$30k / Month: How To Make Money Blogging (2019)

3 ways I make money blogging! Learn how to Make Money Blogging in 2019 and beyond, follow these simple tips. 👉 Subscribe: http://www.caffeinatedblogger.com/subscribe

Yes, you can STILL make money blogging in 2019 🙂 In fact, 2019 is the best year yet to start your blog.

In this video, I will break down all the basics of blogging for beginners: what blogging is, how much bloggers actually make, as well as the sources of my own personal blogging income.

Last month, I made over $30k online. And a lot of this income is attributable to blogging.

The most obvious thing, of course, is that you need to start a blog. I will be releasing a whole series of videos about that soon (if you’d like me to show you exact steps involved in setting up a blog and making money from a blog, please drop me a comment below and let me know).

Next, it’s really important to start building an email subscriber list as soon as possible. Having an email list is the best way to make money from your blog, because it means you have thousands / tens of thousands of people whom you can reach just by sending an email out to them.

Lastly, in this video, I cover the other basics of what I do to make money blogging: affiliate marketing and display ads (I use Adsense).

Most bloggers in the world use affiliate marketing and display ads, and for a good reason – using those two things you can make money from the blog even if you don’t have your own digital or physical product. You can simply refer your visitors to other products and get paid a percentage commission if someone buys something.

That’s everything for now guys. Thank you so much for watching!

Greg Kononenko
The Caffeinated Blogger

#Blogging #MakeMoneyBlogging #CaffeinatedBlogger


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  5. Hi Greg, to get a series of videos would be great. Especially from the point, how to start a blog when you have full time job. I think, it wouldn't make any sense to quit a job an to start a blog hoping, it would bring money very soon, right?

  6. Hi Greg, It's always very informative videos from your end. As per your suggestion, I think in blogging the main thing is the traffic which comes to your blog. So personally, I would like to learn some other sources of traffic generation except for Pinterest. Thanks

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