How I Made This WordPress Website in Under 1 Hour (Step By Step)

I’ve started a LOT of websites and these are the exact steps I use to get them set up. I know a lot of you are ready to get your website up and I don’t want you to run into any problems that prevent you from hitting publish on that content!

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. That was really fast, curious to see how it evolves into a blog – step by step. What tool do you use to blur the confidential info on the pages during your demonstration?

  2. I didn't understand what the $2 was for in the forward url? Couldn't you just forward it to the site directly without it? Also probably would be a good idea to switch from Lastpass to something like 1Password due to Lastpass being hacked again. 😕

  3. Ricky,can you help me .i run a website on blogger and i get high traffic volume around 3 Million and now i want to convert to wordpress because i think it's better but the problem is that i didn't know wich host is better for me can handle this amount of traffic someone told me i need to go with vps someone else told me go with cloud am confused becouse i didn't use wordpress before

  4. I set mine up on SquareSpace quite similarly. And I could do it! These web builders like WordPress make it really easy to set up a website. I was pleasantly surprised when I set mine up! 🎉👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎉

  5. Ricky, you should update your browser. It's not just new features in updates. These updates are important because they often patch various security vulnerabilities and such. Those could be zero-day vulnerabilities (things they never knew were a problem, but they've always been there), and it could be vulnerabilities to new forms of attack. Regardless, you'll want to make sure your browser can do its best work for you.

  6. PageSpeed Insights gives you a 74 for mobile… too low for ranking higher according to some channels.
    How do you make it faster- and are you running Google Analytics?
    Thanks for the video and keep up the good work!

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