5 Proven Headline Formulas – How To Write Catchy Headlines in 10 minutes

How do you craft a powerful headline? Learn how to write attention-grabbing headlines that generate lots of clicks, increase your rankings and build trust with your audience. Use these for landing pages, sales pages, and ads to grab attention and drive action.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:20 – Copy Foundation
1:53 – How To
5:18 – The Way
8:22 – Allowed To
12:22 – The Numbers
13:22 – Benefit Builders
19:51 – Outro

5 Proven Headline Formulas – How To Write Catchy Headlines in 10 minutes

Want to know the secret of writing good headlines? In this video of copywriting tips and tricks, you will learn how to write a headline that people can’t help but to click on it, increase your rankings and build trust to your audience. You will also learn the five proven formulas on how to write a catchy headline in 10 minutes!

In this day and age with digital marketing as a trend – it all starts with a GREAT headline! And writing catchy headlines is important in online marketing as this would give you an edge and convince your audience to click on your article, ads, email, or sales content. This is one of the copywriting secrets of digital marketers.

In order that these powerful headlines actually work well for us, we need to answer these three foundational questions: “Who they are?”, “What do they want?”, and “What’s in their way?”. But in this video, we’ll focus on the last two questions on what your audience actually wants to achieve and what they think is getting in their way.

Together with these two foundational questions are our 5 tricks to write catchy headlines: How To, The Way, Allowed To, The Numbers and Benefit Builders. The How To headline writing technique has three variations and it’s used a lot because it works. The “So You Can” in the how-to variety is a powerful tool to insure you are in fact writing a benefit driven headline. The next formula for creating headlines is The Way where we hit several different points and give “The Way” an actual name. This is done by using strategy, techniques or tactics. The third formula is the Allowed To which also has three variations. The fourth one is The Numbers which is great for contents and it’s very simple! Now, the fifth one in this headline writing tips is the Benefit Builders. This is actually taking the first four and start to add modifiers on top of them. So, combine all of these and you will have powerful headlines that work.

So, if you want to know more on how to write headlines that actually work for your social media marketing then this video is what you’re looking for. Plus, we have included in this copywriting course some catchy headline examples for you and make yourself a killer headline!
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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.”


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  1. Hi Jason! Sorry I'm replying now, Tried once again to do it on my own, Felt embarrassed for asking! But its come to the point where I'm going to lose my business! I have a home based Dog Daycare & Boarding! What makes me different is I'm the only one that looks after people's dogs who don't fit in or aren't comfortable in other busy Daycare & Boarding places, Dogs who are Anxious, Scared of loud noises, Nervous, Timid & newly adopted. I have fantastic references, But I'm getting no new clients & business is dead, As I cannot come up with a headline & don't know how to describe that I'm different, What I offer & the benefits.
    As many dog owners dont understand that choosing a place which offers a loving home environment doesn't matter as dogs who are Anxious etc, Being in a different environment as well as away from the people they love causes them to become stressed & the environment is extremely important, Being in a environment with different dogs as well as needing the right care. I've 2 dogs of my own that when I went away was a nightmare, I opened to help other dog owners with the same problems.
    I have helped my clients that their dogs are now confident, They can take their dogs to dog parks, Dogs that have been adopted who had behavior problems & were so scared. I worked with them & desensitized them & that's not part of my job! But I've never been so passionate & absolutely love helping the dogs in my care as well as my clients! I've had to make my home & the environment around calm, Quiet & no one visiting as well as making sure theres nothing that makes them nervous.
    Now how do I put that in a short powerful way.

    Please I really need your help I can promote you on my page to thank you, Please help! I haven't had a income that I can hire someones services. Please say you can help. Regards Candy

  2. I just saw your video and it helped me, But I'm struggling with writing something in my ads & website as I dont want to use the wrong words or put it the wrong way. Please let me know if I can ask your advice

  3. Jason, you are amazing and thank you for sharing this with us. Being good at copywriting is one thing, but being able to articulate how you do it requires talent, and then sharing it freely with the world requires a big heart. Thank you!

  4. Jason, I dont often ring the bell. Only on channels I really like. And dude I just took the most serious notes ever on this video. Discovered your channel from another video where is was doing some SEO and before i knew it i busted out the notebook on this video. Thank you for putting together great content friend. Just earned a solid Sub. Cant wait to grow our channels together my guy!

  5. Jason do you know a way to promote a YouTube channel other than Google adwords because I tried that then my Google ads account got suspended for circumventing policies so I appealed it but I want another way to promote my YouTube channel in the meantime (but I'm only willing to pay £1000 per day for promotion) ?

  6. Hey Jason. Thanks for your help. In March I saw your video about how to create adword so I did follow your suggestions step by step and created 2 Ads as you suggested my ads are enabled but it has been more than a month and nothing is happening.the whole amount of the budget is there and it says zero views. Few times I have extended the expiration date and increased the amount of the bit from 5 c to 10 but still nothing is going on. Seems like it's not on.

  7. Your videos are awesome man. I just made a short like maybe too short video for subscribers. Its only 38 seconds. But it has an end screen with a subscribe button and leads to another one of my videos. Thank you again. Been trying to place my adds on certain channels. And experimenting with different demographics etc.

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