How to Pick a MONEY-MAKING Niche (Get this Wrong and Your Business Will FLOP)

How to create a Digital Course and scale it to 4, 5, even 6 figures PER MONTH. Work from home in 2020!
πŸ”₯ My #1 Recommendation To Scale a Digital Biz.

Most people think they just need to find a niche based on whatever THEY’RE interested in, find a good product in that niche, and BOOM money is gonna pour in from the skies…

But that’s not the case…

I’ve seen businesses literally collapse or never take off at all, all because they chose the WRONG NICHE.


You work SO HARD to get all of your marketing in place, pre-write your emails, get your funnels set up and ready to go…

Just to find out your niche wasn’t good enough to build a long-term business on.

I want to share with you a secret that in just a few minutes of prep, could save you THOUSANDS of dollars down the road.

This video reveals the THREE things to consider when you’re selecting your niche.


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What do you think?


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  1. Thanks, Anthony, great advice on niches. I am in your PWA program right now. Looking forward to more of your valuable advice on how to put all these lessons into practice. Great job as usual, can't wait for the next one.

  2. Thank you for such wonderful honest β€œbe the best version of yourself” messages. Wonderful message-I think the niche of affiliate marketing will start out as nice extra money (2nd job) and then will overcome my main job and affiliate marketing will be my only job. Thank you for teaching!

  3. I am doing the quiz funnel masterclass and I don’t know how to find the niche I want. I want a niche in affiliate marketing but I can’t find good offers to go in. I looked on clickbank but Is that the best place to promote something in affiliate marketing?

  4. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ the tips in today's lesson! Thanks Anthony for sharing these secret tips to help me save thousands of dollars. So true when he says that when choosing your niche remember people do not care about you or what you like. Hmmmm… Anthony got me to thinking πŸ€“πŸ’­ – follow the massive niches like relationships, dog training, making money online, working from home, losing weight. Striving for attention and peoples eyeballs πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ #NeverGiveUP #PartnerWithAnthony #AnthonyMorrison

  5. Hi Anthony. I really like watching your videos because they cover so much and are very informing. I like the way you teach. Thank you for the advise about finding a niche.I wish I would of found you 5 years ago. I would of been way ahead by now. Thanks again!!!

  6. Loved the points that you gave us about selecting a niche, especially when you didn't want to get in because the niche was saturated. It's all about how you market everything.

  7. An essential beginning building block explained. Hey if Russel Brunson can devote a whole chunk of one of his best selling books explaining the difference a value ladder can make then its obvious Anthony is onto something here in this video

  8. Thanks for the great info it doesn't matter what I like it's what they like. need to find a niche that'll work for them not me and has somewhere to grow along the prophet ladder.

  9. Finally, looked at last week's video. My niche I love is bowling but since the COVID-19, most bowling centers are closed down. I understand not to think about my niche, but find a niche that customers seem to be attracted to. I am still learning and hoping one day, I will find an income stream online.

  10. Passion helps though if there are enough customers/demand online, but shouldn't be the only criteria to choose your niche.
    Loving the step-by-step 'Partner With Anthony' program if you want a way to start and set your business up the right way, from the start, ready to scale and become profitable as early as possible. Awesome teacher. Off the charts value for the price.

  11. Another great πŸ‘πŸ» video! I am currently in process of weighing & considering different niches – This video added to my perspective on insights to consider before just choosing something macro or micro to go after! And see things to consider long term with back-end monetization when pursuing an interest area long term!

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