Personal Branding How to Go From Zero to Hero in No Time

Personal Branding: How to Go From Zero to Hero in No Time // You might think that having a successful business is enough, but it isn’t in today’s competitive landscape. There’s one thing that can help separate you from your competitors and that’s a personal brand. Today I’m going to share how you can go from zero to hero in no time with your personal brand.

Ubersuggest –
LinkedIn –

Step 1 – focus on one channel.

Sure, eventually you want to leverage all the channels out there but when you’re starting, you need to just pick one channel. It’s hard to deliver great content on many channels at the same time.

You also want to look like “Hey, where’s my audience hanging out?” Are they hanging out mainly on Facebook? LinkedIn? Twitter? Sure, I have an audience on Facebook, I have an audience on YouTube, I have one on LinkedIn, but did you know that I generate more revenue from LinkedIn than any of the other social platforms? It could be because LinkedIn is a B2B social network and I’m in the B2B space but the point I’m trying to make is not all channels are equal, even if you’re getting the engagement.

Step 2 – Document your journey, your struggles.

If you look at Gary Aviv, he’s done really well, not because he creates a ton of content. He’s actually just living his life and documenting it and he has someone following him around.

Now, why does this work? Well, people are curious about your life. Just think about Keeping Up With The Kardashians, they’re known globally, why? Because they just live their lives. People like that. They prefer that over something that’s very scripted.

Step 3 – Research topics that people are interested in.

You can’t just create content around whatever you want, it has to be related to the industry you’re in. So you can use Quora, what are the most popular questions people are typing in and answering on Quora? Look at Facebook groups, what are the most popular ones in your niche? What are they talking about? Have you ever leveraged the content ideas report in Ubersuggest?

It shows you all the popular content based on social shares, search traffic and backlinks. Same with the keyword ideas report in Ubersuggest, it shows you all the popular keywords that people are typing in. Whether they’re questions, prepositions, comparisons or just general keyword suggestions from Google Suggest.

Step 4 – Want to do is listen to what people are saying in the comments and create content around that as well.

Look, comments are super important, people who engage with you matter. If someone takes the time to leave a comment, you should take the time to respond. Now, your response could be a blog post, it could be a podcast episode, it could be a video, it could just be that you respond to their comment but by helping people who are leaving comments, you’re going to build rapport with them, your brand’s going to grow and in the long run, it’s going to create a huge, massive effect. Then, you want to reach out to the people personally who inspired you to create that content.

Step 5 – Is to do a podcast and interview tour. Here’s what I mean, two things, one, you search on Google for podcast interviews with other people in your niche. You want to make a big list of all those people who are a good fit for you to also be on their show.

And of course, make sure you’re also considering creating your own podcasts as well. When you’re on all these other podcasts, you could promote your own podcast and get more and more regular listeners.

Step 6 – Interview other authority people in your niche.

If you want to be a huge personal brand, if you want to build up your brand and be well known as an authoritative figure more than most people, the quickest way to get there is to associate yourself with people who are already well known.

That’ll help the content spread, that’ll help you get more traction, that’ll help you build out a brand. So, if you follow all that, your personal brand can go from zero to hero in no time.

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  1. Neil, I love the way you communicate with us…. It's a hearty Request to create courses on this topic so it can be more effective and helpful in facing the challenges that we encounter when building a personal brand. thank you for all the information😄👍🏻

  2. Thank you Neil! Focus is key. I read an article the other day by a psychologist, who said the #1 skill for success today is focus. We're so distracted by everything we get nothing done. This goes along with that.

  3. thanks thanks for the content
    Now, your response could be a blog post,

    it could be a podcast episode,
    it could be a video,

    it could just be that you respond to their comment but by helping people who are leaving comments,

    you're going to build rapport with them, your brand's going to grow and in the long run,

    it's going to create a huge, massive effect.

    Then, you want to reach out to the people personally who inspired you to create that content.

  4. Hi Neil! could you enlist Bangladesh in ubbersuggest for keywords location selection? thank you in advance! I can't get the benefit of such amazing tool because of that! paid tools like Moz, Ahref all have it but I can't afford them now!

  5. Dear Mr. Neil, I watch a lot of your videos, and I didn't expect to get so fired up by this one. Really inspired to reach out to my surroundings. God bless you. Love from Pakistan.

  6. Neil, I've been reading and watching your content for years. Don't take this the wrong way because I absolutely love you, think you're amazing but you look really tired physically and mentally. I hope everything is alright?

  7. Hi Neil, I really appreciate your activities. I have a question: when you say you put same videos to YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn do you mean that if you upload 100% the same video to different social media platforms is alright? Thanks, Leveles Zoltan

  8. Oh! So happy to have YOU! This video totally resonates with me.
    I'm so weary of going down the rabbit hole as I research brand building. You ring my "clarity" bell!🛎 Now the path is starting to light up!💡
    Thank you!

  9. Hi Neil, great video do u think Facebook ads work for services like health and safety consultancy. It's more B2B? You didn't talk about LinkedIn.

  10. Focusing on one channel to begin with is great info. If you make YouTube videos, you can expand this to posting clips on Twitter, stories on Instagram, and Twitter. Managing one thing well at first is super great info!

  11. Hey Neil, I've seen your name whenever I do research for Keywords on Google. I figured that you must be one of the most successful individuals in Affiliate Marketing and in fact any type of Internet Marketing. Hence I decided to follow you and learn from you. I had learned about branding from other experts and have been implementing what I learned. What you taught me here makes more sense compared to anything else. I have been in Affiliate Marketing for 9 months now and not making as much progress as I had hoped by this time. Hopefully that will improve as I learn from you and implement what you teach. Thank you so very much. EddieB

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