ClickFunnels: How to Create a 52.68% Conversion Rate Landing Page (2020!)

Watch behind my shoulder as I build out a ClickFunnels landing page (with a 52.68% conversion rate!) from scratch!

Let’s build out a high-converting ClickFunnels landing page together completely from scratch.

We are using a template provided by Unbounce that has a high conversion rate based on thousands of website visitors.

We already built out this same high-converting landing page in Unbounce and Thrive Themes, so check those videos out as well, but it’s time for ClickFunnels!

👉 Creating a 52.68% conversion rate landing page in Unbounce:

👉 Creating a 52.68% conversion rate landing page in Thrive Themes:

ClickFunnels is a very easy to use funnel/landing page builder and I’ve been using it for the past 3 years to build out my high-converting landing pages and make money with affiliate marketing.

In this video we create a landing page from scratch, so let me quickly show you around.

If you already have ClickFunnels, hopefully this video will show you around and help you build out a landing page.

If you don’t have ClickFunnels, then hopefully this video will help you decide if you like this page builder and determine if it’s right for you.

ClickFunnels also offers a free 14-day trial, so check it out via my affiliate link here if you haven’t signed up yet:

👉 ClickFunnels free 14-day trial:

When you first sign in, you have to click on “create new funnel” at the top-right of the screen.

From here on, you can either choose “cookbook” and select from an existing template, or go through the other option and build the ClickFunnels landing page from scratch.

Once you select the template, you would use the drag-and-drop builder on the right-hand side to add elements, such as text or images.

The teal box is the “section”.

This is the main background box where you will have all your content stored.

Inside this section, you will have the “rows”.

This is where you will house the actual elements – the build blocks of your ClickFunnels landing page.

You can create a 1-column, 2-column, 3-column, etc… row, so it doesn’t just have to be one column.

The good thing about ClickFunnels is that it makes it easy to build out and measure the blocks – you don’t have to measure how tall and wide you want the blocks to be – just add the block and it’ll automatically be perfectly measured in blocks.

On the other hand, you also have less flexibility as you aren’t able to add elements wherever you want them to go, such as the arrow to the exact right of the optin form.

After that come the specific elements.

You can drag and drop the elements from the right-hand side onto your page.

This includes buttons, text, images, video blocks, countdown timers, and so on.

I encourage you play around with the builder yourself now that you know how it works and try out all or some of these elements yourself.

It’s a good practice to add rows whenever possible instead of element blocks as rows give you more control over the size of the block inside, such as the total width.

Individual elements don’t allow you to adjust the width, so that’s why I personally suggest going with additional rows whenever possible.

Also, if you add a multi-column row, you can adjust the width of each individual column by clicking on the “manage columns” on the top-right side.

From here you can adjust the width of each individual column in your ClickFunnels landing page – easy to do.

If you want to add additional features to your page, such as the email autoresponder integration, favicon, etc… make sure to check out my ClickFunnels playlist linked below.

I have 60+ ClickFunnels videos where I teach you every little component of building out your pages.

If you also want to build out an entire funnel and not just a landing page, I have a video covering that here as well:


Also don’t forget to set the URL you want to take people to after they sign up.

In our example we set the first button to “Submit form” and then went into settings and added my domain –

For the 2nd button, we wanted people to scroll back up to the top, so we selected the “scroll to” option on that specific button and made it take people to the top of the page.

And that’s how you create a ClickFunnels landing page!

👉 ClickFunnels free 14-day trial:

👉 ClickFunnels playlist with 60+ videos:

👉 Like my Facebook page!:

👉 Also be sure to check out my courses at


What do you think?


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  1. great video Ivan!! Thank you. I am really liking your video selections!!
    Hey, so what video screen recording software are you using in making this training video? I recently came upon one that was able to do this, and for the life of me, I cannot find it! Would greatly appreciate if you were willing to share.

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