Do These 3 Things Before You Ever Publish Any Piece of Content

When you’re publishing new content on your blog or Youtube, you’ll want to make sure one of these three things doesn’t derail your success without you realizing what’s happening. Whether it’s in the short term or longer, small changes in your approach before hitting “publish” on that video or blog post could make a big difference. In this video we talk about a few of the most overlooked but important ways to look at your content (and edit it if needed) before going live with it.

When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

0:00 What Most People Overlook
0:25 Reading Content Like Google Does
2:47 Satisfying Searcher’s Intent
6:26 How Monetization Plays into Your Plans
8:20 Each Piece of Content Needs Trust
9:07 Early Visitor’s Experience

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. Please add closed captions to your videos guys. I really enjoy them but it makes it easier for me with captions as I'm half deaf, as are many people, some completely deaf, they are unable to gain any value from your videos.

  2. I thought we have to be exact with our answers in our article in regard to what a user is searching for in google. Why do we have to put the table when the user is specifically asking for a certain model only? The extra info will not be counted as content right? Why don't we consult the table and pick the model and write the article about it. Am I getting it right?

  3. This is the first video I’ve seen from you guys. I am video creator on YouTube trying to learn about SEO and trying to figure out how to get my videos seen! Thanks for all the helpful tips!

  4. Hey I would like to pay someone from P24 that would review my site and explain me what I'm doing wrong and why I'm dropped by 50% in SERP and also 1/3 in GA (visits) . Please let me know at .. I just can't explain what's wrong

  5. Can I link to a Wiki? I usually link out to Wikis that have information about an event similar that I want to reference (and its specific details) in my blog. Can I do that?

  6. Hi Jim and Ricky,

    First of all, I am your huuuge fan. I have been binge-watching your videos since I got to know about this channel. I seriously fell in love with your videos. I got inspiration and started my own micro-niche site. too. I followed your advise and wrote a response post and then a staple post. And, you were correct, the response post is amazing. It took a lot less time and brought in tons of traffic. When I first published it on my website, Google instantly ranked in #14. I have only 2 posts till now and I am writing the third one.

    My website is just 10 days old and I am getting benefit from your advice. I am a school-going student from India (14 yr old). I am blogging in tech niche but still seeing the results. When I start earning from my blog, I will surely purchase your project 24 course.

    I know it was a long comment but thanks for reading it. By the way, you deserve to get 20 million+ subscribers. ❤

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