Start Your Blog, NOW! 5 Reasons Why You Need To Start, ASAP

If you’ve been thinking about starting your blog, you are about to find why now is the best time to start blogging in the last 10 years. this must watch video reveals how the “new normal” is creating opportunity for bloggers like you.

For help starting your blog, a free how to blog tutorial is here:

For help choosing your blog’s niche, you can check out the free “how to choose a profitable niche” course here:

after running a deep dive survey with my YouTube audience and my email list, it is clear that many subscribers, possibly you… Are waiting to understand how the whole world of blogging works before starting.

The analogy is that you’ve purchased a puzzle and you have decided you are going to analyze every single puzzle piece and understand how they all fit together before starting to build the puzzle.

When thinking about blogging through this lens of puzzle building, the idea of waiting to understand everything before you start becomes ridiculous.

But this is the truth.

Most new bloggers are stuck in indecision because they are analyzing and over analyzing everything.

The truth is, coming from someone who has built a million-dollar blog and has five profitable blogs, that you learn by actually building something.

It doesn’t matter if you build a website focused on BMX bike pedals, catfish fishing lures, or teaching cats to juggle…

You will learn more by getting into motion and building your blog… You will learn more by starting a blog… Then you ever will from watching YouTube videos about blogging.

There is a time and a place for learning new information. This is called just in time learning not just in case learning.

when you are starting your blog you need to commit to a niche and an audience for your blog and then simply build based on the how to blog tutorial above.

Once you have your blog started you need to learn how to create blog content fast that ranks in Google which you can learn in this video here:

For help coming up with blog topics you can use these free tools

for the professional level keyword research tool that will help you get traffic to your blog fast, watch this video:

But here’s the thing about blogging…

There’s nothing else to do beyond what’s listed here in the description!

You need to come up with new topics that your audience is interested in based on keyword research…

You then research your blog topics based on the process taught in my learn how to write SEO content fast for your blog video…

And then you publish it to your blog and repeat the cycle.

People achieve success with their blogs because of the volume of content they publish over long periods of time..

My wife’s blog reaches 40 million humans because she has been publishing blog posts for over 10 years.

Which is one of the biggest reasons why now is the best time for you to get started .

Because it takes time for you to grow your blog audience, get your blog indexed by Google and by starting now, you are on the path to achieving the success with your blog you desire.


What do you think?


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  1. Thanks Miles so far month 1 on the blog and I have one post (my first one I wrote) that hit the first page of google today. Had around 700 impressions and 10 clicks from search in the first month with 20 total post.

  2. Oh yes, bogged down researching, it’s easy to do too much. In my case it’s been researching the subject matter in depth, reading books but I’m now pushing myself hard to go fir the 90 day challenge! Otherwise it will never happen;) and thanks for your great motivation, Miles!

  3. Just-in-case vs. Just-in-time learning – such a brilliant concept, Miles! I'm afraid I've been the former type of a learner all my life…2 more years of watching your videos and I might become the latter…Or does it not work this way?!:D

  4. I totally respect your approach to suggesting starting immediately but have a difficult time figuring out a thing to blog; although, I have some ideas however. I have just come out of a health issue for the last few years (out of any business loop) and am now trying to get back into the swing of things. And at an older age too. But I will take your advice and go to your website to start the process. Hopefully, God willing, I will have something I can put my hands on through that process. Thanks, Miles

  5. Hey Miles! Thanks so much for your helpful info, these videos quite literally have altered my life trajectory in a positive way and I really appreciate that! As I'm doing the niche search I've found one that I'm passionate about but as I search for communities around it what I find are that all the communities (FB groups, Reddits, etc.) are all filled with people promoting their blogs and not people searching for answers (for the most part). Is this one of those signs of healthy competition that is good, or is this a sign that I need to select a different niche?

  6. Yes! I just started a Wannabe Preppers website because I think with the craziness of 2020 means we should have our homes more prepared in case of recession or another food shortage like in April. I am such a perfectionist that I don't like sharing my website. I want the images to be better, more content, need to learn SEO, etc, but at least I have started! And honestly I have 2 other websites I want to make long term but this one is giving me the skills and the practice.

  7. Hi, Miles what do you recommend as the best email marketing course? teaching copywriting (at least basics), paid ads to grow your list and tracking for emails. price is not a problem? I really trust your opinion

  8. Great info as usual. I will do a video of me telling people all the wrong things to do. It will be me with 20 "How To " tabs and not one single paragraph written in my blog.

  9. Amazing content, really helpful! Quick question, I live in the US but I want to write a blog in Portuguese. Would I get payed in US dollars or in the other country's currency?

  10. How to add Privacy Policy, Terms of Use etc. in footer on WordPress site? I use free themes and i do not know how to do that. I can write the text in footer but I can't put links to those pages.

  11. Ya I have been stuck foreverrrr….on a niche and domain names errrrr, but yes now who cares just start and learn by doing and changing some actions, ect……also many platforms are forever changing……sooo I guess just one thing at a time….

  12. This is true. You can get caught up in researching but you will learn best and make progress by actually just doing the thing. I was supposed to start my blog first and then my Youtube channel, because Youtube was way more scary to me. But I am so glad I pushed myself simply by asking myself if not now with all this free time in 2020 pandemic then when? It’s just fear and guess what – everyone is afraid. Plus the chances of millions of ppl seeing your lackluster first few posts or videos are slim to none.

  13. Hey, Miles first I need to thank you!!! Question I don't have thrive but I did add the plugin GA Google Analytics And now I'm stuck I tried to verify my site with google search console and it will not verify. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Please help Kelly

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