How To Write SEO Optimized Affiliate Review Posts FAST!

To make money with affiliate marketing your review posts MUST rank on top of Google, get clicks AND convert visitors to customers… NEW UPDATE: Get my NEW 🏆 Affiliate Marketing Crash Course 🏆 for FREE, here:

I’ve broken down everything I did in order to build, launch and grow a brand new affiliate site to over $3500/mo in profit in simple step-by-step format… It’s 100% beginner friendly and of course, it’s yours 100% free… Because my lifestyle is supported by my affiliate sites NOT from selling you courses… 👍

If you haven’t started your affiliate marketing blog yet, get the FREE step-by-step guide here:

You see, content is the key to success online. When you commit to starting a blog or building an affiliate site, you are committing to creating tons of great content that Google loves.

This video shows how! In this video I reveal my teams exact process for writing highly optimized affiliate review posts fast.

But, if you want to ‘see what it looks like’ in practice… When a blog uses content to make serious money onilne, watch this video next –

Click that link above and you will follow along while I reverse engineer the secrets to success of 5 separate blogs that are making millions online.

This will allow you to undertsand EXACTLY what it takes and it will help you speed up the process of making the money you desire online.

This is the exact process and framework we are using to build our affiliate review website where we are making money doing mostly Amazon reviews.

With nearly 1500 posts published to my different websites, and having reached over 40 million people with our written content on our blogs…

We have figured out a process about writing SEO content fast that works.

For non-affiliate posts I covered the entire process in my past how to write SEO content fast video you can find here:

If you are still new to the world of search engine optimization and you are trying to learn how to get your affiliate posts to rank, be sure to watch my full SEO training class here on YouTube free:

For the best tutorial on how to make money with affiliate marketing be sure to check out my affiliate marketing for beginners post that was updated here in 2020:

Other videos referenced in this video:

How long should your blog post be?:

Keyword Research:

Keyword Intent Research:


What do you think?


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  1. NEW UPDATE: Get my NEW 🏆 Affiliate Marketing Crash Course 🏆 for FREE, here:

    I've broken down everything I did in order to build, launch and grow a brand new affiliate site to over $3500/mo in profit in simple step-by-step format… It's 100% beginner friendly and of course, it's yours 100% free… Because my lifestyle is supported by my affiliate sites NOT from selling you courses… 👍

  2. Hi Miles, Should I create multiple websites to cover unrelated categories of products or should I post blog/reviews of unrelated categories using a single website?

  3. Miles I appreciate you so much! You over delivered wise words on this video. You rock! Now I just have to roll up my sleeves and get to it knowing I won’t be wasting my efforts. Thank you sir!

  4. Thank you so much for the information. I'm thinking about getting into affiliate marketing and learning more about it. How do you choose which products to pick for each category (example: which knife to pick as best overall)? Do you have personal experience with the product or do you just research which would be the best? Thanks again!

  5. Miles is the G.O.A.T. ! Just wrote my first SEO friendly affiliate blog post thanks to his leadership. Mentally prepping for a 90 day challenge and three months of very little sleep.

  6. so is it better to do keyword research before product research because in my mind it seem to make a bit more sense, because if you are doing a niche you already know you basic product your just have to find said problem/word research, tell me if I'm getting it or should you still start with said product first?

  7. hey miles, can you clarify somethings. 1 you are running a review site with different categories of products? yes/no 2 is all your article writing keyword rich in text for the product headings only? and lastly, if your a running a general review site for amazon affiliate program is your menus just structured in product categories and your site is just article rich? thanks!

  8. Can this type of blog post (reviewing the best knives) be posted in the beginning of a blog's life or is it better to have 50-100 general posts first before you jump into writting something in such depth? And another question: How many posts (or how much traffic) before you should begin to include affiliate links in your blog? Will it hurt to include affiliate links in your first post or better to wait?

  9. Hi Miles, not sure if you have a video or recommendation on outsourcing content (writers /agencies that have worked). I've burned money on quite a few, mediocre / average at best.

  10. Hi Miles what if there are no reviews for your topic. There’s are just Pinterest links and links to e-commerce sites. How do u choose the word count ?

  11. Great video Miles. Love to see an example of a post fully put together. It wouldn't need to expose your sites just a post placed on a free word press site just to use as an example.

  12. Also, you don't need to own a product to review it, as long as you state on your affiliate website that you are compiling the best products together for comparisons etc(pros/cons) based upon the hundreds or thousands of reviews, to save the reader alot of time in making their decision. That's what I learned from Greg Gottried . Just make sure you are honest and if lots of people are mentioning "cons" make sure you don't leave those out of the reviews. … Most of the sites that do reviews of products don't even own them. Nobody is going to buy 20 different welding machines and use them, or 20 different vaccum cleaners and use them. They are just creative with their content to make you believe that they actually did use them. But unless they are extremely wealthy, there's not reason to believe that they own or have used all of those products…. I prefer those to just have a disclosure that says otherwise.

  13. Awesome thanks Miles, quick question… I'm guessing the chef expert who can recommend the products would be a writer for you? What products would you recommend if you have a niche that you struggle to find an expert that's a writer? Or would you say that @t would be able to find you a writer that can recommend products in most niches?

  14. Hey Miles, is there anything about a rough framework on How-To posts. I think it's relatively self explanatory but wondered if there was anything I'd be missing.
    Thanks for your content, honestly feel like I've found exactly what I'm looking for.

  15. I noticed that you use price ranges in your review (under $50, etc). I have also done it, but now I am not sure if it is OK to continue using the price ranges. Amazon rules explicitly say that prices should not be mentioned (unless pulled by API), and Amazon Associates' support could not assure me that using 'under x price' is safe. At the same time, I see that these queries get a lot of search traffic, so it is very tempting to use them.

    What is your take on this?

  16. As you are using google suggestions, the suggestions are changing because its based on users typing in the keyword. My question is: do you ever go in and recheck the post you just made research for in the past? And add in words you are missing (based on new keyword suggestions from google dropdown suggestion) ? If you got my question…

  17. Miles, is it possible to make a good affiliate site even though I don’t have a team, but I work alone, and if I have about $ 100 to invest? What should I invest that $ 100 in?

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