Growing an Online Audience is So Easy in 2020! (Full Webinar)

We’ve built over 2 dozen successful blogs and YouTube channels over the past several years, and we’re continuously starting more sites and channels to stay current on what works and what doesn’t.

In this blogging/YouTube webinar, we share the EXACT up-to-date strategies we use to be successful making each site or channel, and several pitfalls to avoid along the way.

You can STILL be successful in making a living online! We hope this give you the steps and confidence you need to get it done!

To subscribe to Anna’s channel head here-

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When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. Thanks again for the encouragement and the energy that you put into doing this tutorials, I really appreciate it. You talked about doing Blogging and YouTube separately. Would it also work if both are used to promote the same niche? Once again thank you

  2. hi- i do enjoy your videos with learning seo for my website in general and for wanting to start a blog for it { i own a handmade jewelry and accessories business- }
    i want to try and get more traffic this way and I am a big researcher (mostly winding up helping my boyfriend with something, or me with something for my business)
    but i do wonder, does my domain name matter a lot to add a blog to my site? is my domain, my idea for a blog has like going to be sort of like entrepreneur and fashion type blog and what i learn and different tips or interviews type thing and also in a unique perspective how to deal with it as a type 1 diabetic
    just my general thinking at this present moment-just wanted to know opinion on this

  3. I’d like to know if I should just post content, gain traffic and then sign up to affiliate programs, or should I get on with affiliate links immediately?

  4. Can you do a video talking about the advantages of publishing content daily? I write a daily blog about using ASMR to assist with addiction and alcoholism recovery. Everyday I select one video, write a post inspired by that video, and embed the video into the post. My goal is to create a deep connection with people who are looking for a confident voice on the subject of ASMR and/or addiction recovery. My tactic is less information driven, and more about being prolific.

    I understand that the taboo subjects of addiction recovery/alcoholism and ASMR are difficult enough to monetize by themselves, but writing about them together, it has felt more than twice as difficult!

    What I have done in an effort to generate an income, is I have started screen-printing [and tie-dying] my own shirts. So I sell the shirts on the blog, and if I sold 50 shirts per month I would consider that a BIG WIN!

    I've been writing my daily blog for over 150 days in a row, and at first I was using Yoast, but now I use Rank Math and I like it better. Since August 1st I've had 442 organic visitors and the average time spent on my site is about 42 seconds, which is ample considering my daily articles can be read in 2 or 3 minutes.

    If I want people to find my Tyedyed and Screen-printed shirts, I should:
    1: Keep bringing traffic to my site and hope they find the shop.?
    2: Work on the shop's SEO so that people can find the shop directly when searching Google?
    3: Create an entirely new website about tyedie?

    The question is: How much more difficult is it to monetize a less-focused daily blog, than a blog which publishes once per week, but is intensely focused on gaining the top Google spot for one specific keyphrase. Do I have a business on my hands? Or am I just writing for fun?

  5. I learnt about search analysis the hard way, but it really is true that one well written article, that is about the right subject/topic can get 100x more views than an article that is not.

  6. Hi, do you have a video about domain investing/selling? My domain I checked with GoDaddy is priced at $4.5k I'm not sure if that is true.

    51 days left.

    Do I renew?

  7. At 18:55, Ricky suggests that putting anything on social media that links to posts on a site is something that Google will penalise on because of the backlink factor.
    Does this now mean that we shouldn’t put anything on Pinterest or a Facebook page, with a link to a post, because the backlinks will be detrimental to the ranking chances of the post?

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