Proven Path To Inbox Zero: 3 Email Productivity Hacks

Copy these 3 simple email productivity hacks so you can take back control of your inbox and finally get some work done! Email was supposed to be a tool to help you be more productive and less stressed. Turns out it’s just added to the stress and headache of staying productive and at times completely sabotaging your ability to get the important things done.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:25 – FOMO
1:22 – Filter
1:32 – People
1:47 – Administrative
2:13 – Noise
8:28 – Delegate
9:40 – Respond
12:35 – Outro

Proven Path To Inbox Zero: 3 Email Productivity Hacks

If you are looking for a way to be more productive, get more out of your workweek, and not feel so drained at the end of the day, then email productivity hacks is the first place to start.

In this productivity hack for email, you’re going to learn productivity hacks to achieve inbox zero or as close to it as humanly as possible. This is even without the help of any project management app. We will also teach you the three powerful email productivity hacks that would dramatically help you change the way you manage your email and most importantly, cut down on the time you spend in your inbox.

By managing your email, you clean up your inbox and spend time on things that actually matter. Also, this productivity tips and tricks won’t let you miss an important email again. Avoid that stress of having too many emails in your inbox!

But first the very first thing to do in this productivity hack tutorial is to get over the FOMO: the fear of missing out. This is the foundation of any productivity system you look for with your email. This is the biggest driver of constantly checking your email – your fear of missing some of them! Don’t make dealing with emails consume so much of your time.

Three email productivity hacks | road to Inbox Zero:

Hack number 1: Filters. In our first email productivity hack, you should know the three types of emails you receive: People, Administrative, and Noise. Knowing these three will help you know how to filter emails and organize your emails based on what’s more important. The goal is to focus on the first one and immediately filter out the last two to increase productivity.

Hack number 2: Delegate. Once your emails are filtered, move them to where they need to be. Remember, your email is NOT a task manager. So, if there is something that you need to be working on as a result of an email, forward it to your task manager. Your goal is that you should minimize the time you spend in your inbox, don’t use your inbox as your to-do list.

Hack number 3: Respond. This is the last step in our email productivity hack. As a general rule of thumb, you actually want to delay your responses purposely for 24-48 hours. This is the core of being successful with your emails. You can set a specific time for checking your email and turn off notifications – there is no life or death email coming! Likewise, don’t let anyone expect that you will respond immediately within a couple of hours.

If you need some help figuring out how to organize your email inbox, then you’re in the right place. Improve productivity in your daily life, both personal and professional, and check your emails twice a day as much as possible with our email life hacks.
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  1. Hey man please tell me do i sell online course or not or do i create a legacy like garyvee. Though i do not have any money right now. I was so stuck between gary and so other people. Please tell me

  2. Hey Jason! You once gave out your internal time work sheet for yourself in one of your videos. Could you email that to me or tell me which video it was? I want to write down the amount of hours I'm going to work on a clients ad account and be able to report that to him if necessary. Would appreciate it very much!

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