Double Your eCommerce Sales With A Few Simple Tweaks – Module 2 – Part 1 – eCommerce Unlocked

Today is another day of SEO Unlocked and today we’re going to be covering conversion rate optimization.

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So let’s dive into the first lesson of this week which is CRO.

By focusing on product pages we call them PDPs, you can increase revenue with a few simple tweaks.

So let me breakdown a really good product page. Two things that I want to emphasize on this page is a phone number. Things like badges that say free no contact delivery, those kind of things can help boost conversion rates.

With your website you want to optimize your meta descriptions. Meta descriptions will help boost conversion rates. So if you take your title tag and you look at your product pages or the landing pages and you make sure your title and meta description is appealing, it evokes curiosity, lets them know what they’re going to get, isn’t too long where it gets cut off from search and isn’t the optimal format which is natural, compelling content, you’re going to end up generating more sales, and if you want to analyze your meta tag, go to Ubersuggest.

Here’s multiple product shots. This is one of the easiest ways to boost conversions. When people are looking at a product they want to see every single viewpoint from it.Humans respond 6,000 times faster to visual images than they do over text. So make sure that you’re using visuals.

But when you’re using visuals, you want to make sure that you’re compressing your images so that way your page loads fast, because every second delayed in load time is going to cost you conversions. So compress your images, but still keep the quality up.

You also want to articulate your product descriptions. Turn the features into benefits and use a combination of logic and emotion. When you tie both of those two things in together because some people are more emotional, some people are more logical, but when you combine them both you’re going to hit all sides and boost your conversion rate.

For CTA buttons, people are more likely to click on Add To Cart than they are to click on Add to Bag, or Add to Shopping Bag, or Add to Basket. People prefer Add To Cart. Don’t get fancy or anything like that, stick with what people know and are used to.

Another thing that I recommend that you do on your pages is answer frequently asked questions. So by answering the most common questions in the FAQ section you’re going to save people time. It shows that you’ve thought through every single use case and it helps boost conversions. It’s simple, this one thing won’t drastically increase your conversions but if you combine everything that I’m talking about it really does help.

You also want to do exit intents. You can use products like Hello Bar to do this. So when someone’s leaving your website they’re not buying anything, I typically offer them a discount 5%, 10%, 20% in exchange for their email, that tends to work really well.

I also try to include case studies, reviews, testimonials, sometimes even video formats of that and email that tends to help a lot too and get people to come back and then buy again. Customer reviews are huge. People take that for granted.

An additional conversion hack that you can use is leveraging scarcity and urgency.
You can do this to your headlines or call to actions, but the more urgent people know that, hey, your product may be running out of inventory, the more likely they are to buy and you don’t want to trick or deceive them.

You got to go and optimize everything. One thing won’t really change your business but combining all of them is what’s really going to drive you more sales. It all starts from the traffic and at the very end, when you go through all the steps, it’ll end up generating you more revenue and there’s a ton of little steps but they all add up from offers, to email campaigns, to upsells, down cells, every time you have a new product launch telling people about it, all of this stuff really does help.

If you’re on Shopify, checkout Zipify Pages, it’s an easy way to generate more upsells. We love it to death.

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  1. Hello Neil Patel great work you are doing. I have a doubt I am a newbie in e-commerce and seo and I started a website which deals with online services like logo creating and all other types of digital work and I made that site using wix and I used Ubersuggest to know my competitors organic keywords and I found around 5000 keywords there but when I get to my wix panel I was able to enter only 5 6 keywords so can you please resolve my problem and tell me where can I put those keywords so my website can rank high on Google. Thanks once again

  2. Neil: SEO unlocked was the other course, now finished. This is eCommerce Unlocked. Your text says SEO unlocked, and your audio starts saying that too.
    Or am I wrong?

  3. On the tip for urgency and offering something to buy now… how can you tell if they are not returning from a previous visit and still getting the offer or discount despite not buying immediately the first time?

  4. Lately, Neil has been posting UNLOCKED series which he also sends in an email campaign. This method of digital marketing is using the Zeigarnik Effect, which is an interesting psychological phenomenon that has been proven in studies. Neil – maybe make a YouTube video about using the Zeigarnik Effect in marketing. Will be continued… Fill in the blank… etc.

  5. E Commerce is really a huge market in a world. It is really takes a long time to figure it out one by one. From this video, i learn about 2 things i concern to launch a good page which are put in phone number and free delivery will increase the conversion rates. We need to optimize our Meta description in website or land page. Meta description and the title will increase the curiosity of customer. Then, articulate our product description, make sure they can drop their email and try make a discount through their email to get their attention to buy our products. I need to put a lot patient into eCommerce, Rome is not built in a day. Really need time to go everything, try and error. We are not great to start but start to great. Thanks for this video.

  6. Hi Neil, loving the course. however I am not able to find all the pdfs that you mention in your website, under the training section. The only downloadable links I can see are course itinerary and smart goals

  7. Can i use same product description for all my products? I have tshirt website… I only change name of the product in description and rest all the same description for every tshirt i list. Is there any problem in it???

  8. Hello Neil, thanks for putting together this course.
    My brand is currently a single-product brand. Should I alter the implementation of your curriculum in any way considering this fact?

  9. Esto es una bomba de información, lo que se dice en menos de una hora, llevará tiempo en implementarse, pero sin duda si se quieren ventas se tendrá que implementar, con el tiempo será más sencillo porque se sabrá que es lo que hay que hacer. Gracias. Te seguimos.. 👍

  10. Neil does google seo works for sites which scrap data from different sites.
    For example if I scrap site A and show it's content in my site with all the SEO tags added will google rank my site? Or will it black list me

  11. Speaking of compressing images, have you heard about the new lazy load attribute supported by most browsers now? You can have the images load when the user scrolls over them with native HTML. It's a game changer for load times.

  12. nice one Neil, that's really useful. what is your opinion on trustpilot? they help to build trust but are pretty costly, thanks, Dan

  13. Hey keep motivating us with your great contents thank you! I have a general shopify store but inspite of running ads i am not getting visiotors as well as the visitors are coming they are not converting can you give me any idea why are not they converting? Thank you in advance😬

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