I Tried CPA MARKETING with $0 For 7 Days & made__?

I tried to make money online with cpa marketing with $0 using free traffic methods and then switching it to paid traffic method when I made some money. I share the results for beginners who are looking to learn how they can make $$ with cpa affiliate marketing in 2023, 2024 and beyond!

πŸ“ŒπŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘Join Golden Goose HERE ➜ ➜ https://goldengoose.cc/r47bVd5B

Like I mentioned above, I first started with free cpa marketing traffic methods and the goal in the video was to make a couple of dollars from that just like beginners would and then try to flip that by using paid cpa marketing which might be google ads because I started writing & planning this video/description before I shot the video so for now I do not know the exact cpa affiliate marketing methods that I will use bit I’m sure that we’d end up making money from these cpa marketing tricks that work even better than the self click trick, so this will serve as a short cpa marketing full course and those from bangla and hindi can watch this as well because it’ll be subtitled so that way my accent doesn’t hinder them.

Something that I did here was that I took my time to find and use the best cpa marketing site that I could find in the video which is golden goose, I left a link to them above the paragraph above this one so if you came to this video not knowing what some of the best cpa marketing sites are then this is it right here and I’d love to address the fact that there’s no blackhat cpa marketing trick of any cpa marketing self click method for beginners in this video in this video. I’ll save the cpa marketing self clicking thing for another day so that I’ll show you guys how it’s done effectively and yes if you came here trying to learn how to do cpa marketing then I am confident that when you watch this video in detail you’ll get to learn how to get traffic for cpa marketing with both free and paid traffic because I started with free and used the money I made for paid cpa marketing also if you came here for a cpa marketing fake signup method, that will be saved for another day here on the Daniels Hustle youtube channel. ENJOY!

πŸ“ΈInstagram ➜ https://instagram.com/danielshustle
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🌐Website ➜ https://www.danielshustle.com
πŸ‘Facebook ➜ https://fb.com/danielshustle50
πŸ“ŒPinterest ➜ https://pinterest.com/danielshustle

Just follow my steps and enjoy… Thanks for watching guys!

#CpaMarketing #MakeMoneyOnline #DanielsHustle

DISCLAIMER: All the videos on this channel are for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary. The fact that I have made money from these websites does not mean that you too can make the same amount of money. You might make more or less, it all depends on experience, determination, and a lot of other things. It is very important for you to know that everything you do and get from this is at your own risk and depends on how much work you are willing to put in. Some of the links in videos on this channel are affiliate links, meaning that some of the purchasing made through the links will give us a commission, without any additional cost occurring to you.


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  1. I was approved by golden goose in less than 5 minute. I setup my WhatsApp Tv ads which i paid 6k for 3 different channel and sent the link to the owners. However, I'm seeing 36 clicks but no conversion. One of the owner of the WhatsApp TV completed the offer and he was charged N50 but still not reflecting on my dashboard…

    My question is this, is conversion registered instantly on the dashboard or after 24 hours because i don't know why a lead will be generated and it will not reflect…

    Kindly answer me please

  2. Thanks for this video I've made a little money but could you please drop a few of the WhatsApp tv you used because the 2 I came across are scammers and the others are charging me 5000 – 7000 naira so please recommend a few of the WhatsApp tv numbers so I can reinvest and grow me money

  3. Hello Dan, My link is still directing people to another landing page, asking them to download a file. I tried turning off the smartlink as you instructed, but nothing changed. Please can you assist me😒

  4. Hi Daniel i tried one of your CPA marketing process. But I'm stock at sending links to sellers on Fiverr. Because from what I've read Fiverr doesn't accept links in chat message. Heard it can get your account band. Anyway around this. Another thing is the sellers are not agreeing to click or view the document. Should I keep trying or this method is already outdated

    By the way i set it up to Google site

  5. I don't understand what you did to disable what was taking people to the wrong page. also do I have to have a landing page for this or is there another way to do it. If I do need a landing page how do I connect it to tap mob. That's what I'm trying now thx!

  6. Daniel can you please Explain the kind of angle you used that get people signing from Whatsaap tv so that one can duplicate or auto re engineer your angle.

    I already joined GG and Lidia is my manager also

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