The Beginner's Guide to Content Marketing in 2020 | Neil Patel

The Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing in 2020 | Content marketing is still one of the cheapest and most effective ways to get targeted visitors hitting your website on a regular basis, and according to HubSpot, marketers would prioritize blogging after it’s our “thirteen x” more likely to see a positive ROY. Today, I’m going to break down the beginners guide to content marketing in 2020.

BuzzSumo –
Ubersuggest –
AnswerThePublic –
ComScore –
HubSpot –

Step one: Define your goals. What is your niche? What type of content are you looking to create? What do you want to do with your content? If you don’t understand the type of content that you want to create, you’re not going to do a good job. Everyone thinks it’s just about your audience, but you’re the one creating and writing it. If you don’t write content that you’re passionate about, that you love; it won’t come across as great content and it won’t do well. So you got to first figure out, what do you want to write about that you think people want to hear?

And that leads me, into the second tip. You need to research your audience. You need to come up with audience persona’s. What question’s is your audience asking? What problem’s do they have that you can help solve? How can you provide value to ’em? And by knowing this, it ensures that none of you writing content that you love, but also that other people want to hear about, which will help you rank higher as well.

Tip number three. Do your keyword research, and this gets in, funny enough, to the last tip that I just gave. You’re already in UberSuggest, UberSuggest also have a big laundry list of keywords that you could be going after. This will show you what’s popular in your space, what’s not. But you don’t just want to go after popular keywords, you want to go after the keywords that are high in.

The fourth tip I have for you, is content ideation. You need to come up with topics that cater to your audience. Check out what your competitors are writing. You can put in their URL into UberSuggest, click on top pages, and that will show you everything that your competitors are writing. Or if you want to see it based off a keyword, go to UberSuggest, go to the content ideas report; type in a keyword, it’ll show you what’s hot in your space. You can also do the same thing with BuzzSumo, it’s just a paid tool, UberSuggest you can do it for free. Um, or you can do the same thing with AnswerThePublic which is also a paid tool.

The fifth thing I want you to do, is create content that is tailored to voice search. It’s estimated that roughly fifty percent of the searches are voice searches, according to ComScore. So I want you to use structure data markup, and when you do this on your website, it’ll help you get into the rich snippets. When you get in to the rich snippets, it also helps Google pull your listings, your result; for voice searches that way your brand is getting out there and you can keep getting more traffic.

The sixth thing you need to do is create videos and visual content. It’s no secret that visual content video story telling is taking over the web. From Instagram to Facebook to YouTube, it’s all super popular. And if you don’t want to do videos, you can also try podcast or you can even try info graphics; it’s a way where you can use images to tell the story and that works really well as well.

The seventh tip I have for you, leverage social media. If you’re not leveraging social media, your brands not getting out there. A lot of people tell me “Neil, my reach is continually dying, why shouldn’t I be on social media?” Either way, whether your reach is dying or not, these sites are super popular.

The eighth tip I have for you, follow the EAT formula. EAT stands for expertise, authority, and trust. Google ended up releasing a medic update awhile back. In which, they don’t want people writing on content that they’re not credible for. For example, I’m a marketer, if I start writing about health, and when you get fevers and you get sick; should you go to a hospital or not?

Last but not least, build backlinks. If you don’t know how to build backlinks the easiest way is to go to UberSuggest, type in the URL of any one of your competitors, click on the backlinks report; you’ll see all of their pages that have a ton of backlinks, who’s linking to ’em.

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  1. Content marketing can be evergreen. It's the most incredible form of marketing because your portfolio is always growing more valuable, never less valuable. What you publish on your blog or channel will remain there for others to interact with, judge your credibility, and from afar, develop a relationship with you before you ever know they existed.

  2. Neil, I want to thank you in the first place as you went straight to the point. It was insightful!
    I have a quick one, do you think that posting the same content on different platforms, if coherent, might be a time-effective strategy as well?

  3. I have a content related question. I am currently using wix, and soon, I will migrate to wordpress. There is a website who copy the exact articles of mine into their website. Since my article uploaded first, I know, google could tell that it was plagiarized. My question would that change once I migrate to wordpress? What can I do about it?

  4. Hello Neil. We are working on a UGC platform where users can come and upload content. This content can be original or can be copied from elsewhere. We cannot expect the user to mention canonical tags. Manually moderating the content on a UGC platform impossible due to the number of content pieces. At the same time, we want the user to be able to post copied content. What can we do to avoid penalties from google or bad SEO scores? Any thoughts please?

  5. Most of the competitors pay other owners to publish content on their website with a backlink. Can you mention a few technology related websites where we can get backlinks of our brand (website).

  6. Hey Neil,i have a question. I am a beginner and want to create a visual content with more stuff of long videos, animated GIFS, but don't know from where to get it. Short videos are available on pixabay, pexels but i want long videos . So can you please tell me from where can i get more engaging videos and all that visual stuff for free?

  7. Hi Neil,

    So I have a ton of questions but I wont lay it all on you at once since where just getting past the hello’s.

    I am a middle aged mom of 2 young children.
    Due to certain circumstances I have been forced into this big time SAHM (stay at home mom) position, and I need an outlet.

    Ive heard that there are potential earnings to sustain a family in blogging and Im interested and feel I have a lot of vaulable information to share.
    My issue is I am not techy at all.
    I do not know how to start a blog or how much is too much in one post
    Or what or how to use a blog website. I dont even know if those things makes sense, if i am conveying what i want to say in that last sentence or not.
    Basically i dont know how to get the ball rolling… on any of it.
    I dont have any products or services to sell. My instagram is NOT POPPIN’ and im not the greatest writer as you can see/read.
    Still, i have to be a SAHM and im bored and also need to bring in some kind of income to sustain this family.

    Could you help me out?
    Point me in the right direction perhaps a write up like “blogging for dummies” because thats how techy i am not. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    Hope to hear from you soon

  8. Thanks Neil! Does Ubersuggest segment keyword search performance results by geographic location? I am trying to figure out how to target my clients by state, city and location so I can differentiate marketing strategies.

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