9 SEO Metrics You Need to Measure When Launching a New Website

9 SEO Metrics You Need to Measure When Launching a New Website | When you’re getting a new website off the ground, knowing exactly what to measure will make or break your success. But with all the metrics that Google Analytics and other platforms offer, it’s easy to get lost. So, you know what? Today I’m going to keep it simple. That way you can succeed. Today, I’m going to break down 9 SEO metrics that you need to measure when launching a new website.

Google Analytics – https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#/
MobileMonkey – https://mobilemonkey.com/
Manychat: https://manychat.com/
Google Search Console – https://search.google.com/search-console/about
Ubersuggest – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/
Overstock.com – Overstock.com

The first metric that you need to monitor is load time.

It has a huge effect on SEO and user experience will make or break your website’s success. You know, I was reading an interesting article that was breaking down some stats from Walmart.

Did you know that every second that they saw in load time improvement, they saw roughly a 1 or 2% increase in conversions? That’s not bad, something’s better than nothing, right? So load time not only affects your search engine rankings but it can also affect your conversion rates.

The second metric that you need to keep track of is dwell time or at least average session duration in Google Analytics. If people like your content, they’ll spend more time consuming it. If they don’t, then you’re kind of screwed. And a simple way that you can improve this is crosslinking your content together.

So for example, if I have an article that breaks down SEO and an introduction to SEO and I break down all the factors of SEO such as things like link building. Well, if I was to have an article on link building, I’ll link to that article and that will help with this metric.

The next metric is average time on page. Check this metric off for individual pages to see what’s working and what’s not working. You’ll have some pages that hit it out of the park and you’ll have some pages that just do terrible.

You want to take the pages that are doing extremely well and figure out, all right, what do all these pages have in common? Go look at all the pages that aren’t performing well, what do they have in common? This will give the idea of what you should do more of and what you should do less of.

The next metric I want you to look at is a percentage of returning visitors and the early days, especially when your website is brand new, what you’ll find out is you’ll have a ton of returning visitors. Because that will be you going back to your site or your friends going back to your site.

The next metric I want you to look at: referral traffic. Organic traffic won’t be great in the beginning but if you can get referral traffic in order to get people to your site, if they’re from relevant sites, you can get sales, conversions. Knowing what is the best referring traffic sources will help you fine-tune your marketing strategy.

The next metric I want you to track is organic traffic. In the early days you’re not going to rank for much so what you want to do is you want to look for your rankings and if they’re climbing up.

So when you’re looking at organic traffic, look at the total number not just each individual keyword, because you can see as a whole, are you getting more traffic or less traffic. You can do this through Google Search Console or you can sign up for Ubersuggest and it can track your rankings as well as your search traffic on a daily basis for you.

The next thing I want you to track: bounce rate. For organic traffic, anything around 50% or lower is good, anything above that level you need to make improvements to your site. Bounce rate’s not just about the content but it’s about the experience.

The next metric: email opt in’s. Email subscribers will be one of your best source of traffic.

Now another metric I want you to track: pages per session. Look, if people are coming to your site and they’re sticking around for two, three, four, five pages per session, that’s good. If they’re sticking to one point something, that’s pretty low.

Look at the behavior flow in Google Analytics to see exactly where users are navigating to. This will inform you and tell you what’s working and what’s not. This will tell you what you need to do to get more pages per session.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

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#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


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  1. @ 3.30 – it was hard to understand what you were saying. I will paraphrase it. "As your referral traffic increases, that usually means your backings are increasing. This correlates with the increase of organic traffic over time." Does this sound correct?

  2. Hi, Neil! One question, I want to create my own website to start practice digital marketing, I´ve heard that WordPress is a very good option and the easiest to index in google, what do you think? is it WordPress the best option to create a new website? Thanks in advance!

    Great Job!

  3. Hey Neil , i am an engineering student and wanted to be a marketer and along with that i am learning AI how do you think i should pursue my dream to utilize AI in marketing and any ways to start this up. it would be great if you could suggest me a way.

  4. Hi Sir, I wish you could do us a favour by getting fresh site using WordPress and then begin a series on how to optimize it to the top of google so that new bees such us me will follow along to success. Thank You

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  6. Hey Neil, thanks for the tips. I sent you an email concerning Ubersuggest Improvements, I hope you write it and tell me your opinions, and by the way I see Ubersuggest turning Paid in the near future, Am I wrong? Cause I have seen the new update about the login thing and I hope it stays that way. Thank you again, Mohamed from Morocco.

  7. Hey Neil, I'm curious to know about the future of SEO or even paid advertisement. Is automation going to overshadow them or there'd always going be a ton of jobs for SEOs or Media buying?

  8. Hey Neil, I’m really enjoying your videos. Quick question. If I’m starting a new article / blog based website do I write a number of articles / blog posts before I publish for the first time or do you publish as soon as you’ve completed your first article and add to it as the next ones become available?
    Keep up the great work!

  9. Hello Neil
    I need help with my ecommerce website as it gets suspended now for high usage by my hosting company could you please suggest me some resolutions to any help will be appreciated.

  10. Hi Neil. You're the REAL mentor! Always good advice! Amazon invests a lot to improve loading time. Other brands like Microsoft and Google pay their attention not less because websites lose 20% of their conversions for each sec of loading. About time on site is such a tricky metric. Of course it's better to keep visitors on your website, however it depends on your content. If they find everything for one minute, that's ok )))

  11. Hi Neil. Fantastic summary for new websites! Question: Does the bounce rate depend on the "type" of landing page the visitor arrives? (ecommerce product, blog post, homepage, etc). What has been your experience?


  12. I feel like there was some good stuff here, but I also feel like a lot of the tips are geared towards small brick and mortar business websites as opposed to bloggers. I would love to hear another video on the same topic that was geared towards bloggers.

  13. Neil,
    How you compress the code of your webpage into paragraphs? that saves a lot of time in a web page loading. Do you use a specific plugin for this or a kind of coding? I hope you got my question
    Thanks in advance if you could answer this

  14. Thanks Neil – perfect for our upcoming product launch. One thing we ALWAYS use on a new site is an exit survey to find out (a) what brought them to our site (i.e. what is working) and (b) why are they leaving empty handed (i.e. what do we have to do to keep them or engage them). We obtain priceless info from the horse's mouth at no cost and no effort. Surgical remedies follow 😉

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