Clickbank *QUIZ* Landing Page Step-by-Step Tutorial (Using ClickFunnels)

Watch behind my shoulder as we build out a ClickBank quiz landing page using ClickFunnels in this step-by-step tutorial.

A quiz landing page is useful for several reasons, some of them being:

1. Increased user commitment since now the user has to click several more buttons
2. More targeted audiences
3. Gives more control to the user and perception of tailored offers

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
2:03 – Selecting our ClickBank offer
3:31 – Creating a quiz landing page
49:13 – Setting up conversion tracking with ClickMagick

Let’s go over each of the steps in creating our ClickBank quiz landing page in ClickFunnels.

Step 1: Selecting our ClickBank offer

The first thing you have to do is of course select a ClickBank offer.

We have already promote quite a lot of them, so in this video we went ahead and selected “Steel Bite Pro”, which is a tooth-decay oriented offer.

These quizzes are especially beneficial for ClickBank offers because instead of taking people directly to a video with no context, you now ask people relevant questions and then only send them to the video as a solution to their problems, which makes a lot more sense.

If you haven’t signed up for ClickBank yet, you can do so for free here:


Be honest and enter real information about you and you should be approved pretty quickly.

Let’s move on to the next step in creating a ClickBank quiz landing page with ClickFunnels!

Step 2: Creating a quiz landing page

OK, now for the fun part, creating the actual landing page.

I have a video where I show you how to create a 53.68% conversion rate landing page with ClickFunnels from scratch here:


In this video, we also start from scratch and use the same concepts, but add the “survey” element in ClickFunnels to build out our quiz.

We are told that this element is still in beta, but it’s been about 2-3 years that they’ve been in beta… so I don’t think they’re coming back and “finishing” this up anytime soon.

That being said, it does work pretty consistently and pretty well, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.

For this ClickBank product, we came up with some teeth-related questions, like how many times a day does the site visitor brush their teeth, do they have any specific issues, would they be interested in hearing about a solution and so on.

We also added some more information right below the survey to describe our survey in more detail – what it’s about and what users can achieve by filling in the survey.

Upon completing the survey, a pop-up will show up where the user can enter their name and email.

They then get redirected to a thank you page where the user has the option to go to the main affiliate product page.

So once we’re done tidying up the landing page, pop-up and thank you page, we’re good to go to the last step in this ClickBank quiz landing page tutorial – setting up tracking!

Step 3: Setting up conversion tracking

As you already know, tracking is incredibly important when running your ads.

You have to be able to know where the sales/optins are coming from so that you can optimize for those specific elements and not everything else that yields no results.

I’ve been using ClickMagick for the past 4 years and haven’t been disappointed. You can see my ClickMagick overview video linked at the bottom.

But what we’re going to do is head over into ClickMagick campaigns and grab the website code.

We’re going to add the main landing page code and add it to the header section of our ClickFunnels landing page.

Then we’re going to take the action conversion code and add it to the thank you page.

We don’t have to do anything with the pop-up.

Now, whenever someone goes to our landing page and signs up, we’ll see a click and then an action in our ClickMagick stats (assuming you set up tracking – link below).

You’ll see the sales in your ClickMagick dashboard as well.

And that’s how you create a ClickBank quiz landing page in ClickFunnels!

🌟 *BONUS* 🌟

Here is the link to your OWN quiz landing page funnel template that you can use for any offer and just plug in headlines/values depending on the offer:


Additional Resources:

👉 Complete Paid Ad (and Remarketing) Training Courses:

👉 ClickFunnels free 14-day signup:

👉 ClickMagick free 14-day trial:

👉 ClickMagick overview video:

👉 ClickFunnels playlist:

👉 How to track ClickBank sales with ClickMagick:

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Google Ads (using Unbounce):

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. It looks like you can read your subscribers mind to know which video they want next. Unfortunately, as I have already paid for GrooveFunnels, I cannot invest in ClickFunnels. Is there any alternative for creating quiz landing pages?

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