This Niche Site Has One Big Issue… But Here's How to Fix It

We snuck a bonus site review in from when we asked a couple months ago! This one has one main issue that isn’t SEO, content, or site design. This is exactly the kind of thing that you’ll want to look at if your site is getting traffic but you’re not satisfied with the results.

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When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. Sites targetted to a country like India cannot use premium ad network like Ad thrive or media vine cause they want the majority of your traffic from the US.

  2. I checked out this website. I looks like they installed Acabado and got a nice logo. The layout for a single post is all messed up viewing it with my 12” iPad. The homepage looks fine but there are thumbnails missing on. Bunch of articles. I also checked the speed and it’s no faster. The owner of the site may want to go take a look at how it looks on various devices because it needs some work.

  3. I'm so happy that you guys are have conquered the WEST so successfully that you're now helping bloggers all around the planet!!! When I heard you discussing global bloggers (5:06) who are trying to profit globally, I was so happy!!! You guys are going to dominate the entire planet!!! Concerning that and EVERYTHING else you guys talk about everyday, in all of your videos since you began so many years ago (feels like centuries have gone by in the blink of an eye, this world is going the speed of light right now) I've ALWAYS TOTALLY agreed with everything you say, who am I to question your teachings, you guys are THE literal MASTER of the world of How to Blog Successfully and Profitably!!! My company specializes in putting a product into the hands of bloggers that is in hot demand and ONLY a product that will ALWAYS sell like wild fire FOREVER! Which is why I LOVE you guys so much, you build for the long haul, long term, you want to build MASSIVE portfolios, not just a quick in and out game. Your sites are literally a residual gold mine (PERMANENT), not just a new car that in 5 or 10 years will be in the junk heap, GAME OVER! I'm going to quote this video so much, and tell everybody about you guys, because one of the main things you said that caught my attention was that there's NOT much money to be had by bloggers marketing in foreign countries. America is one of the largest markets/profits because for starters: Google. BUT… if any of your bloggers for some weird reason WANT to market in foreign countries (FOR EXAMPLE: Lots of people are trying to invest in Asia to diversify their assets to offset any possible disruption in the US/UK/EU economy) my company can give them what you call an "info" product (6:46) that is in HOT demand globally and sells like wildfire in EVERY NATION across the planet!!! Imagine getting $100 per sale for an item that nearly EVERYBODY who visits your site, no matter which part of the world they're from, WANTS and BUYS it!!! That's the dream anyhow, I'm not saying that's what I have. My company is still in its infancy. I'm not here to talk about me, I'm here to absorb what you're teaching and sharing! The reason I come to your channel is to learn and APPLY!!! Your videos have blessed the lives and bank accounts of possibly literally a million people if not more. You deserve pay back from those who do get rich thanks to your endeavors!!! You definitely have my loyalty! Thank God for your videos!!! Keep 'em coming!!! 😀 Ben Arnold (ChatFellow CEO)

  4. Yes, I had to dump x theme last year. Acabado is aiight, lighting fast but not very flexible for design. Oxygen was my sweet spot between fast and design ( I like nice design).

  5. awesome stuff guys!!

    I have a question for you

    how many CTA do you have average per blog post?

    and what do you do in order to track multiple CTA in a single blog post?

  6. Jim I am sure you would get it in one sense, if you understand Baseball then you have an idea of Cricket. The object is to score as many runs or points against your opposition team. It is runs based and the object is not unsimilar to Baseball, with trying to hit the ball out of the field, the scoring is different. A boundary is 4 points, and out of the field is 6 points. Any other runs are usually 1 -3 runs, without trying to be caught out by the other team.
    Instead of as in Baseball trying to get a home run with all 4 bases. In cricket you are just trying to score as many points as possible without being run out. The runs are only between two wickets, there are a few other rules which are easy enough to understand. Now it is not a game I watch or play, as my health would not let me do that.

  7. Hi Guys!

    Thanks so much for your regular content updates and reviews, all these have definitely made my blogging journey (3 months old) getting a strong ground. If it is okay, I will like to know which is best practice.

    1. After Publishing a content, do I wait for google to automatically crawl and index the post page, or;
    2. Do I manually request for the page to be index. Which works better?

    I’ve watch quite a few videos of yours and I learned that google takes time to index a new page, then they try to rank it to see how it does, before putting it in its stable position on google. Since this is the case, will me manually submitting the post affect the process of google giving me a chance or not? I will be looking forward to hear from you.


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