How much a blog can earn at 1K, 10K, and 100K page views

Earnings from a blog can vary widely, depending on a variety of factors. Today, Jim will talk about how much small, medium, and large blogs can make based upon the many sites he has taken to success, as well as the many sites owned by the users of our course, Project 24. There are a lot of ways to monetize, but Jim will mostly address ads, affiliate, and info products.

When you’re ready to start your niche website to earn passive income, check out Project 24, our complete course showing you how to work toward replacing your current income with passive income from websites in 24 months. Check it out here:

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.

Jim’s book, Work Energy:

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  1. I'm approaching 10.000 pageviews a month. Doubled my organic traffic last 8 weeks…..and still making peanuts with AdSense (50 Cents a day on average). For the love of me I can't figure out waht I am doing wrong.

  2. First, congrats to the Ricky…. I know I'm late to the party, but the news sounds so awesome!

    By the way, my question is… you guys don't consider sponsorship or sponsored post as a side income? Or like things are dead now? Please, let me know.

    PS – You guys are doing amazing job, keep'em coming.

  3. One of the important fact about earnings is country and language. If you create a website in Turkish like us you will not earn these numbers you will probably earn half or quarter od it. Because Turkey has a bad economy. But if you do that in English you can get these earnings or maybe more 🙂

  4. A great novel monetization option is @t
    Just choose a banner size and an Ethereum address on the website and insert the generated HTML snippet where you want a banner ad to be displayed. That's it!
    Behind the scenes, your ad space is auctioned off on the website's marketplace and you receive a 90% share. The market automatically chooses the best ads for you and the earnings go directly to your Ethereum address.

  5. Make Money From Your Websites

    Monetize your website traffic by placing adcodes from Z ads publisher account. Z ads gives you money for every valid click from your websites. Our system ensures that ads from highest bidders are rendered on your websites, thereby assuring the maximum revenue possible at any given time.

    Adcodes are available as simple one line html code for displaying text or banner ads. Our system supports all industry standard banner dimensions. Z ads adcodes are capable of identifying the most relevant keywords in your websites and generating best matching ads for the same.

    You may customize adcodes from Z ads by modifying various style attributes so as to match with your website design. You can also configure filters in your adcodes for restricting your competitor ads from being displayed on your websites.

  6. I am late, but congratulations to Ricky for 500th child 😀
    Guys, I found your channel 2 days ago and I just can't stop watching it, you are the truest and the best ever in this industry!
    Thank you so much for everything!

  7. are Ezoic and Adthrive only for US or they are also good in other countries? im from the philippines and i've been spying on some blogsites here and they are using adsense even though they are already getting 100k+ pageviews a month

  8. I'm selling my website, here are the information of it.
    . is 8 months old and it's having 70 visitors per month.
    It has 26 blog post.
    Approximately making a few cent per month.
    I never spend penny on this website but only the hosting from hostgator for 5years and the domain.
    I did nothing with the theme editing(only Adsense), I only writing content and it is getting mostly organic visitors per month.
    It own 20+ email subscriber
    I sell it is because I have no time on maintaining it anymore.
    I'm not that kind of 'writing person'
    School been struggling me a lot.
    I brought this around $200 and I'm selling it for $100.
    I'm planning to use the money to do other thing.
    I didn't list it on flippa cuz it need listing fees
    If you are interested, kindly email me 📧:
    Insta DM me : @chew_john_04

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