Quality Score & Ad Rank *DETAILED* Explanation – How My CPC Is HALF of My Competitors'

What is quality score and ad rank? Find out what it is in this video and how it helps me pay less than HALF of what my competitors are paying for every click.

This applies to both Google Ads and Microsoft (Bing) Ads equally.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
2:05 – A look at my (our) quality scores
4:15 – Auction, ad rank & quality score explained
16:31 – What you can do to improve YOUR quality scores and pay less

So, let’s get straight into this ad rank and quality score explanation!

Part 1: A look at my (our) quality scores

Most of the quality scores on my more long-standing campaigns are 8’s, 9’s and 10’s.

I’ll cover exactly how you can make them so high yourself near the end of the video, but this is what allows me to pay half if not less (ie. one third or one fourth) of what my competitors are paying for every click.

The best part is the quality scores of our actual case study however.

👉 ClickBank case study + optimization video: https://youtu.be/ZE8SmHLvT14

In it, the quality scores of our ad groups are mostly 6’s and one 7.

However after performing the optimization techniques on this campaign, the quality scores became mostly 8’s and one 7 – you can agree that’s a huge improvement!

All this is just to show you that it’s possible to really increase your scores as well so that you too can pay less for every click. Just follow along with what I share with you in this video and you’ll be on your way to drastically loweing your cost per click as well.

Part 2: Auction, ad rank & quality score explained

In order to understand quality score and ad rank, you have to first understand the Google/Microsoft Ads auction.

It works just like a regular auction – whoever offers to pay the most – in this case for a click – gets the click.

Well… kinda…

That’s how it USED to work.

But because this would result in incredibly irrelevant ads, just giving the click to whoever would pay the most isn’t the best approach…

And so something called a “quality score” was introduced, which is just a measure of overall relevancy.

It consists of 3 factors: expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page relevance.

In plain English, that’s just the overall relevance of the user experience all the way from the search term to the keyword, keyword to ad, and ad to landing page.

You want everything to go hand-in-hand together – if the search term is “how to lose weight”, your keyword would be “how to lose weight”, your ad copy should say “how to lose weight”, and your landing page should have something about weight loss on there too.

That’s really it – as you make the page more and more relevant, the score would go up.

Now if you multiply this score (1-10) by your bid, ie. the most you are willing to pay for a click, you end up with someone called an “Ad rank”.

This is the number that determines how much you end up actually paying per click and what ad position your ad shows up in.

I whip up an excel sheet and actually show you the real numbers in the video, so make sure to check that out… but basically quality score x your bid = ad rank.

And whoever’s ad rank is highest gets the top ad position, next highest gets second top, and so on.

How much you actually PAY is determined on your quality score and the ad rank of the person just behind you.

So the higher your ad rank is above the next top person, the less you actually pay.

And that’s basically how it works.

For your ad to show up, you can increase the bid, or increase your quality score.

Increasing the bid can get REALLY costly, so improving your quality score is much better.

So how can you increase your quality score? Let’s find out.

Part 3: What you can do to improve YOUR quality scores

In short, you have to make the whole user journey as relevant as possible.

You can achieve it in the following ways:

a) add a lot of negative keywords for words unrelated to what you offer
b) add single-keyword ad groups
c) create tightly-knit keyword ad groups
d) use long-tail keywords (3+ words)
e) use the keyword/most popular search term in the ad copy and landing page

If you do this and keep on doing this over the life of your campaign, your quality score is bound to go up as it did in our case study, and you will pay less than half of what your competitors are paying per click.

And this is the quality score and ad rank detailed explanation!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide: https://ivanmana.com

👉 Paid ad network courses: https://ivanmana.com/all-courses

👉 Unbounce (my favorite page builder) playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCRKGaWkdms&list=PLS46f4aLJ2hOdr6ZRw-9cnSXVWfa0r86i&index=1

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Google Ads (with email optin): https://youtu.be/qd8dIeu4MDM

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Facebook Ads (with email optin): https://youtu.be/UxTwsf8hyIg

👉 Like my Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/onlinemarketingessentials


What do you think?


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  1. Ok so this is the best video I've seen on this. Very focussed on the topic.

    I have a question around Competition Rates. I've checked the Google Ads Keyword Planner which has higher CPC values for Keywords with lower competition. This doesnt really make sense to me
    Surely if the competition is lower then the cost should be lower? Unless those competing have just set their bids really high?

  2. Hi Ivan, Can I contact you somewhere? My ads CPC related to my work is costing me much these days its good few days .. average business but not always. Would be glad if I can contact you somewhere and show you some screenshots inorder to get best cpc. super appreciate it.

  3. then do i have to create a different landing pages for different ad groups. like one ad groups target diabetes treatment and another target blood suger, but the product is same. then what i can do to increase my quality scores.

  4. thanks for making it easy to understand. I just have a question, what if you max bid is lower than the number you'll get from quality score divided by the next lower ad rank? How much will you need to pay?

  5. Hi Ivan, thanks for your video!

    Since months I'm trying to improve landing page experience, but I'm not able to get it to average or above average across all my campaigns and keywords. It's always below average. I spend a lot of time on landing page optimization and the offer is what the visitors are searching for. I'm getting a good amount of conversions. I'm doing google ads for my e-commerce store with Shopify. So I even switched from a default product page to a custom designed landing page, very visual, keywords in the titles and text, keywords in the alt text, etc. but it's still below average.

    Do you have any advise?

    What I thought about that the bounce rate might be the problem. But as it's e-commerce, I don't think it's quite the right measurement factor. On a blog a person might read another article. But on a store this would be an add to cart. I think there are very rare cases where a store manages to get 80-90% of the visitors to add the product to the cart, even with very hot search traffic, buying intent keywords and relevant offer.

  6. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 is LITERALLY the reaction I am having to this video right now…. Wow I learned so much in 22:53 minutes 😂😂😂

    Thank you! You can literally save MILLIONS of dollars in ad spend by knowing this!

  7. I feel like I'm spamming your comments lol, but I just wanted to say, your videos are amazing and has helped me a lot. Thank you! Happy New Year! 😊

  8. Hey Ivan, thx for this great video, do u have good video about clickmagick, I know u have already but some of em are old, and other video are with different tricks , so I'm confused about it.

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