Succeed on YouTube in 2021 – Make Money Even if You're an Average Joe

YouTube is anyone’s game these days. Ricky breaks down how you can make every video hit the bullseye.

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When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. I think this is one of the best videos I've seen on how to succeed on YouTube. "If you want to succeed on YT, you have to give people a reason to want to come hang out with you." pretty much sums it up. That's what gives many channels the 'secret sauce' that others are missing.

    But I'd add to the 'create unique, helpful content'. People might wonder what makes their informational video unique. Your personality is unique, so if you let that come through, you already have a unique video. And probably that's the hardest part of all.

  2. Thank you! I like the Target concept. I have to disagree on content, as I have seen ' some ' channels that violate those concepts – Like the channel Stuff Made Here that was started Mar 3, 2020 and currently has 1.7M subscribers and has only 18 videos with the MOST LIKED video having 14 million views. But in general, I understand what you are asking with the diagram, and it makes sense. Thanks again.

  3. If it is possible to work remotely, i want to participate on your projects. I am a content writer, have been wrtiting various articles on different niches for more than two and half of a year.
    Eagerly waiting to hear from you..

  4. Another awesome video, guys! What made me wanna be a part of your tribe was the simple fact that you guys are genuine and pack in a TON of relevant and actionable value!

    I really try to do the same with my guitar channel, making sure I show that passion, which comes off naturally, and always making sure my people walk away with more than what they had before they watched my video.

    And yes, blogging is certainly NOT DEAD! My muscle-building blog has been steadily growing since I rebuilt the site (about a year and a half ago) when I started following you guys (and I later joined P24)! I have a YouTube channel for that business as well but that niche is extremely saturated on YouTube but I’m killing it with blogging and outranking some really big sites!

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