How to Create Gmail Ads (Complete Step-By-Step Tutorial)

How to create Gmail ads – watch behind my shoulder in this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to create Gmail ads with Google Ads.

Gmail ads are ads that will show up in people’s inbox in the socials or promotions tab and when clicked on, will have a call-to-action button with a possible carousel also taking people to different parts of a website.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
0:57 – Step 1: Create a new campaign
2:02 – Step 2: Set the ad group targeting and other settings
13:45 – Step 3: Create your Gmail ad

Let’s quickly go through them step by step and see what we have to do.

Step 1: Create a new campaign

The first thing we have to do to create our Gmail ads is create a brand new campaign.

Click on the little plus sign in the main campaign interface in your Google Ads account.

You can select “traffic” for the campaign objective if you haven’t set up conversion tracking yet, then set “display” as the campaign type.

From here, you will have the option to select whether your want a standard display campaign or a Gmail campaign.

Select the Gmail campaign and let’s move on to the next step!

Step 2: Set the ad group targeting and other settings

This is the longest part of the Gmail ad creation process.

You start off by entering your campaign name, then selecting the location, and some other miscalleneous settings before arriving at the actual targeting option.

Unlike our preview YouTube or display campaigns, there is no placement targeting – ie. you can’t place these ads on specific websites or YouTube videos because well… these are Gmail ads and will ONLY appear in someone’s Gmail inbox.

However you still have people targeting.

You have several options when it comes to targeting people aside from the obvious ones like age, gender, income, marital status, etc…

a) Affinity audience – you can target people based on their interests.

For example in our example our product is Ted’s Woodworking – so you can target people that show interest in “woodworking” or “DIY woodworking projects” for example, as deemed by Google.

b) In-marketing audience – you can target people that are “in the market” for specific things.

For example people can be in the market for garden tools or the like, meaning Google has determined that these people are currently actively shopping for these specific tools.

c) Remarketing audience – you can target people based on a remarketing audience that you create(d).

If you don’t have a remarketing audience yet, I strongly suggest you take a look at my remarketing courses on my website at:


d) Custom audience – you can create a custom audience list of people that are interested in certain topics, or even searched for certain keywords on Google in the past month or so.

Once you select your targeting, fill in the rest of the blanks on the page, such as the budget, bid, and so on.

A lot of you guys always ask me what the daily budget should be and the answer is it’s up to you, but the more you spend, the faster you’ll get the results to make some meaningful decisions with.

The minimum is $1 a day, but at this rate, it might take you 2 months just to get $60 worth of data and disect it.

When I first started, I started with a $10 budget per campaign, so you can do the same if you’re tight on budget.

But keep in mind that I do suggest that you have a job or some income source so that you can test and experiment – don’t run these ads if that’s the last $10 you have.

Once you select your targeting, it’s time to move to the final step of this Gmail ad tutorial.

Step 3: Create your Gmail ad

Lastly, you have to create the ad.

Simply go from top to bottom and fill in the blanks – enter the company name, headline, description, and add and image, logo, and an optional header.

You can also upload a video to YouTube and use that video if you prefer instead of the image.

Once you create the ad, you can duplicate the ad and ad set to test different variations.

Maybe a different headline, description, image, or targeting – just make sure not to do ALL of these changes in one single ad variation because you won’t know which of the factors caused the result.

And that’s how you create a Gmail ad inside of Google Ads!

Additional resources:

👉 All my courses:

👉 How to create a 52.68% conversion rate landing page in Unbounce:

👉 Like my Facebook page!

👉 How to set up ClickBank tracking with ClickMagick:

👉 How to set up conversion tracking with Google Ads:

👉 How to promote ClickBank products with YouTube ads:

👉 How to promote ClickBank products using Google Display:

👉 When should you end a split test?:

👉 Top 5 extensions for affiliate marketing:


What do you think?


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  1. Hey Ivan, thanks for the content. As a experiment, can I start facebook ads paying small amount of money like this tutorial you are showing here? Since I don't have any experience in ads, I don't want start with high amount of money and don't have any result and lose more than make. Thanks

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