How To Find A Niche For Affiliate Marketing And Blogging

In this video, I’ll show you how to find a great niche for your blog or your affiliate marketing website, and some great profitable niche market ideas.

A big problem for affiliate marketers and bloggers is finding a niche for their blog or website.

Having a great niche can make a difference between making $1k a day from your niche blog or website, and making $0 (if you choose the wrong niche).

Follow the steps in this video, and you should be able to start picking profitable niches for your blog or affiliate marketing website with ease 🙂

I go over some profitable niche examples, and I also explain how to find great niche keywords to confirm that the niche is good and profitable.



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Greg Kononenko


What do you think?


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  1. As an example, if I write s blog on 'How to get your ex back', will that be sufficient?
    I will have to produce more content. Right?
    If yes, what topics they can be? Coz I don't think one single post can run a blog.
    Plz reply…

  2. This is such a good video, really glad I found your channel. I am dying to get started!! Just need to knuckle down and find the right niche!

  3. Actually, Ubersuggest is not a completely free tool. You can see only limited information, but if you keep on scrolling down and the data will be hidden and will ask you to upgrade the plan🙁🙁

  4. I am a college student going for marketing right now, so I figured that I would give the course a shot. I am ready to buy my domain name and keep moving along, but I am torn between the reselling and music production niches. I have studied music on and off my whole life. I do know quite a bit, have tons of old notes on production tips, and are regularly playing around in my home studio.
    On the other hand, I have always been fashion-conscious and started reselling and thrifting back in my teen’s early/twenties for fun. They both have my interest, and both could do well monetizing and youtube. Maybe I can combine both niches. sorry for the long post Any feedback will be much appreciated


  5. Hey greg, I just started a blog in the make money online niche, i know that its a good niche for pinterest but im not sure whether it will be easy to rank for keywords. Do you think i should invest in ahrefs rather than just using uber? And also do you think i can succeed in building a profitible blog in this niche?

  6. How many articles will I need to write for this blog. Do you have a rough estimate of articles that’s I would need to write? 5-10 or 10-20 articles? Or more ? Thx again. Going thru your vids and I absolutely love the content.

  7. Greg, please help ! I for some reason cant register new account on clickbank, I live in europe maybe its a reson ? Как можно с тобой связаться, задать вопросы, если это возможно, спасибо !!

  8. Well thanks Greg, this has come at the right time for me. I have already started my YouTube channel and now want to start my website. I have my niche and domain chosen. I look forward to building my site and getting traffic as per your upcoming videos over the following days and weeks..

    Thanks again

  9. thanks for these tips that you bring us because the main thing is to find the right niche to be successful with a blog. I wanted to ask you, what´s the minimum for getting paid with Shareasale and if the pay weekly or monthly?

  10. You’re most likely to enjoy building an affiliate site in a niche you already enjoy, which makes your hobbies a good place to start. For example, I love cooking so I might consider building an affiliate blog promoting cookware.

    The great thing about using a hobby for your niche is your existing familiarity with the topic. This means you’ll spend less time doing research, which makes the writing process less stressful. Trust me, if you pick a niche that you don’t enjoy on some level, the work will be a chore.

  11. Information is ok but i still can’t understand why after millions earned you are not getting a good lavalier mic and some green screen for a much professional presentation. I think is time!! Echo is extremely annoying.

  12. Thank You so much. I had purchased a lot of courses and ever green traffic course helped me with a lot of traffic ideas. Especially, pinterest traffic. Thanks again for this amazing video Greg! ❤️

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