Content Marketing Part 1 – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel

Today I’m going to be covering content marketing, part one. So we’re going to get into the fundamentals, and then the next lesson is going to go over step-by-step tactics that you need to implement to get results through content marketing.

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Before we get started, I want to let you know, don’t look back and ask, “Why,” look ahead and ask, “Why not?” Because, as we cover content marketing, what you’ll find is, a lot of companies are asking, “Hey, why should I end up doing it?” Well, you should end up doing it because it produces results, and I have some stats to show you later on.

But before we get started, let’s look at the evolution of Google. What most people don’t know is Google does more than one algorithm update per day, and as they’ve gone around over the years, they’ve gotten smarter and smarter, where now, a lot of it is related to artificial intelligence, and they’re really able to predict what humans want.

So why is content marketing important? I’ll go over a few of the main bullet points.

Conversion rates are six times higher for adopters against non-adopters, it results into increased brand awareness, 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing, so it’s not just for B2C, it’s also for B2B as well. 27% of U.S. internet users now have ad-blocking installed, so you’re not going to get to as many people as you used to through ads, so content marketing is another way to attract more people. And if you adapt, you can win, it’s a great way to compete against the bigger corporations.

And that’s why I really got into it, is because when you have little to no budget, and you want to compete with the big guys, ads are expensive, but content marketing is a good solution for you. If you do this, it’ll also help you build trust and authority with your ideal audience, which generates quite a bit of sales.

When you’re doing content marketing, if you don’t understand you’re customer’s problems, you won’t do well. It’s all about finding the balance between the keywords that you want to target with your site, and the content.

When it comes to e-commerce, you need to know the journey, especially with content marketing, from discovering the potential problem to understanding it to then figuring out solutions, to the type of product that you want to test the solution against, comparing your brand with other brands for the same type of product.

You also want to search for discount codes, see if people are using content for that. You want to look for your product specifically, see if there’s good content around that, and then of course, creative applications for your product. And this one applies to innovative products specifically, right? And we’ll go over examples of that in the upcoming lessons.

And creativity is a huge component in doing well with content marketing. And with this formula, we found that even if you’re not that creative, you don’t have to worry, just following this formula will get you results.

So the first step in Franklins’ Law of Content Success is String Ideas. Well, you can grab your keyword ideas from the earlier modules that we covered in SEO Unlocked.

Now that you have some keywords, you want to first figure out who you are, because not every company is the same.

This is super-important, especially at the beginning, you don’t want to go off-brand, because yes, it may drive traffic, but if it’s off-brand, it probably won’t drive any sales, and this is both for B2B and B2C.

If you have little to no traffic, and you have a brand-new site where you’ve done little to no SEO, put in a competitor’s domain here, because when you add a competitor’s domain name, you’ll be able to see what’s working for them, and it’s a great place to start. This will take you to a page that shows you all the keywords that you’re getting traffic for, or your competition’s getting traffic for, and it’ll give you an idea, on the right side of the report, of who else is ranking, and it’ll give you the essence of, all right, how much traffic can I get if I ranked higher, is this keyword representative of my brand, will it work well?

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  1. Massive thank you to Neil and the team for developing this course. I am a brand new blogger/writer etc, and I am going to use my first earning in 2021 to get the lifetime Ubersuggest membership 🙂

  2. You motivated me to give teaching for free. So as a web developer I did a month free web master class using WordPress teaching over 900 students who are now into freelancing. Thanks Neil

  3. I started watching your content. I am amazed how you cover the little details. I have watched other You Tubers who fail in this aspect. They begin with what is covered in the 6th video of your course. I have found and fixed several problems using the 1st 5 videos in the course. Thank you for the great information in a useable presentation.

  4. I understand this is also a bit of a salespitch for Ubersuggest but seriously this is still probably the best SEO course I found online. And I can't believe it's free…

  5. Thanks for Giving Quality Content.
    You are a proud for all Indians..
    I admire you..
    Love from India.
    Can someday I will be able to meet you in India ?
    —————–Somil Sharma

  6. Hey Neil, a query for you. In the above video you said that the content should e long but exactly how long. I have a blog on which I write content related to the universe. And as we don't yet know many things about the universe , my posts are short and are only about 1200 – 1500 words. Is that length fine for my niche?

  7. Hi Neil, I have been following you for a while now & I have learnt a lot. Thank you for sharing some amazing tips. I always find them useful. The question I have is a bit unrelated to this post as it is for Instagram. Since you posted this video last I thought it would be possible to actually get your attention here. I am trying to understand as to why my Instagram engagement has dropped? I am not talking about my posts in particular but rather 👇🏾
    On some occasions when I interact with other accounts they interact back almost immediately. Especially when I like or comment on their posts, but there are weeks when any amount of engagement from me doesn't lead to any engagement in return. This is very unusual as I have seen 100 new followers in a week and then that number suddenly drops drastically. The peaks and lows are insane. My Instagram handle is @unemployedmba

  8. Hey. Thank you for another awesome video! I noticed the second action you site in the conclusion is to find 3 data sources relevant to your industry. Does this mean externally link to them in the posts? Yoast SEO always tells me not to link to competitors content. Which makes sense, because I'd be referring readers to someone else probably selling the same product as me. Do you just site your research from them as sources in the footer?

  9. Hi Neil… Would need your help in bloging. I have over ten year experience into travel I would to write about my experiences I have been watching so many videos but not able to get to the write way.. I started with blogger. Com but now got confused with WordPress n all.. plzz let me know the best way to do this..

  10. Hey Neil, thanks for the free course. I wanted to ask that i intend to make a informational website on digital marketing.But i am struggling with the musketeer research,i am not able to understand who should be my target musketeer and what kind of keywords should i search in forums and wikipedia..plz help, i am struck in this.

  11. I had been searching for one of your video about the best type of topics to build a blog on other than digital marketing because it is already taken by established authorities

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