Building a Blog in Just One Hour a Day: Is it realistic?

How much time should it be taking to start and build a blog? How do I know if I’m on track or not?

In this video we walk you through 3 distinct phases we use whenever we’re creating a website that have helped us focus on the most important aspects of the process and move the needle to success in less time.

Go here for your content phases cheatsheet:

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Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

0:00 Is it Possible?
1:20 Phase 1: Prep
7:14 Phase 2: Content Production
12:17 Phase 3: Publishing Routine
13:44 Newspaper Model vs Influencer Model

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. I was under the impression by watching your various videos that blogging is very easy, that it is s ooo easy to research and then write a post in one hour (you have a video where you write a post in 1 hour). I am "writing" my blog post and it has taken more than an hour. I am also researching the topic myself which I have no knowledge of.
    When you create a blogpost, you have to do research, you have to educate yourself first. That can take a long time. Now with this video you mentioned "immersing" oneself in the topic. This suggest that you need to put a lot of time ( a LOT of time ) in how to do blogging right and to find the research material.
    I chose a highly competitive niche as I was encouraged by my friends to pick something that is popular even if there is a lot of competition because this is what people are hungry for. I am already seeing many well-written blogpost specially from the writers who seem to have spent years perfecting their craft. But I feel that once I have written few common posts, I can then niche down and find something that meets the needs.

    So my request to you guys is that "Please, please and please, show us the reality and not the sugar-coated reality".

  2. WOW! Amazing tips! 💥 I just found your channel today and I'm amazed! Where have you been all this time!!! 😂 Project24 is definitely on my wish list.
    I'm going to soak up the content from your YT videos for the rest of the year and create more content to start 2021 with a bang! I've liked and subscribed 📌

  3. I am absolutely devastated to have missed your live show. i have watched all your uploads on your network of 4 channels and have waited years for the chance to ask a few questions. please consider doing future streams. thanks for the input you have given us all, over the years !

  4. I started my first site a while back and although the site is no more. It was such a valuable experience for me. Learning how to basically set a site up, and how to use WordPress, I have always been ok with SEO when producing content.

    The big things I learnt was that you need to be consistent and to create content about things that people are searching for. I am going to do another site in the near future but this time will really put a lot more thought into every aspect, i’m even going to start creating some content before the site is up so as to hit the ground running.

    That was another thing I learned, that you can create content even without having the website yet. As if you have a site for let’s say a month or two with no content, every day, week or month that goes by with no content being added is a waste of hosting, and time in effect.

  5. I just looked at one guy who has multiple websites – who outsources – and one website he has makes big $$ – and the other 7 below $1k or less….I think he has the newspaper model! Interesting! He spends $10K per month at least on writers……for websites that aren't doing well!

  6. I’m in Income School since last year. I technically started in November ‘19. but didn’t do much until March 2020. So far I have 25 published posts, and some of them are not good. I’m trying to write every day but most of the time it’s freaking hard! Working full time job and being mentally and physically tired every day makes it soooooo much harder!!! I’m spending all my days off writing and researching! I don’t even look at the timeline because if I do I’ll give up!

    I honestly disagree about writing time, and I’m saying this because English is my second language. It took me a week to write a pillar post (5000 words). It’s getting easier for sure but it’s HARD!!! If you are someone who’s thinking “I can’t do it because I can’t write a post in 90 minutes “ JUST KEEP GOING, write the best content you can!!! It will take longer BUT you will get there!!!!

  7. Hey guys, I've been watching you for ages and am ready to take the plunge.. but you have a few courses it seems…What is the best place to start? 60 steps? project 24?

  8. What u mean is first create your website and then just keep writing content for 2 months until u have reached 30 + posts, And ten u start editing your site and wait for google bots to crawl your website and swishhhhh ! u skyrocket your blog to the position 0 [ snippet ]. Really great method guys never thought of this!

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