How Hard Should You Work?

You’re committed to your success so the question is: how hard should you work? How many hours a day? Week? Month? How long before you take a vacation? Take a break? How do you know if your doing enough to achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself? It’s tough, but these are some science based answers to help you set the bar.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:38 – Myth
2:52 – Science
8:59 – Application
11:13 – Outro

How Hard You Should Work?

Are you working too much and not enjoying life? Are you wondering how hard should you work to reach your goal?

In this video, we’ll go through the science behind hard work and the optimal time you have to put towards your goals to maximize your channels of success without sacrificing your long term health.

Entrepreneurs, business owners, and even influencers are so busy with their schedule. But despite all this, you should know how many hours should you work a day or in a week. Take note, overworking yourself is not the secret to success, this can sometimes be a recipe of failure.

When you’re working too hard trying to make a living, you sometimes forget there are other important things in life that you should pay attention to – your health and happiness. It’s okay to work hard everyday, but just how hard should you work and not be burned out?

Effective time management is important for anyone but it’s absolutely crucial for entrepreneurs. That’s why one of their biggest mental battles will be the question: how hard should you work? How many hours should you work a week?

When it comes to the intensity of how hard and how long you can work, there is an actual biological limit for this. You can’t just simply expect your brain to be 100% functional the entire time. There should be optimal work hours per day. You don’t need to exceed more than the required amount of time just to say you’re working too hard.

Studies show that working hard isn’t measured by work hours. So even if you work for less than the required amount of time, that’s okay! You’re not breaking any rules.

Working hard is all about being diligent with your work and putting effort into your work. It’s not about working 70-80 hours a week. Remember, productivity is not directly correlated with work hours

In this video, we’ll talk about the truth of working too hard, and how this can be both a positive and negative thing. We’ll also go through three sections of busting through some myths, going through some historical data, and some current scientific methods.

Of course, this how hard should you work video is not complete without applying what we have discussed with you. So, we’ll go through a simple three step process to maximize the energy you put towards your work.

Now, if you still have the question of how hard should you work? Watch this video to know the ideal work hours per week you should spend and to avoid burnout.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. Hello Jason, great video. I had a question for you as I've watched a lot of your videos and have a good understanding of how to structure my campaigns the right way thanks to your content. However, I would like your take on whether you think In-stream or Discovery ads are better for music videos that are about 3 min long give or take. I'm aware that we should make shortened videos to run ads to but still having a hard time deciding which would be more beneficial in the long run and felt that you might have a logical answer being that you have a lot of hours and ad spend in already. I would have preferred to email you but couldn't seem to find one.

  2. Really nice video. Just one thing bugs me is what about other entrepreneurs who are successful in working almost 10+ hours a day? There is obviously few difference like they are only involved in taking decisions getting an update from team etc. But still wondering should we work more hours or less. Can you please post one video on comparing the working style for startups who just started a business and the others like eon musk or Jack Dorsey?

  3. Great video Jason! I find that doing a 'Digital Detox' 1x/week really helps me recharge. I recently started doing this on Saturdays and it's really hard! I feel a lot of anxiety if I'm not doing something and getting out of the house really helps.

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