Facebook Ads Remarketing/Retargeting With ClickBank – Complete Tutorial (Step-by-Step)

ClickBank remarketing on Facebook Ads – complete step-by-step tutorial. Watch behind my shoulder as I show you how to create remarketing campaigns for ClickBank with Facebook Ads.

Studies have shown that people have to see your ads/product 5-10 times before they actually convert, so remarketing is a great way to make the most out of every prospect you bring to your site.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
2:39 – Add the Facebook pixel code to your site
7:53 – Create remarketing audiences
18:11 – Create the remarketing campaign

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Add the Facebook pixel code to your site

You cannot do any sort of remarketing without the code added to your site.

This is because you need to transfer your audience information over to the network you’re using, in this case Facebook, and let their code track how many people landed on your landing/thank you pages.

All you have to do is go to the Facebook business settings and click on “Event Manager”.

From here, click on “Pixels” and add new pixel. Once you do that, you need to attach this pixel to yourself as the admin as well as the the specific account you want the pixel to be associated with.

Then, head over to Events Manager again, take the base pixel code, and add it throughout your website – every page of your site.

Some funnel builders like ClickFunnels allow you to add the code once to your entire funnel and that will automatically add the code throughout your site.

But if you don’t have this capability, just take the code and add it manually to every single page in the head section.

And that’s how you set up the tracking for ClickBank remarketing on Facebook Ads.

If you want to learn how to add the specific event pixels, you would want to check out this video:

👉 How to set up the Facebook pixel to track conversions: https://youtu.be/TLcH-7PDMeA

But for the purpose of this video that’s not necessary, so let’s move on to step 2 and create our audiences.

Step 2: Create remarketing audiences

Now you can click on the options on the left-hand side of your interface and click on “Audiences”.

Here you can create a variety of audiences – people who watched your videos, visited specific parts of your website, or just upload a list of contacts.

We will select website visitors for now since we have a landing page and we can create an audience of people who visited our landing page but didn’t sign up, and another audience of people who signed up.

If you want a more detailed tutorial on how to create highly-engaged audiences, I suggest you check out my remarketing courses at:

👉 All my courses: ivanmana.com/all-courses

But for the time being, these simple audiences will suffice.

You can create as many audiences as you like, and you can also create “Lookalike” audiences, which are audiences “similar” in characteristics to those that you created as deemed by Facebook.

But let’s head over to the next step in this ClickBank remarketing on Facebook Ads tutorial.

Step 3: Create the remarketing campaign

So now that we have the foundation in place, we’re ready to create our campaigns!

Head back over to your Facebook Ads Manager and create a new campaign.

You can use an existing campaign and just make a separate remarketing ad set, but for the purpose of this video we’ll just create a new campaign so we can see everything from the beginning.

So just go through the steps and fill in the blanks.

You should already know how to create a campaign based on the previous video that you saw on how to promote affiliate products on Facebook Ads (link to it further below).

The only difference here is that for the audience targeting we’re going to select our remarketing list that we created, and not change anything else.

You would then create a personalized ad for the specific audience that you selected.

So for people that already signed up, maybe you want to take them to a different offer entirely.

Or for people that saw your landing page but didn’t sign up, maybe you want to change the language up a little and see if that works better to get them to sign up.

And that’s how you do ClickBank remarketing on Facebook Ads!

Additional resources mentioned in this video:

👉 My paid ad traffic courses: ivanmana.com/all-courses

👉 ClickMagick + ClickBank postback URL tracking setup: https://youtu.be/DI7oaox-Dd0

👉 ClickMagick free 14-day trial: go.ivanmana.com/clickmagick

👉 How to promote ClickBank products on Facebook Ads: https://youtu.be/UxTwsf8hyIg

👉 How to set up the Facebook pixel to track conversions: https://youtu.be/TLcH-7PDMeA

👉 How to create a 52.68% conversion rate landing page in Unbounce: https://youtu.be/NCRKGaWkdms

👉 How to promote ClickBank products with Google Search Ads: https://youtu.be/qd8dIeu4MDM

👉 How to promote ClickBank products with Google Display Ads: https://youtu.be/ZsJ-qGa0FTU

👉 Like my Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/onlinemarketingessentials


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