Membership Site Ideas – 3 Subscription Models For Residual Income

If you want to generate a monthly income from your membership site, then these 3 proven membership site ideas are for you. Not all membership sites warrant a monthly or annual fee so you have to follow one of these 3 subscription models to ensure your site is set up for monthly income success.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:26 – Course
2:05 – Insider
3:55 – Mastermind
6:13 – Upsell
7:49 – Mistake #1
9:20 – Mistake #2
10:04 – Mistake #3
12:30 – Outro

Membership Site Ideas – 3 Subscription Models For Residual Income

If you’re thinking about putting together your first online membership site, there are a lot of different ideas, and models to consider.

In this membership site ideas video, you are going to learn the best types of membership sites to set up when you are just getting started selling online courses or building your digital business for the first time. While we will also teach you how to avoid common mistakes that can kill your idea before it gets off the ground and learn how to have a passive income with a membership site.

A membership site is simply a website where you can access protected contents through a login page. People can only access the said contents when they are an active member of that particular site.

The primary purpose of any membership site design is to deliver the membership content in an intuitive easy to navigate site that works. The power of a membership site or subscription business ideas is that you can have recurring revenue because you can charge people for the access of the protected contents. It may be monthly or a yearly basis.

We’ll show you three profitable membership site ideas that will surely help you generate passive income: Statistic Course, Insider Information, and Monthly Mastermind.

The Statistic Course may be the most boring but it is the simplest of these three membership sites for online courses. This is the BEST place to start and it’s something that anyone can do irrespective of how long you’ve been in business.

At the end of this membership site ideas 2020 guide, we are going to show you a sales funnel model you can use to actually and gradually build up your membership site to a full blown conversion machine.

When you launch a membership site, you’re going to learn a lot in terms of driving traffic and converting complete strangers into happy customers in your membership website. Of course, you can easily do these online courses by using membership website software called Teachable.

To create a successful membership site, you should deliver the content your customers want. Make sure you provide your customers the value they want when they join your membership site. It’s very easy to get caught up in all the features and endless design changes and forget the only thing your membership site needs to do.

A little recommendation: make sure you don’t create a course that is longer than 5 hours, and don’t charge more than $200 for it. Don’t worry, you can always increase the price later on.

So, if you’re looking for the best paid membership site ideas that generate income for you, then this video is the one you need.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. I've learned so much from your vids! I know you love mailerlite and I recently signed up thanks to your recommendation! What do you think of running a membership site through that platform? Could it work to sell the membership, and then deliver monthly digital products and updates via email?

  2. Dude this was EXACTLY what I needed. I’m currently (trying) to presell my online course. (I actually haven’t made it yet)
    I was thinking around 500€, but what you are dazing makes so much sense. I’m planning to upsell monthly programs anyway, and I also will be promoting affiliate products within the course.
    I actually want to document my journey on YouTube. Anyways, keep it up

  3. Great that you point out how tough this can be. Lots of clients seem to think you snap your fingers and make this happen. There’s SO MUCH that goes into this! Great vid as always. 🙌

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