Unlock Success Podcast | This Almost Destroyed My Business

Here’s a POP QUIZ for you:

What do the following people have in common?

-Jimmy Carter
-Ulysses S Grant
-Winston Churchill
-Dwight Eisenhower
– & George Bush

If you guessed they all had insanely important jobs and had to make tough decisions every day – you’d be right.

But here’s what ELSE they have in common that might surprise you, they all used PAINTING as a way to unwind, relax, and get their mind off of whatever was going on in their crazy world.

And maybe they were on to something…

See, in a culture that’s so focused on hustling and grinding 24/7 we could probably learn a lot from very important and influential people who saw the need to slow down, take a break, get their mind off of work, and put their focus into something they enjoyed.

Ok, so maybe you’re not an artist, and maybe you don’t even have a hobby you wish you were doing right now, but there are still simple things YOU can do to make sure you’re giving your body the break it needs – so when the time comes to WORK in your business, you can function at OPTIMAL levels.

Watch today’s video to learn my FAVORITE strategies to prevent burnout in your life and business.


Where to find me:

🗣️ Follow Me on IG – https://www.instagram.com/anthonymorrison
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  1. I will admit that i would stay up late night and then wake up early for years as well. It would catch up to me and i'd be out, drained not able to do much, for a whole day and up to 3. I began getting more sleep and eating good nutritional foods as a start and then started being more active daily. I could see the difference in my productivity but the best improvement is my overall my level of joy and peace.

  2. AGREED! I'm A mess right now. Discouraged, tired, and questioning choices (which I never do!)… Just stuck. A pivotal week to be sure. So much to do, so little time. While watching this, I can't help but think, Yeah but what you're doing is successful. What I'm doing seems to be spinning my wheels.

  3. great words that I need to hear. Have most worked out but find hard to motivate the exercise part with being at home and not using the gym which I did power walking in the pool. too hot in texas to do much walking outside.

  4. I think you have given us some very important keys to prevent burnout. Sleep, Eating the right food, Exercise, and Relationships. Our live must be in balance to move forward toward success.

  5. Anthony, you are a master at teaching us about the whole package surrounding our business. What you say is so true. Thanks so much for your efforts in helping us to improve our lives on every angle.

  6. Amen, That was great advice and althoughI know it , I am pushing the edges and working too late. Then I don't sleep as well. (I have lost everything , like your parents did.) I am trying to provide an income for my family the way you did. The difference is , I'm 83 and I have been a singer and instrumentalist all my life and was born too early to be at home with computers. Your teaching is so good that even I feel YES, I Can Do it. No one thinks I can do it , but that makes be know I won't give up. My problem is I need HELP. I used my daughters credit card to buy Ambassador program. I put my name on the card as well but I think the program went to her. She does not do internet. Can you ask someone to correct this OOPS situation. I Need my Affiliate Link badly so I can earn an income.. and I need all my purchases recognized. inbox
    inner circle -Order Date: 07/02/20 -Order ID: 228125 $7…../Ambassador $1,4…..Christina Muir Ann Graf Order ID: 231579. Order Date 07/11/20. I have more programs but if these work the rest will too, maybe. Thank you so much . I am so grateful for your help! Ann Graf

  7. I have been in burnout before. In 1999 two of my employees who ran the day-to-day operations left within two months. I worked 80 to 90 hours for 1-1/2 years. I have never been the same after that. I had a manufacturing company with 45 employees who were counting on me to keep the company going. It was during Y2K time. I had 4 estimators during that time and 2 plant managers. The 3rd estimator called OSHA about us – anonymous call. It was not a fun time in my life. Finally I got a good estimator with number 4.

  8. You look really good Anthony, I'm so glad you are confident and humble to admit your most tender relationship issues with such grace! Truly a blessing to hear you speak from your heart as you do in the trainings you provide as well. I am proud of you for standing up, looking in the mirror and saying something has to change, and then sharing with your tribe. You drew a line in the sand and said, I'm not going back, I'm going forward, the horizon is in front of me and I have the love & support of my family and friends. What a beautiful and powerful message, thanks for sharing! Good job!

  9. #Hey Anthony great words of wisdom and I've implemented this for more than 10 years, and I know when I'm beginning to do too much in a day, and stop myself, or my dog will stop me and I clear my mind and then go again where I left off. You're an amazing person, thank you for all you do and have helped me with.

  10. Art has been my lifetime passion and I teach it in my art business, and I can tell you it has saved my sanity on more than one occasion, throughout my life. It is totally immersing and clears your mind of all your pressures, plus helps you to calm down and function as a person. Glad you have raised this Anthony as it is like music – it too has a positive effect on one's psyche, together with sleep it rejuvenates. Highly recommended. Thank you for highlighting this.

  11. This was hard to hear right now… I feel like I have to push everything to the limit right now to get where I need to be right now. I lost my job and now will lose the Federal bump, just starting out as an email marketer. But I know from how Feel something has to give. I will start implementing this right now. I need to be at my best as this is not coming easy to me at this age. Thank you for telling me what I need to do. I'm following in your footsteps. Thanks

  12. I'm not even close to burnout. My problem is difficulty focusing, not focusing too much. Nevertheless, I can see the truth of everything that you said. You made perfect sense. Also, I've been meaning to mention that you are so much more relaxed in your videos now than you were in your very first ones. It allows your true personality and wry humor to come to the fore and the videos are the better for it. Thank you.

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