now. And each time I had to wait a month for them to review it. It has been a long two months of waiting. And still the last time I was rejected.

    They would leave me an email telling me that my site is not approved and to look at our rules… Yada yada yada. Nothing specific about why. And that's the thing I'm trying to find out here.

    My site is a tech review site. And as I'm looking around in the Google community forum, people have different answers, some of them being that tech review is not unique and original anymore and Google is no longer accepting these kinds of websites. And The explanations also range to the reason being that my site is only 2 months old and that is not enough time for Google to gauge me yet.
    I want to know what are you guys' thoughts on this. Thank you

  6. All is good, but there are banner ads on the landing page! That's very distracting in all cases and not good for conversions. Also I agree with another comment, yellow is not the best color, from an accessibility point, is very hard to read. Fixing those things could help the landing page a lot.

  7. Very interesting, I want to do the piano course even though I'm a "grown up"! I am curious, can you drive traffic when someone using an e-platform such as eBay? That would be very interesting! 🤔

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