Amazon DECIMATES Affiliate Commissions on April 21, 2020

We saw this coming and have been talking about it for over a year, yet the timing couldn’t have been worse on this. It’s time to change how we do online affiliates on our sites, friends

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  1. Boycott them! Not only should affiliates stop promoting Amazon but you should personally stop buying your own stuff from them whenever possible. If everyone did their best to buy from other high quality businesses, Amazon would start feeling it. I have already made a personal commitment to stop buying from Amazon whenever possible. In my opinion they do not appreciate or deserve my business. I actually use to love Amazon but I think Jeff Bezos has gotten way too greedy and I don't believe he even thinks twice about giving his hard working affiliates the finger. Hero to Zero big time!

  2. Love this. I'm currently using them because they were easy for me to join and I'm familiar with them, but hate using them at the same time. Not even just because of how the treat content publishers but also their staff, and also because they're a predatory company help bent on monopoly and then not paying taxes on top of it. So hopefully I'll be able to transition over to better stuff, once my site grows a bit. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get hooked up with other places.

  3. I can see the rage ..missed this video. These commissions came from back in the early days where you would earn by volumes, then to fixed-rate now to 50%, I will not be surprised in the future when the commissions are pennies.
    I have built several Amazon affiliate sites for years and been through this cycle and my current best performing site in the outdoor niche hardly gets any good conversions from Cabelas, seems Amazon's decision on commissions is emboldened by the high number of affiliates and the high conversions.
    The ultimate internet marketing goal should be to build your own products and sell them on your own site – don't sell on other marketplaces since they still have control – its the hard road but its the best long term way to make meaningful income from your traffic.

  4. Yes Amazon has betrayed us, let's teach him a lesson! I'm going to remove all the links from my 5 blogs and stop advising my thousands of readers on my blog about affiliate marketing, to register on amazon associate program … and write articles like: Why should we no longer trust Amazon as a web marketer?

  5. I don't live in the USA and Amazon is not available in my country in Europe, I always wanted to see it here, however, when I spent some more time on AMazon search, I saw it was stuffed with junk from AliExpress and all other products, generally speaking, are much more expensive than on the other sites so I am quite confused why is it sooooo pupular? How come people still trust Amazon?

  6. "Let's be human" — If you think that corporate potentates are human then you are very far from reality. I encourage you to make the trip, however. Lookin and soundin human does not mean that one is human on the inside. They are at war against mankind, especially against Europids.

  7. OH NO I USE AMAZON: Hi Rick and Jim, I want to thank you guys for such fabulous videos.
    I've learned so much on your free youtube videos; unfortunately, I couldn't invest in project 24. You see, my wife had a brain hemorrhage, and finances were set back quite a bit. Still, It didn't stop me every chance I had I worked on my site following all your advice I finish my website June of 2020 @t not sure if I picked the right niche, using Tag-div theme but the goal is to make money so I can take the next step project 24.

  8. Would like to get rid of amazon links but most of my commissions come from people buying other stuff that had no relation to how I got them to Amazon. Like I sent them there to buy a gun holster but they instead purchased a computer within a week of clicking my link. Not many other companies can offer such a wide range of products. But yes I am over making content for affiliate websites, returns make it a waste of time.

  9. Awesome video. Please be advised Home Depot's co-founder Bernie Marcus supports the Trump campaign. Their company has done a terrible job of protecting workers from COVID-19 or enforcing wearing masks.

  10. I get your point but I think you are missing a few considerations on the other side.
    Let's step into Amazon's shoes. It's a pandemic, so the costs of sale will be higher for them as well. A lot of their products come from China, shipping and delays will have a negative impact. It's not farfetched to assume Amazon's expenses have gone up during this period. It's Amazon sure, but even they are not immune to travel restrictions and shipping issues.
    The share price argument is also not complete. Their share price went up as a result of investors moving their funds to companies who they think will thrive and it's obvious Amazon will. But a share price is an indication of future performance. Whilst the value may have gone up, it ensures the company can trade through this pandemic and continue to provide a source of income for affiliates, albeit it being much less. Let's assume they keep commissions the same and their expenses go up rapidly, it would eventually impact affiliates.

    I think, that when things go back to normal and this pandemic is gone, if Amazon do not double or triple their commission rates, then that would be a clearer indication that they are doing us wrong.

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