ClickMagick Campaigns: How to Set Up a Postback URL With ClickBank (2020)

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Hey all!

In this video, I show you how to set up a postback URL with ClickBank using ClickMagick Campaigns.

This is a simple process and I’m going to show you exactly how to do it in this video.

There are 3 things we have to do to make this work (and one “bonus” thing, but that’s just to test everything to make sure it’s all added correctly).

The first is adding the actual postback URL to the ClickBank end, and the second thing is adding a query string to our affiliate link.

Keep in mind that ClickBank has a setup that’s a tad bit different from every other network… but let’s go through these in greater detail:

(1) Head over to your ClickMagick settings and click on the ClickBank tab.

Here, you have to create a “secret key”, which is like an integration key that will allow ClickMagick and ClickBank to communicate.

This is a string of letters and/or numbers that must be 16 characters long and can only include upper-case letters and numbers.

Once you create your “key”, copy it, head over into ClickBank, click on “Vendor Settings” at the top, click on “My Site”, scroll down to where it says “Advanced Tools”, and click on “Edit”.

You might see an option that says “Request Access” – click on that and say “Yes” to all the questions in the dropdown.

Don’t worry about this part – we will be going through this together, so you don’t need to know the details of a postback URL.

But note where it says “Secret Key” – this is where you should paste the key that you created in ClickMagick earlier.

Once you do that, we are ready to move on to the next step.

(2) Head back over to ClickMagick, and click on “Tools”, “Postback URLs”, and then “Postback URL List”.

This is where you would find your affiliate network and add it to your affiliate network.

Scroll down until you find ClickBank, click on the article provided (affiliate article if you are an affiliate), and scroll down to step 3.

Take this URL that is unique to you and only you and add it to the Instant Notification URL field in ClickBank.

Do NOT click on “Test IPN”, and instead just click on “Save Changes”. Then, scroll back down to this Instant Notification box, click on edit, THEN click “Test IPN”, and THEN save it.

(3) Go back to ClickMagick again and click on ClickMagick Campaigns.

Click on the little wrench icon and select “Affiliate Link Builder”.

Select ClickBank (affiliates if you are an affiliate) from the dropdown and then simply take your ClickBank affiliate link and paste it into this field and click on “Generate New Affiliate Link”.

This will simply add a query string to the end of your link, that looks likes: ?tid=[cmc_vid]

You can also just manually take this and add it to the end of your link – either way is fine.

However the one thing you should keep in mind is that if your link already has an existing query string added, such as with the “?”, then you would have to add an ampersand to your link, NOT a question mark. For example “&tid=[cmc_vid]” as opposed to the one linked above.

Keep this in mind because your affiliate link might differ for ClickBank products depending on whether you are using the affiliate resources page or not.

Next, just take this link that you generated and place it on the button you want taking people to your affiliate link.

In our case, it was our thank you page.

So when users would land on our landing page, they would enter their email, go to the thank you page, and then go to the affiliate offer with the query string we added.

(4) At this point everything is pretty much setup, but it’s a good practice to double check everything and make sure it’s working and that the postback URL ID is passing through correctly (called the “visitor ID” for Campaigns in ClickMagick).

I would suggest installing a Chrome Extension called “Redirect Path” or any such variation of it depending on the browser you are using so that you can check to make sure your postback URL is set up correctly.

When installed, go through this process of signing up and going to the thank you page and then the affiliate offer and see if the [cmc_vid] token gets populated with an actual number instead.

If it does, that means you set everything up correctly.

If not, that means something is off and you should double check your setup.

Oftentimes the issue is that the Campaigns code isn’t added to the corresponding page – so just make sure to add the code to that page and it should work properly if you followed the steps shown in this video.

That’s it!

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  1. hello ivan thnx a lot for your videos i have learned a lot from you thank you very much
    i just have one question after setting up the secret key and the instant notification url for the fisrt time and setting up a campaign the question is for my next campaign do i have the redo all of that or i just get my affiliate link and go to campaign url builder in clickmagick and set it up ?

  2. Hi Ivan I'm using get response and I have pasted the code in the landing page and it's added in clickmagick but I don't know how to add more landing pages in clickmagick ,when I add more landing pages there is only one project named how can I see from which landing page the keywords are and which landing page got me a sale

  3. Just about to sign up for a ClickMagick trial but your 30-day trial link is broken (gives a 404 error). Is this offer still available? If so could you fix the link ASAP as I really want to sign up 🙂

  4. Thank you so much a thousands times ivan, your the man. Now i can start my bing ads campaign this coming days. Really appreciate your effort..
    Looking forward to video on how to track sales on email marketing autoresponder like getresponse. ill sign up on your clickmagick link this coming days i promise.. And if you have an affiliate link on getresponse, i love to sign up under you. Cheers keep it up

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