Chat GPT – SEO and Blogging Will Never Be The Same

You can’t watch YouTube for 3 minutes these days without hearing something about AI or Chat GPT. That’s because AI is finally getting to the point that we could actually believe that it’s a human! That’s a big deal. So today we’ll break down Chat GPT and AI to discuss what it means for the future of SEO and Blogging.

0:00 – Questions About Chat GPT and AI
0:55 – Chat GPT’s Cool Capabilities
2:05 – AI and Chat GPT’s Impact on SEO
4:31 – Why Google Doesn’t Like AI-Generated Content
5:26 – The Limitations of AI
10:43 – AI’s Biggest Limitation for Blogging and SEO
13:25 – Will Chat GPT End Blogging?
14:04 – AI and Chat GPT’s Impact on Blogging
17:17 – Using AI as a Blogging Tool
19:42 – The Role of Humans in the world of AI
21:41 – What This All Boils Down To

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  1. Hey! Thanks for watching. I'm curious to know, what sorts of things are you doing with AI these days on your blog?

    Also, don't miss my interview with Kyle Roof in my very next video. Cheers!

  2. Great video. Fascinating topic of blogs vs Ai. And of course the bigger question of whether ranking well on Google will be relevant in the coming years. I predict a change being Google becoming a reliable source of information and Ai a quick-fix and straight to the point answer.
    You have covered this on your videos for years by emphasising the importance of "authoritativeness" of the author. It's almost as though Google seen this coming years ago.
    Will Google be able to identify blogs that have copied content from ChatGPT? Of course they will. Google have used Ai for years. That's why none of us "totally" understand their ranking algorithms. Interesting times ahead.
    In my opinion, ChatGPT is the biggest technological step forward since the start of the internet.
    In just a few years, we may be looking back and laughing at ourselves at how we relied on search engines to find information. Old age pensioners will be chirping in about how they used newspapers & Yellow Pages in their day.

  3. I completely agree. I’d also like to say how scary it’ll be when it learns our human behavioral partners. Most of us die after 100 years. But building an AI can show us our living cycles.

    For instance, on Facebook. Every year it shows me a picture of something I was interested or into at the time. I used to laugh, until I realized I started getting back into that a few days prior from seeing that picture. Anyone else notice you own living cycle? Kind of scary stuff lol

    Or did I already say this last year.. 😂

  4. Hey Ricky!

    Thank you for such great insights. A person who himself is familiar with blogging can understand the ins and outs of it and how AI would affect the industry.

    Meanwhile, I was looking into the article: Salad Fork vs Dinner Fork

    Back in April 2022, it was ranking for 100+ keywords including the primary ones such as "salad fork vs dinner fork".

    But now, it is not even in the top 100 positions.

    Would you please give a take on that or your thoughts on why this might have happened as I am very curious to know what I could do in these kinds of situations.

  5. Response from GPT. Asked what alternative methods there are to cleaning the snow in your driveway when your snowblower keeps getting jammed.

    If your snowblower keeps getting jammed while trying to clear snow off your driveway, there are a few things you can try to fix the issue:

    Check the auger: Make sure the auger, which is the part of the snowblower that moves the snow, is not clogged with ice or debris. If it is, clear it out and make sure it can move freely.

    Adjust the skid shoes: The skid shoes are located at the bottom of the snowblower and determine how close the auger is to the ground. If they are set too low, they can cause the auger to hit the ground, which can cause it to jam. Adjust the skid shoes to the appropriate height for your driveway.

    Use the right type of snow: If you are trying to clear heavy, wet snow, it can be more difficult for the snowbl

    I stopped it here, went outside, and adjusted the type of snow that I was trying to blow.

    I also adjusted the skid shoes so they were the "appropriate height for my driveway".

    Definitely follow the same guidelines for mowing your lawn people. Stay Safe!

  6. You can basicaly ask chatgpt on some blog titles in x niche then ask it to write a blog post and then tell it to rephrase said blog post to be unique and boom. Then you can add your own images ect and make the blog post look nice.

  7. 1. AI can't provide human experience – Counter Argument: AI can provide human-like experiences through natural language processing and machine learning to provide insights into a given topic that may not be as easily accessible to humans.

    2. AI can't provide product reviews – Counter Argument: AI can analyze user reviews and data to provide insights into a given product or service that may not be as easily accessible to humans.

    3. AI can't test anything – Counter Argument: AI can be used to automate testing processes and provide insights that may not be as easily accessible to humans.

    4. AI can't provide opinions – Counter Argument: AI can provide opinions based on data and analysis of user reviews and data to provide insights into a given opinion that may not be as easily accessible to humans.

    Guess who(what) wrote this

  8. The thing is, ChatGPT is trained on a very small data set right now. So the shocking level of output and capabilities of ChatGPT that is blowing the minds of many people is from a fraction of the information it could potentially be using. My honest opinion is, the distance between the invention of the first computer to the release of the first AI such as ChatGPT was far, but now we’re here. The distance between ChatGPT being what it is now and ChatGPT becoming highly intelligent is no more than a few steps away. I believe by the end of 2023 either the current GPT Devs, or another party, will begin training the AI using LIVE datasets. Once that happens the AI will become extremely smart and will always become smarter, since it will learn as fast as things are created around it while learning thousands of things simultaneously and drawing relations between them all.

