A Detailed, Newbie’s Guide to Building Your Brand in 2021

A Detailed, Newbie’s Guide to Building Your Brand in 2021 | Do you know what the best moat in business is? See these days, anyone can cop your features, your product, your services, your marketing but there’s one thing that is really hard to copy, and that’s your brand. Today, I’m going to break down a detailed newbie’s guide to building your brand in 2021.

Larry Kim – larrykim.org
Tony Robbins – tonyrobbins.com/
Hello Bar – https://www.hellobar.com/
ConvertKit – https://convertkit.com/
MailChimp – mailchimp.com
MobileMonkey – mobilemonkey.com
ManyChat – manychat.com
Ubersuggest – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/
CodeCanyon – codecanyon.net


Tip number one, be active member on the most targeted communities that you can think of in your space. And most importantly, help people out. Comment on other blogs adding as much value as possible and help them. Participate on Facebook groups that are related to your niche.

Now here’s a secret, when people answer other people’s questions and they’re like, yeah, I want to do this for brand building, most people just do this with one sentence and people can see right through that.

If you want to build up a really big brand and have a loyal audience, you need to go super in depth. The more in depth you go, the more you help people, the better off you are. So I wouldn’t go and just write, hey, one or two tips here or there and answer it. I would try to actually include paragraphs and if you want super pro tip, what you can do is you can actually take the questions you’re answering and create blog content around it that goes super in depth.

And if you’re not sure what questions to write these content pieces on, use Ubersuggest. Go to the keyword ideas reports. You’ll see a questions tab. It will show you all the questions people are looking for within your space.

Tip number two, be a guest on other people’s podcast. The concept of a podcast tour works so well. Like book tours, you go around the world and you speak and people buy your books. You can do the same on podcasts but you don’t even have to leave your living room. Heck, you can have Netflix on in the background put it on on mute and be on a podcast and start spitting out some advice.

Now if you don’t know how to find these podcasts, you can go to the iTunes store and look at all the podcasts there or you can just Google keywords in your industry’s space podcast, and you can see a list of all the podcast that are going up.

Tip number three, create your own podcast and interview guests. This is great because if you had interviewed the Tony Robbins of the world or anyone who’s a influencer within your space. Because you’re associated with them, you’re on the podcast with them, it also boosts your credibility as well and this makes you seem more like authority which helps build your brand.

Now, the key with this because I’ve been on a lot of podcast and people interview me. If you don’t ask them good questions, the podcast won’t do well and it won’t help you out. People will just be like, oh that was terrible podcast interview. So I want you to listen to all the podcast that any guest that have been on, look at the questions they answered.

Tip number four, co-publish content. I’ve done this many times on several of my websites. I had “The Advanced Guide to SEO” that I did with my cousin Sujan Patel. I’ve done advanced guide or a guide on personal branding that I did with Aaron Agius. I’ve done so many guides with other people.

So go find other people who have a brand who have a audience, co-write content together and what you guys should both so is when you publish it, you both promote it to your audiences, your email list, your social profile.

Tip number five, be very active on Pinterest. I get roughly 413,000 monthly visitors from Pinterest each and every single month on one of my websites. Now of course not on neilpatel.com but I have another website out there that does extremely well.

Tip number six, bring people back to your website as much as possible. I’m a big believer in the rule of seven. When someone sees your brand seven times, they’re much more likely to engage and remember you which builds a brand.

And tip number seven, launch your own tool. I do this with Ubersuggest. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. It’s helped build my personal brand. I got so many more brand queries after I launched Ubersuggest. You don’t have to build your own tool like me.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
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#Branding #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


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  1. Hey Niel I enjoyed this video. I started a cleaning company for homes and I would like to know will this work for my business as well. Because I would like to entre into the digital space to scale my business and brand

  2. Hey neil thanks for putting out such a great Content, recently we have started nutrition & food related niche page on Instagram any tips how to build a brand and monetizing it?

  3. Neil you're on top of your game… ready for the new decade? Streaming and voice are hitting us pretty strongly right now. For podcasting, do you have any recommendations that we may be able to pass on to some of our smaller budget clients? In your experience, was is the best way to record and publish studio-quality podcasts on a dime?

  4. Generally speaking, people are not grateful. Why do I think like this? Because you give very good content (10,212 views) and they do not thank you by e.g. commenting on youtube (only 89 comments). I will always be grateful! Thank you for this video, dear Neil!

  5. Sir I have no idea about blog writing and how to start and gave me how to start my business in blog writing and earn money as possible as quick.

    I love to read..
    I am not working for any blog writing.

  6. Hi Neil,
    There was a discussion in my office today, regarding rephrase content.
    Is it ok to rephrase someone's content make it plagarism free and publish it on our site…
    I said that google never rank this sort of content..
    I wanna know about your answer. ( So I can talk on proofs)
    Offcourse you are the Guru of Digital marketing..
    Thanks and best of luck..

    I loved the content from this video and I liked and downloaded this video also… Happy New year sir (Belated) but I have a QUESTION to ask sir. Sir what it takes to be a WORLD CLASS DIGITAL MARKETER (like you , sorav jain, Gary vee) and tell us WHAT ARE THE HIGH INCOME SKILL SHOULD LEARN , TIPS AND TRICKS TO BE A SUCCESSFUL WORLD CLASS DIGITAL MARKETER… PLEASE make a video on this and help us and And you even said sir THAT KNOWLEDGE IS ONLY WHICH CAN SHARE FOR FREEE AND EVEN I BELIEVE MADLY THAT EVERY ENTREPRENEURS ARE HUMBLE AND THEY ARE DOWN TO THE EARTH FOR HELPING NEEDY PEOPLES …. SIR there are more people like us WHO ARE WILLING TO GIVE THEIR BEST TO THE PEOPLE INORDER TO IMPACT MILLIONS OF PEOPLES (LIKE YOU ) SIR…..🤩🤩🤩🤩

  8. Thanks a lot for your tips. They will help me in my blogging. Ps. My advice: you could add the captions on the screen like this: "Tip 1. Use podcasts" (it will help viewers to remember the content of your tips). Thanks for the transcripts: I use them by printing them and underlying the most important key content. Have a great happy day. Dariusz DareToLive Łukasik, blogger.

  9. Awesome tips, Neil. It's all about adding value for your audience. I've been listening to your advice all year and have created my own podcast where I interview people (2 actually).

  10. Hello Neil, great resource as usual. I would be careful when it comes to re-sharing or 'Re-SaaSing' tools from from Codecanyon or similar sites because their license is limited to one use, not SaaS use or reshare/resell etc…. Maybe creating a blog post evaluating some of the best tools, with link backs to where to purchase them can be a safer way. Happy 2020

  11. Yeah, I actually make a living around resource pages built around keywords suggested by ubersuggest and other pages. Also have about 25+ videos planned for various tips. Two recent ones being 101+ work from home jobs and 51+ Youtube channel ideas to help someone build a brand. 🙂 Lots more content to come for anyone that might want to check it out. Funny enough the more specific the tip even if it seems obscure, if you're the only resource you get all the traffic. Had that experience first a long time ago on a gaming channel I used to run, got about 20,000 views and it was just tips to keep a corrupted save file from corruption on an obscure game. Met the demand of searches, basically.

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