$9,400/month from a 2-hour blogging work week

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Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. Hi Income School, I need some advice, I have a blog site with 1000 posts on it, I have been interested in being a content creator and 're-starting' my website career. Should I start a whole new site or keep using my old site even though the articles are short.

  2. Wonderful story. God bless him. One thing I really liked about what he said was not to get bogged down with the little things and concentrate instead on getting out content. This is very hard to do when you're a total newbie like me. By the way, Jim, I really like the world map on your wall. It's a good metaphor for your work: the world is your oyster. 😀

  3. OK, so it works…. but if it's on a 2 hour work week……. then why doesnt he put in an 80 hour week and make $400,000 per month???
    The headline is misleading (clickbait). You have to do a TON of work and learning before you get to the point where your content is generating passive income. Sure enough, he talks about going above and beyond and sorry but you just can't do that on 2h per week.
    When something is too easy, it comes back to bite you in the butt because you don't grow. Just bear this in mind. If you can get rich on 2h a week then pretty soon you will be obsolete. Trust me on this. I would recommend not to look for low hanging fruit in life because you will stagnate and end up in a place where you have no competitive advantage, whereas someone who was committed to maximum effort is going to outgrow you and leave you behind wondering what happened. And no outsource worker will ever care as much about your business as you do.

  4. As soon as I watching this vid I recognized Benny – I have a blog in the same niche as his – but not his electronic one. Nice to hear a bit of his story and he's doing well with it all. Benny, if you read this, drop me a message and maybe we can do some guest posts or something as we are in the same niche 🙂

  5. Great interview. One thing that helped me in the beginning is knowing how people picked their niche. Were they an expert already? Did it just look easy to go after so they did? etc. Knowing that origin story might help people. Again, great interview and I'm glad to see that he reinvested the early income from the site back into the site.

  6. If I start a YouTube channel and I decide to hybrid it with a blog do I still have to put up 50 blogs in 3 months as you just in other videos? I ask because with YouTube It's suggested you only upload one to two videos per week which is opposite of your blog formula.

  7. What is your idea of using press releases to get rankings on search engines? Would a monthly consistent press release about your content or website be a good idea?

  8. I love the fact that you guys are making these videos, it's amazing. Question for Jim, I'm living in another country right now, can I still make an amazing blog and rank in the US?

  9. Since the goal of Project 24 is to average a 1000 page views per month per article I would love for you to have picked his brain as to what he thought he wasn't doing as well as he should have since he was only hitting 500 pageviews a month on average. As well as hes doing, he could obviously double his revenue if he was hitting that goal.

  10. How does one get 500 views per post? I can barely rank for anything that even has that as a monthly search volume. I'm lucky to hit 84 views per post per month

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