Answering YOUR Questions Live!

In this LIVE I’m answering questions live from those in attendance, but I’m starting with questions that have been asked in the comments in recent YouTube videos. If you want your questions answered, go ahead and ask them in the comments of our videos and we’ll try to get to them in our next LIVE!

For those who asked about Private Coaching, you can find that at We’ll be adding an option soon for site reviews as well that will cost even less.

0:00 – Taking Questions from YouTube Comments
1:25 – Stop WordPress from Creating Mulitple Image Files
3:34 – How to Add Organization Schema to Your Site
8:26 – How Should I Put FAQs in My Content?
10:50 – What to Do When a Website’s Growth Plateaus
14:37 – Can You Put a Blog Post in Multiple Categories?
16:39 – How to Find a Low Competition Niche
19:21 – August 2023 Google Algorithm Update
23:46 – AI-Generated Images vs Stock Photos
26:02 – Does Location-Based Content Impact Site-Wide SEO?
28:03 – Competing in a High-Competition Niche
30:23 – Strategy: Targeting High-Value, Specific Topics
31:13 – When is Jim Coming Back?
33:36 – What Affiliate Network Should I Use?
37:06 – Are Free Stock Photos Bad?
38:36 – Do You Do Coaching?
39:50 – Is it Okay to Change a Website’s Niche?
41:42 – Can You Do Faceless Videos for Blog Content?
43:16 – When are You Coming to Affiliate Gathering?
43:43 – Failing Core Web Vitals
45:40 – Embedding Videos Without Slowing Down Your Website
50:15 – Targeting Low-Competition Keywords, but Not Ranking on Google
52:14 – Competing in YMYL Niches
53:55 – How Pivot Topics on a YouTube Channel or Blog?
55:20 – Is it Worth it to Blog In 2 Languages?
58:53 – Is No-Follow Important for Affiliate Links?
1:00:30 – Can You Embed Other People’s Videos on Your Website?
1:02:25 – How to Get Better at Industry Outreach for Non-Native English Speakers
1:09:11 – What Can I Do For a Declining Website?
1:11:13 – Will 100 Articles Work? Article Inflation
1:13:26 – Using a Persona on Your Website
1:16:40 – Is it Important to No-Index Category Pages on a Website?
1:18:12 – How is Doing?
1:19:42 – Update #ProjectCharity
1:21:42 – #ProjectDoubletime Update
1:25:07 – Is that Painting in Thailand?
1:26:00 – What Percent of People who Join Project 24 Make it to Full-Time in 2 Years?

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Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark ā€œProject 24ā€ refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


What do you think?


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  1. I was very happy to skip through this livestream to learn new useful things! Especially what you said about scams from people pretending to be law firms asking for compensation for unattributed use of a stock photo. I do use free stock photos occasionally, and I'm glad to know about that.

  2. From a users perspective having content more varied in the search results is way more helpful than seeing the same thing repeated. I have benefited greatly from Googles latest update. It also forces bloggers to make more original content which may be more difficult but itā€™s what we as searchers need.

  3. Hey there Ricky. Thanks for this live video. Very cool, so many great tips. I tried Presto Player, but I can't figure out where the Subscribe feature is and also don't see the ability to add a caption right under the video window like you can w/ the regular YouTube embed window in WordPress. I tried to use Presto Player support, but that was weird, I think you have to be a paying user to ask a question. Thanks for any help.

  4. I'm very happy with Ricky's leadership and style. Everyone has different styles and skills, I very much actually prefer the business sharpness that Ricky has. On a side note I'm uncomfortable with the focus on guns that Jim has taken and I'm not sure I could be here if this were in the p24 stable. I appreciate it's part of American culture for some, but this is a global audience.

  5. 3:36 Rankmath (free version) has organisation schema in: Dashboard > Setup wizard > Advanced (option) > Your site (step at the top) . There you can choose type, name, logo. + default social share image.

  6. Really interesting what you said about Google's Helpful content update. It goes against the advice of most SEO "experts", since they usually give the advice to mimic whats on top of search (but make it better), giving the reason that Google put those posts first because their content is ideal for that search query according to Google. I have no idea who is right, but it would be interesting to hear your opinions in more depth about this. Perhaps devote one of the weekly videos to this! I have to say that all my ai "test sites" increased in impressions from this update, but on the other hand their traffic is so low so it does not really mean much…. Also thanks for the live and answering my question during the session! (I often comment here because I really have an interest, and I hope you like it to have some people interacting this much, boosting the algorithm, even if the questions sometimes are hard to answer, or considered critical in some way.)

  7. I think you're off track with the update. Your own teachings have been if you see a forum or reddit you can outrank them. This update has put forums and reddit above my content now. How do anonymous users posting on a forum have more authority to talk about something than I do? So much for E-E-A-T. My site was doing great for 5 years, took a dip a little bit over the past year because of the economy, not for any ranking reduction, now it's been spanked by this update. AI is going to eat this whole game up. Think it's time to cash out with whatever I can get for my site and move on to something else.

  8. Thank you! I learned how to do the link video from a YouTuber, not a blogger so much. I will definitely use the presto plugin šŸ˜Š and thanks for telling me my idea will work.

  9. Hey Ricky thanks for q&a this morning, always learn something newā¤ I wanted to follow up with something I found. I asked the question on your opinion regarding no face videos… Thank you for addressing it and I appreciate your spin on it. I had been looking to see if perhaps channel makers covered the topic and I found the video I was looking for and thought I'd share it here for anyone else that might be interested. Cheersā¤…

  10. I miss the live. I intend to ask about monetizing if today how many % you do in ads on the blog, and if you believe it's possible to live without affiliate links today with a blog due to AI mass blogging competition. Thank you.

  11. Loved this live, Ricky. Thanks for taking the time to do it. When going through the Rankmath setting, you do get the option to fill in your business name, entity, etc. Just never created a separated schema code for it. So thanks. I'm going to do it now and add it to my about page.

    Have a great weekend.

  12. Thank you for doing this! I have a Etsy shop selling resources for beginners in my career field and Iā€™ve had good success. Should I create a website to sell those products or a blog around it? Or both?

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