Unlock Success Podcast | Give these Up TODAY to Become Successful (NOT EASY)

We talk a lot about what to DO and what to ADD to your life to become successful. Well today I wanted to take a step back and work through some of the things to GIVE UP if you want to be successful.

And while some of these may be easy and can be done today, some will take some time and you may even disagree.

But after 15 years of experience in building a business for myself and my family these are just my honest thoughts on how to get there and what to cut from your life to climb to the top while staying HUMBLE and HONEST.

And that last part is important. I’m not about to tell you that you need to give up your ethics, your character, or your family… those things are essential, they help define who you are (for better or worse), and will in the long run make you better.

So what DO you need to give up?

Watch the video to find out!

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  1. Bringing to the attention that goals change as you grow in your business was very important. Saying no is a problem that I have and I will evaluate myself to extract the bad habits and replace them with better ones. Very Effective!

  2. I add this to this profile "Anthony has some straight talking here that might offend some but it is so important not to be taken off the focus of where your headed and Anthony give good advice here."

  3. I was reading through the comments after watching this and came across one that used the analogy of negative people being like crabs in a bucket..where when one tries to climb out the others pull it back in. THAT is hitting the nail smack on the head!
    I think I could write a book on this podcast, Anthony. Such great advice, and reminders of what I already knew.

  4. The #UnlockSuccessPodcast is one of my favourites 😍😍😍 I always have what Oprah calls an AHA MOMENT when Anthony shares the lessons from his life to hopefully make my path to success easier as an entrepreneur. I wholeheartedly agree that we need to give up these 4 things to become successful and I cannot wait to start implementing these strategies. Negative people you better watch out – you are about to be eliminated – bwhahahaha 😂 #NeverGiveUp #PartnerWithAnthony https://mcrmgo.com/go/pwaambassador/33155

  5. I am really enjoy this podcast thank you!! I am always learn a new word every time I watch your podcast which it's like the more I watching its the more I got interest in it. Thanks

  6. Anthony has some straight talking here that might offend some but it is so important not to be taken off the focus of where your headed and Anthony give good advice here.

  7. stay away from negative people, acquaintances, that bring you discouragement, doubt about your goals, build good habits, keep on learning, waste no time, learn to say "no" makes a whole lot of sense!

  8. I have been working towards success for some time – starting with my mindset – and I have learned some of these lessons already – the biggest one to STOP saying "yes". It has been quite the journey, but I am grateful for each and every step – No wasted experiences – Learn, grow and change – and mostly #nevergiveup 😀

  9. Great podcast. Thanks for being that person to tell me these 4 points to become successful!! Thankfully the only bad habits I need to give up are social media, netflix and playing Angry Birds! Love these videos, going to listen to as many as I can.

  10. Giving up YES will be hard for me. I like to be distracted because life is more interesting. It's been hard staying home during this pandemic time. My daughter grounded us on March 12th. I have had lots of time to watch your videos, which I enjoy. They are well done.

  11. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You reinforce my belief of not sharing what I am doing with family and friends because they will discourage you and be negative with their ideas and advice. I normally will inform them after my project is done or nearly complete. I learn this hard lesson several years ago. I am in total agreement with you.

  12. Loved the video. I just did the same, realised I was spending time on unproductive things that wouldn't grow my business. So that has assisted with giving me more time to put into my business. Yes, understand about those negative people…. I've left a number of those from my life so that I can keep my mindset positive . Thanks again for the reminder about unproductive things. 🙂

  13. Thank you, Anthony for this podcast. You made a great point on how it's important during this shift while changing our mindset's to also learn how to say no and that it is okay to be a little more selfish of our time. This is a challenge for me because, I always want to help everyone else, and I do catch myself saying yes all the time. Knowing my bad habbits how to remove them from my everyday choices and evaluating my relationships with people. All these things are a great reminder of what to continue to work on.

  14. One thing i love about anthonys program and hole buisness is that he is honest and breaks things down it for people in such away were your able to understand how to really build a successful online buisness with hard work and dedication and its very easy and very simple steps to follow not many people care about putting imformation like this onlime to make sure you build not get rich quick but a sustainable online buisness

  15. 💥 Bruises! You talk about the bruises on your way to success. It takes time to get on "the BIG stage"… some people thinks it's instant. That is why so many quit before reaching their goal in my humble opinion. 💥💥

  16. Eliminating bad habits and stop saying to Yes to everything will be my hardest to overcome. One of my terrible habits right now is not getting up at a certain time during this staying at home all the time. I tend to stay up late and get up late. I also get very lazy, I end up doing nothing, and when I do write down Goals, I have not achieved any of them especially in my finances. I no longer write down Goals, because none of them ever came true. For example, one of my goals is financially be independent and not worry about paying my bills, but that has ever come true.

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