    In terms of experience, if an AI was trained on every piece of schooling that a surgeon learns through years of school. It would “technically” know the same things the surgeon has learned. Now what’s missing is the experience the surgeon gains through human interaction. But what if the AI gets fed terrobytes of video data from decades of surgeries by doctors all around the world. Seeing complications and how they were solved etc.

    At that point the AI could potentially know more than the human doctor in book knowledge and in experience

    Just theories here. I’m a big fan of the channel I bought ur course too so been following along with all of this stuff

  9. I use it all the time, but to your point, it has many limitations. You must be involved in text. It helps me with creativity by giving me ideas to work with. AI is a tool. As we had to learn how to use a computer, we have to learn how to use AI as a help. We definitely need to be aware of the progress of the development of the software. To your point, if we aren't producing content, the AI will have nothing to base its answers on. But it can do some neat generic stuff. You must check any facts it produces. I don't use ChatGPT for anything other than messing around, but in many respects it as good or better than my regular AI tool. I'm sure at some point it will be charged base.
    Great video! Thanks

  10. excellent video. People are so excited about it, but need to remember some info might be incorrect. It's good as a prompt to get you started on some things or help as possible guide etc. you can take info and edit and make it better. can motivate you to start something, that's what it's done for me. saves time for sure. that's just my opinion

  11. google and "authority" on subjects…. hmm…. so far, google gets the impression that you are trustworthy, as long as you create enough content on a subject to become a "authority". google doesn't fact check you. it can't (yet). if you write about cheesecake recipes, it has no clue what a "good cheesecake" is. you'll simply rank high if you satisfy the algorithm criteria, but your cake could be simply average or even disgusting. long story short: I don't care if an AI crawled through every piece of information on the internet about cheesecake and gives me a recipe. for me, that's just as trustworthy as the top ranked google find on the matter. now I'll have my cake and eat it ;P

  12. Thanks for this video on the overview of ChatGPT. We have been using if for outlines, and SOPS, and some other things but never for blogging. I finally am able to leave a comment. I missed being able to see all your videos. I have had a YouTube account since 2009 and for no reason, after all those years of building my audience and being monetized- all gone in one minute. I have been appealing and appealing and of course, no answer. That was in August. I finally was able to get into YT with another old account I had. But it is a pain because my main gmail is attached to the suspended account so I have to go through a bunch of hooks to log in each time! So annoying! Anyways- i finally got to leave a comment!

  13. Well said Ricky 👌 I've not yet found a way to directly use chatgpt content in any industry that I actually know exceedingly well. If I know the industry I can use it to help unearth tangental topics that don't come to mind right away or find related faqs that I don't obviously think of in the moment of writing. Kind of similar to hiring writers to write information based blog posts, when I know the niche I never trust the hired writer because they don't have the experience that I have already. Makes you wonder if Google saw this coming in advance when they expanded EAT to EEAT. Experience is something that humans can get and expand on in content production. This will only push actual authoritativeness to the top imo.

  14. I don’t think any of the limitations are limitations. Most of the ones listed have to do with the user and the inputs. But an expert user can manipulate it in the way you want it

  15. Na. They have live trained models. They are too powerful to give to people for free. Chatgpt is a product. A demo product. It’s not the tech. The tech is in the models. Go into open AI and go play in the playground. It’s unmodded chat gpt

  16. Solid info as always from a source I trust, thanks for this. I'm a part-time copywriter with a small client base, I'm always learning, and ChatGPT is daunting, so I'm glad there are limitations. Just hope google keeps on top of this so us writers with bills to pay aren't put by the wayside.

  17. Yesh its impressive I agree! BUT… Chat GPT is also stealing also open source licensed code and probably many other copy righter materials… Who is behind Chat GPT ? The mighty MS, who is now suied for DRM/FOSS copy right vailation.

  18. I agree with all of this and CGPT is super-useful for some level of research (we've used it in our org). BUT… Google's gotta do better. We all keep hearing that EEAT is critical in order to win all the while CNET, Popular Mechanics, The Spruce, and hundreds of other "big" names keep securing top spots with crap content that is nothing more than Amazon photos and summaries of Amazon reviews turned into a paragraph or three. They're winning, yet fail the EEAT test every single time, and with every single post. That's a Google problem, not a blogger problem.

  19. in the next 10 to 20 years now, chatGPT will be at is best, i take an existing information, write my own outlines and ask chatGPT to give me a summary and an outlines base on the information i provided, the result was amazing

  20. I got an extremely incorrect answer the other day from ChatGPT. I asked it to name all of the books in a particular science fiction series. It added two non-existent books. It even gave really descriptive summaries that sounded legit. I asked if those were real, and it apologized for adding two non-existent books. But it could not tell me why it gave me a wrong answer. I could not find any book even remotely similar to the two additional ones it described. It was more like it decided to write summaries for two potentially new books for the series.

  21. Tried writing some basic coding tutorials with ChatGPT…

    Due to the numerous mistakes it made in a convincing manner, it eventually took me longer to write with ChatGPT than without it.

    BTW, thanks for the content. I think you nailed it as always!

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