YouTube Ads and Affiliate Marketing *FREE* Step-By-Step Course (2021)

Watch behind my shoulder as I teach you how to do affiliate marketing using YouTube Ads.

I am using ClickBank as the example network and product here, but you can use ANY product and the same idea will apply and same steps as I cover in the tutorial.

We have to take some steps and they are:

0:00 – Introduction
3:45 – Create a Google Ads account
7:04 – Select a product (ClickBank in our example)
10:36 – Create a landing page & thank you page
56:45 – Set up conversion tracking
1:02:26 – Find a video to use for our ad
1:13:01 – Set up an autoresponder
1:33:12 – Promote our affiliate offer using YouTube Ads

Let’s quickly go through them step by step and see what we have to do.

Step 1: Create a Google Ads account

In order to run YouTube ads, you have to create a Google Ads account.

👉 Simply sign up for an account at:

Ideally you want to use a gmail account, but any email account is fine – follow the steps, go to the advanced mode, and we’ll meet here again in step 7 where we promote our affiliate product via YouTube ads!

Step 2: Select a product

👉 In our case, we are promoting a ClickBank product, so just head over to to sign up.

Make sure to fill in the details correctly – ClickBank has some triggers that can put a block on your account if the information isn’t accurate.

Then just head over to the marketplace and select a product – in our case we are promoting Ted’s Woodworking.

Step 3: Create a landing page & thank you page

Next, we have to create our landing page. You can use any page builder you like, but I use Unbounce for their dynamic text replacement capability and flexibility in editing.

👉 Free Unbounce 14-day trial + 20% off first 3 months:

I spend some time building out the landing page and thank you page, but it’s generally pretty simple.

Just check out my Unbounce playlist if you want more information about specific component of building out a page, such as adding a favicon or setting up a custom domain:

👉 Unbounce playlist:

We would need to then make sure that the landing page button is taking us to the thank you page, and that the thank you page is taking users to the affiliate offer.

Step 4: Set up conversion tracking

Tracking isn’t easy for an affiliate, especially when using YouTube ads (Google Ad network).

However it is absolutely necessary because when you’re doing affiliate marketing, ultimately you are paying for sales, not for clicks or impressions…

I use a very specific tracking tool (ClickMagick) that allows me to track any affiliate product.

👉 Free ClickMagick 14-day trial:

To learn how to track ClickBank sales using ClickMagick, you would want to check out this video:

👉 ClickBank + ClickMagick sales tracking setup:

Step 5: Set up an autoresponder

An autoresponder allows you to gather your most valuable asset (your email list/audience) while paying for traffic or reaping the results of time spent and hard work of SEO.

You can use any autoresponder you like, but I use GetResponse and it hasn’t disappointed me yet.

👉 Free GetResponse 30-day trial:

We simply grab the API key from GetResponse and plug it into Unbounce and voila – we have now set up the email automation as well with our Unbounce landing page.

👉 How to integrate GetResponse + Unbounce:

👉 For more GetResponse tutorials, check out my playlist here:

Step 6: Find a video to use

You have at least 3 options when it comes to selecting a video to use for your YouTube ads.

a) You can use a video provided by the vendor of the offer you are promoting. SOMETIMES they will give you that option.

If they do, make sure you are allowed to actually use the video in YouTube ads.

b) You can create your own video. Doesn’t have to be fancy – can be a product walkthrough, yourself reviewing it, or showing the results for you after buying the product.

c) You can pay someone to create the video for you, for example finding someone on

Step 7: Promote on YouTube Ads

Finally, the fun part. We are now ready to create our ads and promote on YouTube with our YouTube ads.

I don’t spend too much time going over every little detail, but I do go over everything you do need to create your campaign.

I do have a comprehensive 4-hour course that covers Google Ads in great detail, so make sure to check my courses out here:

👉 Complete step-by-step courses:

But you would simply click some buttons, fill in the blanks, and have your campaign up and running in no time!

And that’s how you do affiliate marketing using YouTube Ads!

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  1. why are click funnels and this other one he’s using so expensive do people actually pay that. you can make a wordpress site for like 100 a year not 100 a month wtf

  2. Hey awmsome video quick question everytime I go to url to paste the ID for for the automatic scroll up the url box automatically generates http link when I publish and click on the tab it goes to broken link page instead of going up to the top

  3. Hit like if you have promoted Ted's wood working or are planning to! Really good vid as always Ivan. Ted's wood working seems to be an evergreen product that people just keep promoting and buying. Old Ted's a lucky man! lol 🙂

  4. Awesome video Ivan, appreciate your info on building affiliate-marketing-with-YouTube. Any opinion on local lead generation? Went thru Ippei Kanehara's program a year ago, now I've got 11 creating about 5500 coming in each month. My best site is a remodel site in Dallas, brings me 1,500 by itself.

  5. Awesome video Ivan, appreciate your info on building affiliate-marketing-with-YouTube. Any opinion on local lead generation? Basically building and banking websites that generate leads for local businesses. Went thru Ippei Kanehara's program a year ago, now I've got 11 creating about 5500 coming in each month. My best site is a remodel site in Dallas, brings me 1,500 by itself.

  6. sir i create a new google ads account. i set up a new search campaign and my ads approved but it won't shows up any impressions and clicks. what i can do ( i also increased bid )

  7. Another excellent video!! Just a tip: when you get to the end of creating the campaign, it's best to copy the Final URL into the Display URL and then modify or else you might get a message that the URLs don't match.

  8. I guess I can use "Lucky Orange" and set up a Tag On click fire the sign-up, and another Tag on click fire when the user goes to the affiliate link .. both clicks will track
    1) Click on the sign-up form submission.
    2) Click on the affiliate link.
    Am I correct, I don't think I need to use click magic then. correct?

  9. Hey IVAN MANA how are your sir can i get ur personal email contact if not possible then take my sir ( email to me if you can tell me briefly if possible i will wait for your email address sir thank you

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