money explained, i guess

Money Explained. History of Money. Banks.
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It’s a medium of exchange.. It can make you smile.. Make you cry… but it can also control entire economies. Money.

This is a sticky subject when we’re steering towards dangerous inflation and recession… But the clock is ticking… are you going to take the time to understand what money is and how it works or are you going to let yourself just float along with the whims of the economy?

Understanding Money allows you to make more of it, but yet, if you’d ask a group of strangers what money really is… You’d get tons of different responses, and most of them would be incomplete.

That’s why understanding how money works is essential for uncertain times like these. But why do we need money at all?

Money Explained
Personal Finance
History of Money
Centralized Banks

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*I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Some of the above links may be affiliate links*


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  1. 7:57 when i received that $5 I probably paid 15% or more in Tax and other stuff…
    lets say $4 remaining, Gov just earned $1.
    When I pay for that Milk, %15 is Sales Tax. and so on and so on.
    Everytime that bill goes from one hand to another, the Gov takes a part of the cut. in the long run the Gov takes it all anyways, but that simply leads to another deeper conversation ahaha

    Also population growth also affects Supply and demand in a way. more population, less available jobs, more product demand, and more money needed in circulation, hence we screw ourselves with overpopulation…

  2. Thank you so much, this is really good. I genuinely appreciate how you went from the past and to the present date and now I really view it differently.

  3. I guess it's just like Jesus said the money belongs to who's ever's name and face is on it and that ain't ours 🙊 . Beware 🤖 are aware of human beings obsessions and shortcomings and will use them to manipulate and control us 🤐 in the future 🤗

  4. the incompleteness of the barter system actually held early civilisations together, because effectively, everybody owed someone something, it was an incentive to stick around.

  5. This is one of the best crypto channels on YouTube! The way Max explains his content make the clip easily understandable. Although he speaks fast about money issues, his voice and tone is soothing lol; no anxieties. He's the only one I trust when it comes to crypto.

  6. Venezuela's disaster had very little to do with oil and everything to do with socialism. I live next door to Venezuela, the public policies, the unbridled printing of money, the nationalization of companies, the corruption, any country in the world that applies these measures, will have its people eating garbage in a few years…stop spreading this nonsense disseminated by the champions of socialism that the whole problem was the fall in the price of oil…

  7. Ouch. Used to watch Max’s videos back then when he didn’t use those background sounds, slides and pictures that much. How hard it became to me to digest the information now. Got to leave the video on and just don’t look at the screen so that I can get the idea just by listening to him and not seeing many of those distractions.

  8. I think Investing in trading stocks is one of the best steps one should take, I have been Investing in stocks for a very long time now but I got into a good strategy 9 months ago and now I can sincerely say that I have a house of my own which I got from the profit I made from trading stocks I earn a minimum of $7000 weekly

  9. To really look at who runs the world economy look to Blackrock and Vanguard. Look those two up. You may not like what you find. Its easier to direct a narrative than predict one.

  10. I somehow deleted my original comment about how good this video was and appreciating the effort you must have put into it, so here I am again! Thanks for this and keep up the good work, you are awesome 👍👏

  11. Um… didn't other countries also allow the US to distribute its dollars (and debt) in exchange for a guarantee of both military security? So, yes, there was a certain trust element, but the relationship was symbiotic.

  12. I think we accept and think that paper 🗞️money has value because government and banks only accept paper money 💰 to pay taxes….etc behind this paper money there is a whole country government institutions that impose and accept and agree that paper money is the medium of exchange.

  13. Don't sleep on it…this is a time to invest I recently just bought another property valued at over $10m. I wish I knew the right investment firm to invest with earlier, better late than never thought

  14. This is a great video, I learn alot watching your videos and it has been helpful to me. Trading crypto is quite difficult for newbies. Thanks to Mrs. April Burgess for improving my portfolio.

    keep up with the good videos

  15. You got a lot of stuff correct, great video. But you forgot to mention the important distinction between money vs currency, would have loved to hear your take on that

  16. I had to pause the video to say the following because you deserve it. I love the way you structure your videos and explain exactly what you’re trying to say by giving examples. To someone who shows up completely new to this I am 100% sure they would understand what you have to say just by watching one of your videos. A lot of people talk a lot of big words in their videos and even I get confused and don’t know what they’re saying sometimes. But never with your videos, thank you for being super transparent and detailed at the same time. Keep it up, and may we all get out of this dark time with some profit thanks to understanding the market 💪🏼

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