How to Write Blog Posts No One Else Can Compete With

Doing original research is one of the best ways we have found to create awesome blog posts that rank well and that other bloggers struggle to beat. In this video, I’ll show you 6 ways people are doing original research and show examples of each.

Here are the links to the examples in the video
Blood testing:
Picking a scooter:
3D printer experiment:
RGB Light comparison:
Vet advice:
Grow lights:
Attraction parks:

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  1. By the time, I complete a single post, my other buddy would have reached a few thousands of views with 'nearly duplicated' few posts. After all, 99.9 percent of people write blogs for views.

  2. When we write posts from our knowledge it's ranking very long and very well. I have done a blog post that describes how to use Streamlabs OBS (In Turkish keyword is "streamlabs obs ayarları") and I didn't even research it because I knew everything that people ask and need. I wrote it 1 year and it's still on #1 for more than 8 months. My opinion about this video is to select your niche from your hobbies or something you know very well. Google really understands this article is copied or original, I never understand how they understand that but they are so that was my opinion.

  3. I have been binging your content again recently. Something I've been wanting to find out from you… what do you think about SEO content editors like Surfer SEO? I have a company that writes outsourced blog content for businesses and I've been considering investing in Surfer specifically. Any thoughts?

  4. Nice job Ricky. I’m assuming more viewers will be a bit reluctant to do original research, but they should (at least) write from an original perspective. We write 100+ blogs/month and presenting a new angle is always our first goal.

  5. Great info, cheers. yes you are right, there is too much copy and paste out there and people just trying to make a quick buck with content they really don't have a clue about.

  6. OMG, I so agree with you. I'm a freelance writer and understand how to research studies/news items and write ORIGINAL content, not just regurgitating other peoples' stuff. Thank you for providing common sense to your users.

  7. I love this advice. I used this method in two content pieces not long ago. One was comparing the most popular page builder plugins for WordPess. The other was comparing the most popular image compression plugins for WordPress. Both of which were for the photography niche, so they looked at very specific things photographers would be interested in.

  8. Brilliant video! I really enjoy your videos – they're always so helpful with useful extremely useful advice and tips. I've been watching for a long time and you've come so far with your presenting skills! I really appreciate this so much more now because I started a channel just under a year ago and it's so much more difficult than you think to present and come across naturally. I really hope I progress in the way you have. Keep up the good work!

  9. I would like to know more information about how a service based business can use Project 24 to convert blog traffic to clients. I haven’t seen in any of your videos an indication that Project 24 could be used for a service based business. You seem to only cover driving traffic to a blog for to generate affiliate sales.
    Does Project 24 cover how a service based business can convert blog traffic to customers?

  10. Do Original research instead of just replicating what's already out there.
    1. Consolidating information available on the web but analysing it.
    – if it can be found in 10mins on Google it's not original research or if a blogger can do a post about it in an hour it's not original research.
    2. Run an experiment
    Example with a product review testing how hot the product gets with usage. 3D printer tested power consumption then compared it to other appliances even adding how much the power costs.
    3. Product review (comparison)
    Example, RBG light comparison, how long the battery last, testing the color and light etc.
    4. Interviews
    If the person being interviewed and the content is interesting to people that's ok. Or focus on a specific topic then use quotes to make your points in a blog post.
    Example 4 vets interviewed about dogs claws.
    Aggregate data from a quiz or poll, run poll in Facebook group, find trends and data. Create graphs and tables etc. Example micro green grow lights – most people use 40 watts etc
    5. Expert knowledge
    Example top 10 attraction parks and what ages each is catered to written by someone who had been to all the different parks.

    Thanks so much for these tips

  11. So the idea about creating a database is one I've had for the last two weeks so I'm glad you mentioned it. So my idea is to create a database about a very specific software and create filters that would help them choose the best option for their situation. I would be creating a custom post type specifically for this and a custom taxonomy called "features", then create a filter for this features taxonomy which would allow them to filter thier options by specific features they are looking for. This is something that would be developed and added to over time. The difficulty is deciding which features I should be adding. I mean I have some ideas but I was thinking of visiting a FB group and asking which features people look for in this software and adding the most sought after features. There are many websites that provide a list of this software but none that allow you to filter them by features. What are your thoughts on this idea?

  12. I agree completely with everything you say here, but I would say one other thing. In previous videos, you guys implied setting an hour aside for writing a blog post. I'm not saying something can't be written in an hour, but realistically I think it takes 2-5 hours to write a quality blog post that will actually get somewhere on google. I aim to create one piece of good content per day.

    For example, today I wrote a piece for my UK property based website, I started at 07.30 and it was 2.30pm when I actually finished. I have a working system where I never publish on the same day, I publish the next day, so tomorrow morning I will pop in & give it a fresh look before publication. This allows for any last minute changes and additions.

  13. Your videos are great, but can you make a video on ranking for the non-article pages. For example, If I search "Online Fitness tutor" then the homepage of a site that provides fitness training must be ranked.

  14. Dude, Thank you sooo much! I'm doing a blog on my weight loss journey (that's not the name of it, not tryin to put a plug in). Anyway I had to put a few posts in on the research I was doing on different diets and exercise and those posts are soo unoriginal and I need to change and fix them but didn't know how. Now I have an idea thank you

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